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Everything posted by Kaelano

  1. Wth is an autofacing? Is that a clicker thing? Turn around with your mouse, dude.
  2. Look, man. This is all really remedial stuff right now. The game's been out all of 3 months. What you're seeing now is the "minor leagues". Rakata, altho kinda rare and pretty truly isn't that much better than Columni. If it wasn't for Soa bugging the entire game would be a ridiculous breeze. Truly, I don't think the "game" has started yet. Anyone by now not in full Columni just has other priorities. People who want to be wearing full Columni should be. It's like... hell i dunno...mithril pieces from vanilla eq1, ebon from vanilla eq2, whatever the hell those set pieces were in upper/lower spire in wow... it's just the starting stuff. Relax.
  3. Why do you call it tier 2? It shares the same set bonuses with tionese and rakata. They're all tier 1.
  4. Being force-sensitive doesn't make you a jedi. Force-sensitive people can use blasters... it's just once you have jedi training you basically "are" a blaster and don't care to. Pureblood Sith species according to canon were never the prime examples of "powerful". Most of the "notable" powerful Sith were cross-breeds, more human than sith. It's particularly rare to find a "pureblood sith". They've been interbreeding with humans since around 6900 BBY. I think you people make up your own canon. I prefer the Star Wars one. Thanks.
  5. Oh, cool. A spec in which I can duel. As a sage, that would be handy. O wait...
  6. I read the thread name and figured it was a "that's what she said" joke... but seriously. Someone hasn't figured out how to spend Columni commendations.
  7. Believe it or not, there are people who haven't played alot of mmo's and normal mode is kinda hard for them. It's nice to be bright and talented. Why the hell are you wasting your hours on a video game? Go solve world peace, sissy.
  8. I see you're new to mmo's. At least they're doing well giving some kind of advanced warning.
  9. Daredevil could do it. Also their "sight" comes from innate force-sensitivity, not jedi training.
  10. I think quite the contrary. A true Sith "pureblood" might be upset with the way the human dark jedi enslaved and corrupted their species with inbreeding, and the best way to retaliate would be to side with the republic.
  11. Using Sith "purebloods" as an example kinda shows you have little understanding of lore... here's a good post I made today about "why"... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=373773 edit: sort of like how the "kingship" in mesopotamia were known as "rulers of babylon and sumer" a thousand years after sumeria stopped "existing".
  12. If they'd had this in intial character creation it would have been meaningless to most people who don't have knowledge or interest of canon. You'd have a bunch of messy looking cross-breeds and the game wouldn't look much like star wars. With care and interest tho, the above ideas presented sound cool...
  13. I can be anywhere, on any planet, within a few minutes. As a rule, MMO's have "speed limits" that are intended to restrict players from "racing there and doing that for maximum gain". The first such speed limit is walking instead of sprinting, then sprinting instead of riding. Later, you get bind points for instant travel to localities which you've already discovered. I've seen it in all MMo's by design. I think it's a good design philosophy. It stops newer players from "being overwhelmed" or "getting lost" in hopeless situations from which there's little escape other than death. Also it slows leveling alts at lightning pace and becomes a problem-solving issue for those who elect to work-around this if they are crafty. Some people don't like it because they feel it too restrictive and they want MOAR instant gratification. shrug.
  14. Sith species bloodline is so diluted, by and large they're hardly "Sith" anymore. Rather they are mostly human dark jedi with some sith characteristics. After their loss in the "hundred years darkness" in 6900 BBY, human dark jedi took over Korriban and interbred with the Sith species there. The famous Sith you read about have varying degrees of Sith bloodline, and the more "powerful" ones are thought to have more human dark jedi blood than sith. Ajunta Pall, conspired with the "lieutenants" of the Sith'ari (Former Sith species "king) and deposed him, then proclaiming him self the first "Dark Lord of the Sith". Since then, the title is carried by the successors of his title, rather than some homage to the Sith species itself.
  15. Never seen this. In cases where I have seen this "very fast dps, missing fight phase thing" happen, he didn't make it to lightning phase, just fell flat on the ground without having to knock him in the pit.
  16. Kaelano

    sith jaggernaut

    Does he look like a *****?
  17. Kaelano

    Sorc compesation

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  18. Unfortunately, when I solo queue I'm often grouped with "battlemasters" who are only such because they incessantly queue. They're not "good". They don't have situational awareness. They don't ever act as any part of a team if their real lives depend on it. They don't know how or when to properly switch targets. They don't know how or when to properly interrupt. All this and they've been playing since day 1. I swear to god if I have one more wz where I heal 500k and get 8 kills I'm going to lambast and alienate people, and as a result likely myself. Don't kid yourself, these people already exist. It's a horrible truth about online gaming.
  19. Kaelano

    Sorc compesation

    You're not following the conversation well. You also seem to think dps sorc/sage is supposed to equal commando/merc dps, while also having more utility. You might be happier with a merc since you can't find your buttons.
  20. Not if people are making proper use of their stances, they can't, and no one ever said "always guard healers", altho as a healer myself, I'll lobby for it hehe. I shouldn't be helping you people. I might be fighting you soon and it's better you're ignorant .
  21. marauder, properly geared, is only really great against light armor opponents, and in that respect, yes they can situationally be the best dps in important circumstances. they're not, however, the "best dps in game".
  22. Kaelano

    Sorc compesation

    Split spec sorc burst damage, added to all their utility, is OP for 1 toon. That's why it's changing.
  23. Kaelano

    Sorc compesation

    They have fun because it's an intentional misuse (albeit clever) of game mechanics by a class with so many useful tools. Sage is not intended to be the end-all-be-all pvp dps. You shouldn't have a range burst dps that cc's, slows, stuns, interrupts, heals, bubbles, ae knockbacks, and more. Think before you speak. Sorc/sage is far from weak, altho their light armor is often exploited by multiple practiced melee focus. This is called a foil, and all classes have them.
  24. Jugg shouldn't be the ball carrier. Totally negates his use of guard and taunt. How can you act so knowledgeable, yet be so wrong?
  25. I am a healer. You're going to guard me and taunt those attacking me (net -80% incoming damage) so I stay alive to heal you and the dps that are roflpwning everything on which you're tossing stuns and interrupts. If you don't LIKE that, you're missing the point.
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