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Everything posted by Kaelano

  1. so... you'd rather see people potentially get very unlucky doing hm and nmm ops for several weeks with possibly no rakata? are you interested in being the only person playing this game in 2 months?
  2. I didn't suggest granting the rakata coms from fp's. Also some rakata is available through planetary dailies. Considerb4upretentioussnert
  3. OP's question is a good one, but I will promise you that data will be insignificant in process without parse. Either you can do it or you can't and you only find out through trying. The danger is lockout when you could be farming hard mode for drops, with better potential for nightmare completion after weeks of completing hard.
  4. I think you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. 26 "kills" is a very low number for the intent of the suggestion, and within periods of "months" bw releases new content.
  5. 26 hm runs is 13 weeks currently. Don't you think after 3 months of dedicated playing people should have something to show for sure? Also, I'm not asking it be cheap, only possible.
  6. Why should a dps be allowed to press two buttons then balls-out faceroll min/maxed dps? How about if bioware just mails loot to entitlement whores?
  7. Don't you think this would be a great idea? After a number of kills in hard and nightmare many may have only 1 or 2 rakata lootz. Why not have rakata commendations drop, for a (potentially expensive) but nonetheless potential fix to loot distribution? At least people could get full rakata before running the instances 50 times.
  8. Altho it appears a random aggro table, and I understand this is how many players have presented the fight, after many encounters with this mob I suspect this outlook is not entirely true. It is completely possible to focus the mob's hate on 2 particular players through the course of the fight. Listen in your vent to whom the mob points and notice often it's generally the same people. Another instance of "not-so-random" RNG like lootz? I think, after trying the fight several times, the mechanism is a type of "memwipe" or "hate table drop". The next person targeted will be the threat instantly accrued directly after each "process". This makes the hate priority appear random, but may be manipulable.
  9. 6:45 pm central assassin of sion server hm ev pylons NSSS did NOT work
  10. It's very funny most people posting about hm and nm being "too easy" are imp side. You already chose the "easy faction" of two. There is absolutely no discussion to this. For shame in your hypocrasy.
  11. We have a few great shadow tanks, but since last patch, while they know how to play their toons and play exactly the same as they have been, they've been taking more damage than usual from the same encounters and it's frustrating for them. As a healer, I notice it also. I wondered at first if it was my heals getting nerfed with surge, but I have little surge, mainly from artifacts, and my numbers look relatively the same. So, has anyone else noticed this? Was it a stealth nerf? Was it somehow broken to start, and now that it's fixed will it be the status quo? Didn't see anything in patch notes... Did BW break something with Shadows?
  12. There seems to be alot of discrepancy in the forums about which "tier" is what. I see some people label tiers 1, 2 and 3, while others label 1, 1.5, and 2. I read a thread yesterday wherein someone labeled something "tier 1.4". Wat? It seems to make the most sense T1 is tionese or any equivalent which adds to a value of 126. In pvp this would be centurion. T1.5 would be 136 items, columni or named equivalent, which can be relatively easily accumulated by a toon with several slots short of t1, but it's a little nicer, like a slightly luckier drop for the same difficulty. Similarly in pvp, champion gear has no valor requirement. T2 is rakata or battlemaster. To get the second tier gear, a toon must be mostly geared in T1 or equivalent to participate in HM or NM ops. Similarly, battlemaster has valor 60 requirement. Doesn't this make the most sense or am I completely off-base?
  13. Communicate to your raid to stop dps if someone is flung when Soa is close to 25%. Problem solved. It's not a bug.
  14. I like the change. It makes the encounter require 2 tanks working in tandem. Once we quickly realized what was going on, we remedied the situation. There is far too little demand for off tanks in ops already so I think it's great. Gone are the days of face-roll 1 tank ops. Hooray for BW!
  15. I like the looting system. Sometimes you get duplicates and it sucks. You shouldn't be fully geared after 2 runs, imo. Sorry for your bad luck and I feel that, but your argument is from some sense of entitlement.
  16. Good job working together and having fun. Your argument, however is pointless. If your gear is so far superior to the drops there was no point in doing it, except for the fun of it. In other words, "HUURRRR I WNET TU HAWTH AN TISH GAME SI SO EZ MODE WIF MA LV 50 N FULL (insert tier gear here)!! HURRRRR" But otherwise, nice vid. Edit: Doing anything imp side is easier, also.
  17. Parsing is necessary for anyone interested in playing well. If you're not interested in playing well, don't use it and avoid people who do. Those people will likely also be avoiding you. There is no argument here. For me, I just need someone to point me to where I can get a damage meter. I want to do the best I can for myself and my guild.
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