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Everything posted by Natharon

  1. Well if getting my assassin medal on you then you chasing me the rest of the warzone to reciprocate, is me tunneling, you got me I am a tunneler
  2. The fix is easy, take away uncleansable dots. Don't look at it as a nerf, look at it as a sorc healer buff! Change assassin's dots to be similar to dirty fighting where a purge will get rid of the main dot but keep a persistent lesser dot that won't interfere with anything until that is cleared. There you go, sure its technically a nerf but if you can't get ahead in the dps race on someone using 2 cool downs to purge you should uninstall.
  3. I get 48,800,000 Searching bad players blaming hacks. :| https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1ASUM_enUS523US523&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=bad%20players%20blaming%20hacks
  4. Mass recruiting worthless players by spamming fleet, /stucking en mass in warzones, and suiciding on rocks in space, oh and running False Emperor all day then cry when it gets fixed. Yea tough loss they really tried :|
  5. Natharon

    PvP Gear....what?

    The solution to the issue would be to remove bolster, also make only wins count for conquest. It would fix zerg guilds /stucking to farm conquest points and would self correct pve players from queuing unprepared. How pissy do you think a pve player gets when someone undergeared goes into a hm flashpoint or operation? Yet they can't fathom why the opposite is just as annoying.
  6. This is true, I run in premades because I myself am a bad player.
  7. Kill feeding in space and in warzones is too stronk.
  8. Someone is looking to join a dominant side and get carried.
  9. You aren't making a point, you are coming off as a conceited ****. It is a war game without war, pvp is a second class citizen to zerg pve guilds doing the same easy, hard mode 50 flashpoint over and over. If you think we should taste that content, you are *********** retarded. Honestly, you probably have no experience with any real pve content in this game let alone pvp.
  10. Scrapper scoundrels and concealment operatives do not recall that time.
  11. Stoopid, you get two Os for that pile of crap you spewed. Casuals get wrecked by noncasuals all the time, premade or not it happens, stop justifying your ****tiness and reliance on stealth and a broken game mechanic because you can't hack it with any other method.
  12. Can we get it increased from 500 to 1500, and without that increase being placed on the cartel market? Some of us have computers built in this century and aren't afraid.
  13. Natharon

    MVP votes

    I love people who get so butthurt over not getting voted for, its a popularity contest that you lost. No one likes you.
  14. The damage reduction sucks because it is part of a spike, so operatives/scoundrels have become less spikey and less a dangerous to the beloved, getting buffed again, sorc class. The problem is the rotation itself slows down, thus slows down our dps to fit in the sabo for the spike, because we need to enter cover to throw it. The fix to have this make sense would be to have it no longer require cover as a scoundrel ability. If it still takes as long to use as it does in the current format most will probably use the new version as much as the old.
  15. The question should be, are force dots going to receive the same love as tech dots? They shouldn't make rule systems then put in exceptions.
  16. I use 2 piece enforcer with 2 piece medic, for the defenses, the extra energy is worthless has been since launch, and most of the set bonuses favor slinger over dps scoundrel.
  17. At this point, since '11, how are you blown away by anything bioware does/does not do to pvp? Room for 2 under that rock?
  18. They almost have me believing I am good at playing Jedi classes, we all know that is not the case.
  19. You posted this at 6 am on a weekday on an east coast server. No **** you didn't get a full queue.
  20. They should add the same hold the line-esque immunity to dodge as well. In fact making it a part of dodge should also make it technically apply to at least middle tree scoundrel.
  21. Happened to me a couple days ago. Honestly I doubt they will fix exfiltrate without evening out the change by nerfing operative/scoundrel dps more first.
  22. Short answer, dirty kick is practically a must have now since they nerfed shoot first, what comes after oblivion? Because it was already nerfed to there. Edit; for the poster above this post, I take the speed increase because it allows 2 things, catching up to sorcs force running away, and doing the whole jump around dance that can really mess with a melee players ability to damage you.
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