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Everything posted by Seydis

  1. The is essentially that they've now created a catch-22 situation with the punishment system (I don't see how we can call these rewards, let's just call it what it is). You need good gear to win a WZ, but you need to win WZs to get the gear. Seems pretty simple and obvious. Just fix it. People need more rewards or they will leave WZs and SWTor in general, it's really as simple as that. Unlike the sports analogy, this is a leisure activity for people, and when it becomes more frustrating and leisurely, it's pretty easy to decide to no longer pay that $15 permonth. And, BW has VERY little time to fix this or they will hemorage PvP subscribers.
  2. You sir, have just described my 1.2 PvP "strategy." If you get only 1 node in Civil War, why would you waste 15 minutes when you know you will get next to nothing? The best is when you are in a que for 5 minutes to only get dropped into a Civil War WZ that is down 200-600. There is no reason to not just leave that WZ. Also, the easy answer to fixing this is simply to provide more rewards. But, this is so simple that BW will come up with something more complex that will probably fix one thing and just break another. What was wrong with rewards before 1.2?! Why was anything even changed?!
  3. Wow, so they broke this too?! Between this and the PvP "rewards," the only thing left to break is PvE now.
  4. This will never happen because it it is simple and would work. They'll just release a patch that fixes one thing and Fs up another.
  5. I play a lot of PvP. Why should I have a que wait of 5 minutes to just end up joining a losing team where they cannot win and I cannot get any rewards at all? I wil be quittign a lot of WZ until my sub runs out or until BW fixes PvP in general. I don't think it can really be argued that BW didn't indeed destroy PvP with 1.2. 1.2 was not terrible for PvE players, but they severely hosed PvP.
  6. Seydis

    Leave the Warzone

    Yeah, Civil War is hard to come back from most of the time. I will no longer be wasting 15 minutes of my time when BW has killed the PvP rewards. WZs are no longer worth the time invested if you even look like you're going to lose.
  7. The problem isn't really the fact that the losing rewards are terrible. The problem is that they've designed a system where people know well in advance if they are going to lose and get no rewards, thus they can just leave and not waste their time. In a perfect world, pre-mades would not be placed against pugs so there'd be less facerolling. But we all of course know that a pre-made only que would take ages just to que into a WZ. I do not envy BW here in trying to fix this. But, with all of the problems in terms of low populations, pre-mades vs. pugs, faction imbalance, etc, I can't really see any solution that would keep people playing aside from not punishing losing teams so much. Bottom line, is this game fun for everyone to play? If you're on a losing WZ team where you get little to no rewards, then the answer is easily no. This is a game, and I find it hard to believe that everyone could say that PvP is now a fun thing in which to participate. People want to have fun when playing a game. 0 rewards for $15 per month is not fun.
  8. The main reason that people stay there is because that's where the PvP mission terminals are, as well as the PvP vendors. If these things were on every planet, then there wouldn't as much incentive to stand by the terminal all night.
  9. So we'll be able to buy the schematics for the rated/unrated WZ gear form a vendor for WZ comms? Didn't realize that, but I'm also pretty new to crafting here. And, I like the look of the new PvP gear over the new PvE gear in general (for the medium/light Imp classes anyway).
  10. You and me both. I have hardly any PvE gear right now since I started focusing on PvP. So I'd have to start the PvE gear acquisition/grinding process from scratch anyway. And, I have about half Champ PvP gear and stopped grinding that until 1.2. So for us, 1.2 will be good since we don't have to re-grind much of anything. But at the same time, I cannot believe that they didn't make the changes retroactive to existing Orange gear in some way. Also, for the new gear, will the set bonuses be "bound" to that armor mod forever? Just wondering what woudl happen if they were to eventually be able to acquire a better armor mod, but then be shafted again because of the set bonus being tied to the inferior armor mod.
  11. Also, stick with it and then just wait till you get Talos, the healer. After I got him, it was very rare to be killed by anything. And you will seethe a lot less. I found that I was mainly seething in the later part of the class quest to only get my force bar back up. You will never really need anyone other than Talos once you get him. Unfortunately, you won't pick him up until a lot later in the game. I wish they'd given us the tank (Khem), followed by the healer (Talos).
  12. Valor requirements are going away after the 1.2 patch in April some time. So until then, it's your choice what you want to do in the mean time.
  13. Sorry if I missed this from the summit details or anything, but was wondering. So right now there are the 50 and 1-49 brackets for WZs. After 1.2, will the 1-49 people be able to participate in ranked WZs? I realize that might be foolish, since they'd get murdered, but was just curious if ranked WZs were: 1. A single ranked WZ type OR 2. A 1-49 ranked WZ and a 50 ranked WZ Keeping the 50 bracket seems a little odd now doesn't it? I mean I would think that the geared 50s would participate in Ranked WZs, and the others could just join the 1-49 crowd. But, I'm guessing in the end, that there will be: 1. Non-ranked 1-49 2. Non-ranked 50 3. Ranked WZs (accessible by all levels or 50 only) Has this been talked about in regards to 1.2?
  14. I'm stoked for this. I just got a new helmet, best so far for my Sorcerer, and I look like someone glued a bunch of D batteries to my head. It looks ridiculous. The first piece of head gear that I received in my class story was the best looking really. http://www.torhead.com/item/3fgRDdU/prototype-venerable-battleminds-headgear
  15. Space ships would "bank" when turning like they do in atmosphere.
  16. Yup, you need a dedicated graphics card. Hoping you got a Dell desktop and not a laptop with the integrated graphics since you can't really switch out a laptop's video card (at least easily).
  17. I hit lvl 42 last night and I look forward to pulling people into fires this evening. Thanks for reminding me, or I might have forgotten to add that to the quickslot and keybind that power! See you in Huttball!
  18. ^^ Nope. The New Republic wasn't even a part of the movies at all. It was the Rebellion at that time. The New Republic was created in the EU books entirely.
  19. Nice. Good laugh for the morning there. But maybe increase that cooldown time!
  20. Well said. Most often, size is a lifestyle choice. Maybe lose wait to increase your roleplaying immersion then?
  21. Been trying to get my DAILY win for 6 days now. But, I've been playing in a lot of pugs at night getting murdered. Longest losing streak ever. Then I finally "win." And as Alex Trebek says, "notice that 'win' is in quotation marks."
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