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Everything posted by Seydis

  1. Just wondering if anyone cared to share their keybinds and what their quickslots looked liked for a Darkness Assassin. I know I need to start using keybinds as opposed to mouse clicking, but when I get into combat I seem to switch right back to mouse clicking.
  2. Drag the boss back into the hallway through which you entered, and you shouldn't have too much of a problem. I was Darkness, so the little mobs didn't kill me to much at lvl19 when I first tried it.
  3. Well, Willpower will boost your damage and Endurance your survivability. So if you want DPS, go willpower and if you want to focus on tanking, go endurance, right? I will admit I've been wondering the same thing as of lately. I'm going up the darkness tree as an assassin and most of my gear is focused on Willpower, and I've been thinking I should focus more on Endurance. But then again, the willpower-focused gear has been working well so far. Would like to hear other opinions here as well.
  4. Great info. I've been wondering this myself lately after the Padawan on the Black Talon murdered me!
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