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Everything posted by Kaelano

  1. My Nadia Grell has had Dantooine's Last Hope with magenta crystal since early January.
  2. If he's going to troll, can I? Obviously he plays imperial side! or Hello Kitty Island Adventure doesn't lean on gear upgrades! or Now that you're a fresh 50, jump undergeared into warzones! You will make friends!
  3. The "level of technology" advances and declines for different species at different times. I see your argument, but it's actually much deeper and would derail this thread. It suffices to say at one point, 30k+ years prior there were species with even greater levels of tech that incorporated force, amounting to galactic-power-imbalancing artifacts, only to be tossed, by their own internal strife, basically back into the stone age (rakata) or "removing themselves" to distant, protected localities. What we have now are the then-fledgling races "coming of age" re-discovering the "old stuff".
  4. Kaelano

    Sorc compesation

    I warn you! huh? Most people play split-spec sorc because they have no patience to learn finesse/timing. It amounts to split spec sorc players being chumps who like to take cheap shots and, when they no longer get their way, will cry and go home? Ok, too bad, goodbye. Can I have your stuff? edit: As to the "any burst class yadda yadda", I'd like to talk a little bit about "foils" and "team play".. oh nevermind. further edit: as your mirror, heal spec, i see the 1,2,1,2 lightning spam that sticks out like a sore (you know). I interrupt, count to 5, stun, and say in vent to random sentinel or shadow, "drop this jerk". They're doing you a favor by making you learn to play. Compensation? You should pay them double.
  5. There are purples with slots, too... generally upper level pve stuff.
  6. There's not enough info here to make a compelling argument, tho. We don't even know the state of your gear. You might be wearing level 32 gear, using a companion geared only as the day you got him. You may have walked into the encounter will all your "cooldowns down". You might not even know how to garner the "most from your spec". Why are you running around soloing as a defense spec? Do you group often? Where were your friends? You're right, it is kinda mean to say "learn to play", but if something's a little tougher once in awhile, and others can/have/will again complete it, altho it's noteworthy, it's not "somehow broken". The rest of the game's so easy it can be completed by a chimp grouped with a 3 legged-goat. What's wrong once in awhile with a little "shock to the system"?
  7. Faceroll spam tracer plus right click! YA 2 buttons is fun! JA I PRESS FIRE!!! WOOOHOOOO!! This is footage of the last guy whose tracer missile I kept interrupting.
  8. I think you should not cry about encounters you're "too undergeared or too inexperienced for to complete them without full party death". Thanks.
  9. The guy whose vid that is already posted... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=359491 Fail copycat using someone else's fraps for fail thread is fail. Learn to read. Want to argue it was "5 pages back"? This one is 2 pages back... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=365108 ... both less than a week old. But people can't be expected to go through all the TL;DR, right? Just spam the forums with more whiny bull crap. This OP probably has never even seen Soa and thought he was cool.
  10. There are the same people, every day, typing in general on station that they're LFG, generally for hard modes they have no hope of accomplishing if they need to pull "their own or more weight". Everyone knows who they are. No one (who knows better) with sense will group them. They are pushy, they are young minded, and they don't fill their role well; usually dps with poor rotation, amounting almost to a healer's damage, while said healer may also be healing. The next thing you'll say is, "this opinion is elitist". No. It is the common sense modicum of understanding middle ground and average competency; not elitist, not uber, not even above-average... just "pass-able", like constant D- on exams.
  11. The consulars are the ones with the butt-form-fitting robes, not knight.
  12. Jedi consular story is great. Also, I agree imp agent.
  13. The timeframe between Swtor and episodes 1-3 movies is significantly removed. Why should they dress the same or even similar? We don't dress as people did 1000 years ago, generally, and certainly not in the interest of fashion.
  14. This is actually more likely to get you ignored. Maybe that's why you're having a problem?
  15. 8-man ops are hardly "raids" anyway... more like a "big group". From what I've personally seen, people who 40-man raid in other games don't really enjoy it much. It's a handful, depending on others to even log on, maintain a solid connection, and do well. When it happens, "huzzah!" but after a few times, it becomes just "going through the motions". In truth, and I'm not kidding, adding 40-man content to a game appeals to a very small (albeit LOUD) demographic of people who are online all..the..time. Those people would do better in video game rehab than spending another 5 minutes getting another +1 str from the latest mob's drops. Most people are content with 10-20 person activities. Source: personal experience with most (almost all popular mainstream p2p) mmo's since meridian59.
  16. I don't understand this argument. You get involved with people, make friends and such, and get help to do things, or you skip it. If you don't WANT to talk to people and establish contacts, there's plenty of solo content, for which so many people demand MORE. You can't just log on and advertise in general on a planet or station you want people to group you so you can progress and get rewards. It's not somehow everyone else's "job" to group you, to pay attention to you, or to help you at all. I have a guild, and am on often. On my 50 toon I've finished about everything, and now I enjoy "dropping back" to help with occasional flashpoints and planetary heroics for people in my guild. Why don't I do this for everyone who advertises they want it? Only so many hours in a day, and who the heck are these people anyway? They've made no effort to know me. There are people who have fun helping and there are plenty of people doing the 1-49 content. Get involved. Talk to people. If you enjoyed grouping someone, put them on your friends list. Make plans. Fulfill obligations. Help others, because they may have toons they can log on to help you get what you want. This is all common sense. I have trouble understanding why there are posts like this every other day. Maybe these people are having trouble for the same reasons they need to make all these new threads on duplicate subjects and can't read past ones for advice. Honestly, this is the last time I'll reply to one because I'm having trouble caring. I'll just take care of "my people".
  17. Problem solving skills... you don't have them. Better to keep you at your level of progression. It's a bit like Darwin figured, but now it's a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
  18. You shouldn't swap your guild to do ops. You should be loyal to the people with whom you've leveled and experienced the rest of the game, stick with them, and form a multi-guild co-op of people who want to see that content. I agree with the other posts. "Enough gear" for normal mode 8-man is around lv 47 "blues" or higher in every slot, but most encounters require a degree of "raid awareness", which is a combination basically of attention span and common sense. To be completely honest, hard mode requires only a little more gear (average 50 purples in customs with some columni/rakata daily rewards) for the "numbers" (dps, defense, heals) and a higher degree of raid awareness. If one person in your group just can't "get it", you're going to fail. People say it's easy, and it is for people with any degree of raid awareness, but for those without, it's impossible, even on normal. Those people will stand in lava or other bad terrain, or they will similarly not "move where they're supposed to" and get hit with things like Soa's falling pylons. They will mistarget, fall off walkways, accidentally pull, or otherwise do something to screw up 10-15 minutes of progress at a time and cost everyone repairs. So, casual or otherwise, if you want any modicum of success, push "raid awareness".
  19. Great. One more potential time-drain, pain in the *** to deal with besides Soa completely resetting sometimes at 1%. Notice also the stunning pylons weren't spawning and moving...
  20. Oh.. "your" roleplay is bigger than "my" roleplay. I see how it is. Just in spite I put on a brown hooded cloak to post this. I bet you don't even have a long, scraggly, white beard. New rule: All roleplayers must physically dress in real life as the toon they are playing at the time. If you don't, get ye hence to the pve server! Forsooth.
  21. I read the whole thread and wasn't specifically replying to OP.
  22. Can I ignore this guy in this forum? He's boring. YAH THOSE ARE PROBLEMS. THINGS HAVE PROBLEMS. Get over it. None of that hurts your gaming experience if you're actually out playing the game.
  23. On another note, every time I log into SWToR I'm "roleplaying". You may not know this but I'm not really a blind alien with Jedi powers in real life. I figure the rest is just cybersex or different gravitations of cybersex peripheries, so I avoid your nazi roleplay like the plague.
  24. Some of the best players I have met on my pve server have had names like "Derpy Derp", "Muffin Caekz", and "Burrito Stuffings". These guys had problem solving skills to get us through ops and 1.1 material before there were youtube videos. Also they had amazing raid awareness to make key clutch plays to completely save encounters. I've been gaming for years, know what good players look like, and these were those kinds. Honestly, rp server aside, you shouldn't knock people with silly names. RP people, well, hmm... come in all shapes and sizes I guess, rarely of the caliber of these guys you might have shrugged off as "stupid" at first glance. So what's in a name? I guess I'm guilty of generalizing when anyone clearly spells their name incorrectly or has "Lord" in it somewhere. Yes, you can tell when people are young, or young-minded, but lighten up. These guys can learn and someday may be great for your "side".
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