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Everything posted by mandalicstab

  1. my team had to fight against 7 stealthers in hypergate. we could not cap anything thanks to their vanish.
  2. a passive ability adding rage when ataru form procs should be good .
  3. save your keybinding into import/export tab then export it after changing area.
  4. j'avais utilisé cette solution pour arreter mes pertes d'IPS en jeu. mais en warzone ,avoir le nom de tout le monde qui prend tout l'ecran rendait le jeu injouable. il s'avere que la methode proposé pour palier au probleme de "jeu rapide" est la meme que j'ai utilisé auparavant pour aussi regler ma perte d'IPS. un soucis avec le bitraider apparemment.
  5. worked for me and it seems that even fixed my fps loss issue in warzones.
  6. en fouillant un peu sur le net , j'ai trouvé et constaté que desactiver l'option de distance des plaques de noms aidait à reduire grandement la perte d'IPS dans les zones de guerre et peut etre en JCE aussi mais je ne pratique pas. cependant en desactivant cette option les plaques de nom apparaissent trop enormes à l'ecran et rendent la perception du placement des joueurs ennemis difficile, ce qui implique de desactiver tout bonnement les plaques de noms et donc d'augmenter la difficulter de se concentrer sur certains adversaires. serait il donc possible de retravailler cette option afin de regler ce probleme de perte d'IPS , SVP ?ou bien tout simplement d'identifier et regler toute option faisant perdre ces IPS.
  7. from now it will be 5vs3 .
  8. the bug happened to me recently with my sin when i tried to phantom stride a foe. -i was carrying the ball. -the foe i targeted for my phantom was a ledge above me. -just after my phantom on him i was directly teleport on the enemy respwn room -i was then OS like if i was out of bound. -i lost the ball -not sure but i think the one i tried to phantom got the ball -even if i was teleported to their respwn and had the ball,it did count as marking. -it happened in the last huttbal released in the game (don't remember the name) -i only play in regs and solo, so i had no accomplice or anything of the sort to synchronize to make this thing happen. hope this help figuring out something and help for fixing if some BW staff read this.
  9. Well, let say it's a new kind of objective : don't let your ennemies get the ball but with an unknown result of which team will win in case of 0 vs 0. The more the devs unbalance the classes ,the worst pvp will go in this game.Now if you don't play the FOTYear classes in pvp, you are just an idiot.There is no room for players looking for fun with the classes or spec they love. i really miss the first year when this game was released.we could still deal with unbalances and still had fun in pvp.
  10. i think you HT at the same you were force pushed.at least thats what i've seen.
  11. But now some classes can tank dps and heal themselves at the same time. I miss my hybrid sin :/ .
  12. even if they find out how to lessen this desync , there will be still ppl using the lag hack switch .
  13. they never fix things,they only buff what is already powerfull. first solution : they will buff roll in a way that players can fly from their spwn to the ennemy line with just one roll plus an autotake when you fly over the ball in huttball. second solution : they will buff electronet in a way it becomes an AOE with a 500m radius and a oneshot effect ,so people won't have time to use any roll, evade nor DCD.
  14. the only cool thing i've seen stacking as much alacrity as possible is when i play carnage mara and spending ability points in strangulate and brooding , that brings force choke and intimadating roar to a 28s cooldown while under berserk,then comboing ferocity>ravage>gore with the 6 pieces bonus set . the damages are not marvelous but decent enough to a point your foe feels he sould use his panic DCD buttons.
  15. the only thing i see is that you did not fall into the easyness of playing fury spec like other sheep/cheap maras nowadays,i love anni spec. i praise you for this .
  16. matchmaking is already ingame,can't you see all these mercs in every teams ? >.>
  17. i don't like crit relics in pvp cause they are RNG based and crit is already RNG,i would go for mastery + power ones if you pvp in premades,or mastery + healer ones if once again you are under but near 38% crit rate for solo. i'm using power + healer ones actually because i have these 38% and because i'm solo pvping and need survivability ,i spent one utility point in thirst of rage too.
  18. i'm always building without bolster in count cause i don't know how to get profit from it but you can try your build with it. i don't have 240 ,using 228 only for the moment except for my hilts which are 230 if i remember.And yes full power augments or some mastery ones if you are under but really near your 38%. EDIT: forgot to say these 38 % are reached from full datacrons,all classes buffs,latest mastery/power stims and unlocked partners too.
  19. Aiming for 38% crit rate added your 12% from juyo stacks to reach 50%, over than 50% will still be 1/2 chance for your dots to crit(theorycaly), rest in power for biggest damages from berserk,or rest in alacrity for faster tics and some CD reductions but less damages. Full alacrity is just fun or usefull for CD reductions on your force choke and intimidating roar if you have spent utilities points in their 15s reduction too.but this build lacks in damage output.you'll just be an offhealer during berserk in pvp.not worth it IMO. to sumarize: -reach 38 % crit rate with accessoriers and modifications + 12% from juyo = 50% crit rate from dots -power augments and enhancements. -if you have free rooms for modifications go for power+/alacrity for faster tics and CD reductions,or power+precision for resistance reduction of your targets,dots are internal damages. this is not an ultimate pvp build,this is just the one i'm aiming too.Already tested full alacrity and felt useless in pvp.
  20. Hi and sorry in advance for my bad english because i'm a french player. (maybe its enough to not take me seriously ? lol). Most of my post will be toward the OP, first of all you claimed starting a conversation about merc class.This means you must accept arguments that goes against this class,even if you don't aggree you don't have to be insulting people by "lazy", "stupid" or other possible words. That being said i will speak about my experience in pvp as a merc.i'm actually playing this class because i need to level my cybertech so i decided to level the class too in the time.i like leveling my classes through pvp instead of pve because it allows me to learn to adapt gameplays to the targets. I am not yet 70 but since the start i find this class really easy to play and more easy since i reached 62 and spent a discipline point into Thrill of the hunt(never found this easyness in the other classes i played).the only moment it is difficult and i end up dying is when i'm focused by the other team.otherwise against 2-3 guys i just have to run around a pylar or a rock to make them change target and coming back to kill them from afar. I'm not saying merc did not need these changes on their CDs,but at least for a ranged class with these CDs their dps should be lowered,i don't know if its from bolster or from multiple debuffs but i have seen mercs doing over 39K in one shot and the board only shows the damage that killed the target if this shot killed ,maybe it was higher. These changes make me feel like the DEV in charge for this class was super bad at CoD or other FPS games and is getting revenge in a mmo lol. that aside , i don't think you are arguing at all about mercs but just making an apology to this class because you does not accept anything that can prove you are wrong in some aspects.But once again i'm french and i maybe misunderstood your view. Have a good game.
  21. speed hack = speed win/sure win = power leveling another account or friends accounts. This is one of the reason i found to use this cheat,but as you said maybe he is just a psycho. since i transfered to TRE i just met one hacker and just once in voidstar.We all left the wz and never met him back.
  22. GG sur vos combats,certains se gagnent au poil de Q,ça fait plaisir de voir qu'il reste encore un peu de bons joueurs sur DN,cependant si ceux d'en face savaient utiliser leur cutcast certains combats se finiraient autrement , mais bon une victoire reste une victoire, GG encore.
  23. Premiere année : ouin ouin je sais pas contrer cette classe en bg,please nerf it ! ! ! Resultat : nerf à la machette et disparition de ces classes(allez on va dire cette classe pour ne pas la nommer) et apparition de quelques builds hybrid sortant du lot. Deuxieme année : ouin ouin je sais pas contrer ces hybrids , please nerf it ! ! ! Resultat : quelques nerfs et ajouts de paliers dans les arbres de competences rendant les hybrid quasi infaisables , à part la spé choc des chevaliers/guerriers.Entrainant une autre fournée de pleurniches et des vagues massives de desabonnements.Esperer faire revenir les anciens et garder les derniers acharnés avec le passage en freetoplay. Troisieme année : ouin ouin je sais toujours pas utiliser mes dix doigts ni ma tete pour jouer ma classe , please je veux avoir un godmode ! ! ! Resultat : refonte totalle des arbres pour creer des specialisations dont certaines surpassent les autres en BG.On y verra pratiquement plus que des sorciers/sages et des ravageurs/gardiens capables de rester en vie et de dps à la fois.Plus l'apparition de capacités de deplacement rendant les objectifs en bg inutiles à faire et que viser les 8 medailles est plus lucratif. Pour moi le jeu est mort depuis sa deuxieme année,la faute en revient principalement à BW qui a preferé repondre aux plaintes plus nombreuses qu'aux encouragements lorsque le jeu etait encore interessant.Ils ont esperer refaire du benefice en facilitant les classes ,ce fut l'effet inverse. La faute principale revient quand meme aux joueurs laxistes,incapables de faire le moindre effort de comprehension sur leur classe ou les classes adverses,preferent reroll sur les classes godmode faciles à jouer,deviennent arrogants en croyant qu'ils savent jouer,polluent les canaux de discussions des serveurs de cette arrogance,agacent les peu de joueurs serieux qui finisseent par fuir en changeant de serveur pour retrouver de nouveau d'autres idiots du meme accabit finalement. Bref les serveurs meurent à petit feu et ça finira par une nouvelle fusion pour avoir qu'un serveur par langue jusqu'à la mort definitive du jeu.Toute reunion ambitieuse pour reveiller la communauté sera vaine.L'initiative est bonne mais tardive car ce declin touche toutes les communautés,européennes comme americaines. BW a abandonné son jeu à des developpeurs interimaires,peut etre meme ils finiront par le refourguer à gameforge,le specialiste en recyclage des freetoplay....
  24. the problem is that the tank won't let you do this and they will win because tank have the dps of a pure dps.
  25. Huttball was fun,the "new" mobility skills killed this fun.BW just need to make the use of these skills losing the ball if we carry it,like the bubble for sage/sorc or the vanish for shadows/assassins.
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