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Everything posted by hattertea

  1. Back when I was young we had to carry batteries for our lightsabers! Damn whippersnappers! Well guns and sabers in this era are a little larger than during the Civil War era.... so Ha! Speaking of guns.... All our guns still fire the same kinda bullet as when they were first made.. same mechanics in essence right? Who is to say a galaxy cannot remain the same technology wise? Someone want to look at the Battletech universe and tell me how much that galactic civilization has progressed?
  2. Just to let you know... these two are the same.
  3. "Now you are dumb, ugly, and dead!" - Corso Riggs, to some effect.
  4. Free2Play seems to make everyone forget the most important aspect of that model.. You have a cash shop that you pretty much need to spend in to get anything good or do anything worthwhile... $20 dollars to buy a flashpoint... no thank you.
  5. Because the Sith Empire of KOTOR's Sith Empire used those sort of ships. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Centurion-class_battlecruiser
  6. Chances are that healer isn't doing much damage to you. its pretty much of a balance out, you are both lasting equal amount of time because clearly that healer wasn't damaging you down in under thirty seconds.
  7. There otta be a companion roll option..
  8. Must everything be hand fed? Isn't discovery in itself a reward?
  9. No I think he just wants a paper memo... with a fancy SWTOR letterhead.
  10. Yes and they shouldn't be either. Its not wise to feed the panda bears and contribute to failed discussions.
  11. 1,000%? I don't want to take 5 years to get to level 50.
  12. WoW is hardly a failure and this is hardly the place to discuss WoW.
  13. What was the mistake again? Was there something specific you are indicating at? Blanket arguments/complaints do not work.
  14. Since we like to compare everything and a lamb, who would win this battle and why? R2-D2 vs Hal 9000 vs Skynet vs Gort vs Johnny Five
  15. Who's lightsaber is better? Exar Kun's or Darth Bane's?
  16. Roll a Sith Citizen, you can be the center of attention and everyone would want to kill you to achieve absolute victory.
  17. They still gotta run letter around the developers on their input, can't pull details out of their backsides?
  18. Would you like developers taking the time out of their busy days to post a few words of what they are currently doing? Or would you rather them to continue what they are currently doing interrupted so they can get what they are working on out in time?
  19. If you are at the lowest of the settings there is nothing more you can do.
  20. Customer Service cannot help you fix your bugs, they can help with little things. If you got some serious issue they'll pass it onto the developer team not fix it themselves because they are not able to.
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