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Everything posted by Torvai

  1. Depends on how much in depth you want to explain Basic would be: Use shock, wither and ward on cooldown, discharage, volts and maul when they glow. If nothing of it can be used, use thrash or saber strike if low on force. Done. And before someone comes in screaming at me: I know that ward on cooldown isn't optimal. Who cares? The difference between using the 8 absorb stack to it's fullest and refreshing ward on cooldown is marginally at best. And letting ward drop off trying to maximise absorb stack uptime is even worse. So there's that.
  2. It works, you just have to click outside the map.
  3. Sure, for Revan kiting I strafe as well. But positioning like on Dash'roode I find it easier to beckpedal. Especially because it is slower and therefore more precise. But then we have our tanks against the pylons, not the generators, which are rather narrow and easy to get kicked away if you're not careful. WOuld it be needed? Probably not. But I find it easier in some instances. Personal preference I guess
  4. Try queuing on VC. YOu don't even get an instapop as a 3 man group including a tank and healer anymore:o But no, there's no need for server merges:rolleyes:
  5. Yeah and instead of implementing a system that makes sure people actually have at least half an idea of what they're doing before being able to queue up, we're implementing a gear check. Seems like a sensible idea to me:rolleyes: If you know what you're doing, gear is a non issue because we have bolster. And if you don't, gear won't save you either. If it would there wouldn't be so much complaints about Blood Hunt or Battle of Rishi for example. Both of which have been two manned and Rishi even soloed. And on the other hand, if I decide to play another character I can't queue up in the future because he's not geared? Great. That won't lead to me grinding gear, it will lead to me playing another game if I don't want to play my main. I'm the first to welcome more challenging 4 man content outside of SM OPs, but I still think a gear requirement is a stupid idea for bolstered content. In WoW it servers a function because they don't have bolster. Here it's unneccessary. The people claiming Blood Hunt is too hard while being fully 248 geared will also whine that Umbarra is too hard, even with a gear requirement. Simple as that. But you know what WoW also has? Proving Grounds that at least most of the time make sure people are able to at least put out the numbers required for dungeons. If they were to implement something akin to that, yes, im all for it. I actually was hopin the eternal championchip would be it when they announced that. But gear requirement: No way.
  6. I can only agree with the OP and more. If the new FP isn't specifically tuned for at least 242, there's no reason to implement something like this. Gear isn't an issue in FP's, as has been proven time and again by people undermanning FP's or doing them naked. Bolster takes care of gear. If you fail in a FP, gear is never the problem. That's why it's stupid. In WoW they use something like this for ages now and it works like a charm. But it makes sense there because they don't have a bolster. We do. Keith, if you want to do something sensible for FP's, implement a system akin to WoWs proving grounds, not a gear requirement.
  7. Ich rede aber nicht von "sich sofort in die Hose machen", sondern wenn es wirklich aussichtslos ist. Wenn man es versucht hat aber eh nur rein stirbt. Dann kann ich mich auch an die Seite stellen.
  8. As a mainly PvE tank player I have to disagree. There are uses for backpeddaling. Like Revan/Ruugar backstab or positioning yourself against a pylon on dashroode and the like. Apart from that, yeah. But since I use one keybind layout for all my toons
  9. Well, with Keith as the new guy in charge here's hoping for a change. He's done a way better job than his predecessor till now in regards to communication. So I'm hoping he continues to do so and answers this question
  10. As Evolixe said, there's no universal one size fits all solution to this. Yes, keybinding in general is faster and more reliable, on the other hand, one of 7stucks tanks for example, back in the day on their world first Brontes NiM kill, was a clicker. So that can work really good as well. But if it helps: I move with WASD, where A and D are strafing, not turning, looking with the mouse and using the 1-? keys for rotational abilitys, with my thumb on the 12 mouse keys, mind you, and alt+1-? again with the mouse keys, for situational abilitys like vanish, whirlwind, overload etc. And Q; E; R; T; F; G; X; C; V and B on defesive and offensive cooldowns like recklessness, Deflection, stun break etc. I don't use shift, because my hands are strange and I can't reach it:o
  11. I wouldn't even have a problem with that. Means hardcore raiders can have a proper progress race on a full Ops. But a clarification would be nice. Even if they decided to completely abandon NiM. Just man up and tell us. Doing like Ben did, not tell us anything in hopes of milking another few months of subs out of raiders is just a d*ck move. MAybe understandable from a business pov, but nonetheless no way to treat costumers.
  12. Immer diese Verallgemeinerung. Wenn das eigene Team, wieso auch immer, dermaßen unterlegen ist stell ich mich auch irgendwohin. Kein Grund sich sinnlos abfarmen zu lassen.
  13. Davon redet doch keiner. Aber gezielt für Loot farmen zu können wäre schon nett. Und ja, kann man seit 5.1(oder 5.2?). Was nichts daran ändert das die Kisten Idee von vorneherein Kacke war. Doch, komplett 4.0 mit den dämlichen Highlighted Ops war es einfacher. Und schneller. Ich weiß gar nicht mehr, wie viele Chars ich BiS equippt hatte damals. War das besser? Fragwürdig. Aber das Kistensystem ist und bleibt Schwachsinn und gibt es nur, weil es nicht ausreichend neuen Content gab/gibt um die Spieler zu halten. Und Komponenten und mittlerweile wieder Token aus Ops gibt es nur aufgrund des rießen sh*tstorms den das Command Systen ausgelöst hat und durch den Bioware bewusst wurde, das sie noch mehr Abonennten verlieren wenn sie daran nichts ändern. Davon ab gibt es demhier nichts mehr hinzuzufügen:
  14. Naja, auf VC sind zur primetime keine 1000 Spieler mehr. Hab ich schon öfter selbst gezählt. Auf JKS sind es vielleicht noch 200. Und auf T3 geht die Spielerzahl auch zurück. Wer das leugnet lügt sich nur selbst an. Genau die oben genannten Argumente kamen nämlich damals auch schon im Beziug auf VC als es hieß JKS stirbt. Da wollte man das als VC Spieler auch nicht wahr haben. Sicher sind auf T3 mehr Spieler als auf den beiden anderen deutschen Servern zusammen. Heißt noch lange nicht, dass es mit dem Server nicht auch bergab geht.
  15. Das mit dem "Beben" an sich ist nur ne Animationssache, die geändert wurde weil es tierisch nervt im BG wenn permanent der ganze Bildschirm rumpelt
  16. Hoping to get an official answer on this. In the live stream on January 26th you said Tyth will arrive with SM and VM/HM and that MM/NiM will be released when the second boss, Esne and Aivela, is released. Then in the Roadmap there was no word of it. 5.3 went live 2 weeks ago and there's no MM/NiM of Tyth to be seen. And it's not even mentioned. What happened to that plan?
  17. Bei Gods of the Machine NiM hätte ich ehrlich gesagt nicht mal ein Problem damit, wenn sie warten bis alle Bosse draußen sind und dann für alle zusammen den NiM veröffentlichen. Dann kann man dort wenigstens ein ordentlichen Progress zu führen. Wenn es denn überhaupt noch kommt, abwarten. Aber ja, wenigstens mal eine Info dazu wäre nett. Die Sache mit einem durchschnittlichen Itemlevel finde ich gelinde gesagt Blödsinn. In WoW macht das Sinn, da es dort kein Bolster gibt. Aber wie schon mehrfach von uns und anderen bewiesen wurde ist Bolster alles was man braucht um einen FP, auch im HM, zu schaffen. Wenn man es nicht packt, ist weder Bolster noch Gear das Problem. In sofern ändert eine Gear Vorraussetzung auch nichts. Zumal man sich ab Level 50 für HM FP's listen kann. Wenn mir jemand erklärt wie man mit level 50 ein Itemlevel von 242 haben soll... Bioware wieder. Da wird nichts zuende gedacht. Das man sehen soll, was im GF noch fehlt und auch das spielen der fehlenden Rollen belohnt finde ich hingegen längst überfällig und freue mich drauf. Funktioniert bei WoW ja auch seit Jahren sehr gut. Sicher, das war 4.0, aber es hat sich an dem FP nichts getan. Wenn man nicht durch n FP durch kommt hat das nichts mit Gear zu tun. Bolster ist vollkommen ausreichend. Deshalb, siehe oben, finde ich die Änderung auch Blödsinn.
  18. The difference being that CG is part of both specs design. It's an ability on it's own, you aquire it as part of the specs skill tree, it gets buffed through certain passives in the skill tree. It is even part of their resource management. Piercing Chill on the other hand is neither part of Vengeance nor Rages design. It's just there.
  19. Where do I even start? Jugg tanks are and have been fine in both departments. They don't need this. And I did every content since 2.0 in NiM on tier as a jugg tank, so I defintitly know what I'm talking about here. Rages AoE capabilities are fine as well. It's a burst spec nowadays, not an aoe spec. You got vengeance for that if need be. Apart from that, Rage is good enough for all HM content in the game. And fpr NiM it has always been so that you needed to swap specs based on the fight. Rotation based slows, let alone aoe slows are cancer to begin with. We need less of this, not more. The speed bosst is nice, but we had plenty of possibilities for mobility. Charge, Dash, Enrage, Enraged Defense... I don't think it's needed. But it's nice. No argument here. But doing it with that kind of utility is simply wrong. Also it's the only utility in game that adds a new ability to your rotation. The right way would have been to simply remove it. Like they did in the past with lots of other useless stuff. Apart from that it isn't and never was useless for PvP, just situational, like any slow should be, not rotational, see above. It does MORE FRIGGIN DAMAGE than a ravage. That alone should tell you how wrong this utility is, especially for Vengeance. Also, the only other dot in the game comparable is corrossive grenade. And Chill hits twice as hard per tick. Multiple non existant issues, maybe. The only real issue this fixes is the lacking damage of Juggs without it, which should have never made it to the live servers anyway. Seriously, Bioware thought "hey, we're making ravage an instant, so it has to do only half of it's damage". Ravage does less damage than the last tick of it did back in 4.0 and I'm not talking in relative numbers. That's simply stupid and the only reason this utility is used anyway outside of AoE damage. They should get rid of this thing for good and buff both rages and vengeances single target dps by it's amount. Keep the speed boost. Heck, even make it group wide, or add whatever else to it, just not that.
  20. Good to know and fully agreed. And let me say, although we disgree more often than not, it'd be a shame to not be able to discuss with you again
  21. No one is talking about a nerf. They should just add that damage to Ravage and be done with this stupid utility. So it's worth it to use ravage again. I mean, what's the point about resetting Ravages cooldown every 12 secs to not use it at all because it's just that bad that it doesn't even warrant to use waste a gcd on it?
  22. Eben deshalb war es ja ein PvE nerf. Im BG hat man das Ding nicht primär für Schaden benutzt, weil es zu einfach war, dem zu entgehen. Wurde eigentlich hauptsächlich benutzt um Nodes zu sichern, etwa in nem Hypergate um schonmal etwas früher in die Mitte gehen zu können. Oder ner Voidstar, nachdem die Bombe liegt. Oder für so Assi taktiken wie mit 2 PT tanks und zwei Snipern/Sabos zwei Leute gleichzeitig zu globallen:D
  23. Torvai

    Class balance

    Immer noch das gleiche wie vorher: Solange Balancetechnisch nicht zwischen PvP und PvE unterschieden wird, etwa durch andere Schadens- und Heilwerte in einer entsprechenden Umgebung(Wäre durchaus machbar, siehe Smashmara früher, oder Guard und Spott), betrifft die nunmal beides. Und da ist es mal eben egal in welchem Subforum der Thread steht. Ich war vollkommen beim Thema. Sollten sie beides irgendwann voneinander trennen(als ob:rolleyes:) lass ich euch gerne in Ruhe bzw bleibe bei der PvP Balance in einem entsprechenden Thread . Und da du es ja schon rausgesucht hast: Sprich hat der Thread hier im PvP Forum eigentlich auch nichts zu suchen sondern gehört ins Klassenforum oder die Allgemeine Diskussion
  24. As long as the chance for them to drop is lower than for Tyth to drop his Lightsaber Pike, I'm okay with it
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