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Everything posted by Natharon

  1. Congrats you found a random video of a pre adrenal nerf operative tooling on an undergeared player.
  2. See here is another common misconception which shows you have no experience playing a melee scoundrel Your rotation goes roughly like this Flechette Round, Shoot First, Back Blast, Blaster Whip, Vital Shot, Sucker Punch, Sucker Punch, Blaster Whip, Sucker Punch, and if you have their back again, Back Blast. Mixing Quick Shots in as needed. That's, if you are lucky and critting, 5k, 3k, 1.1k(Knockdown Duration up), 1.5k(DOT), 2k, 2k, 1.1k, 2k, 2k.* *Numbers will differ based on variables in Relic, self buffs etc Now let us take some facts into consideration, fact one, you won't 3 shot anyone, it's at least 4. Any 3 shots or 4 that do happen are not the fault of the Scrapper/op, its the fault of the player for being undergeared or underleveled(level fixed with latest patch) You can tell gear easily by looking at health pools, a fresh sorc/sage no gear, 11k, they are going to get it, but then again they were going to get it from any geared pvp let alone a melee stealth spec, my Sawbones spec would win every time against them. 15k health, now they have gear and you will reach the end of that rotation, and probably add an interrupt or two in it as well, possibly some nades. Most likely though, they will get up, shield, heal their butts off, and run like the wind, IIRC its one of their specials too. People always say, I can't have my snare break up all the time blah blah blah, the reality is, when most survive that onslaught(darwin working) they snare or stun the scoundrel/op, so when people cry, "OMG I HAVE TO USE MY SNARE BREAK!11!! ANY PROFESSION THAT MAKES ME DO THAT TO NOT GET DPS DONE TO ME MUST BE OP!!!11!" The reality is, if they hit it, and are smart, we will have to hit it too.
  3. You know what I find myself doing it anyways, so I will just say what I am doing, I am going to tool on you this entire thread, clearly if you do play scrapper, you had no idea what you were doing. Underworld Medicine? Self heal, no doubt, 1.9 cast timer, btw its a channel, hard to do during a fight with anyone remotely intelligent, assuming you spec into it, I personally did, a quick emergency heal that also procs UH was useful. This ability, has a very specific set of circumstances in which it can be used with any success. Let me lay it down for you, as I played a significant amount of pure sawbones healing. Damage will increase the time it takes for that cast bar to fill, it's a cast bar, anything can interrupt it, including the choke, the push, the aoe knockbacks, profession interrupts, a brisk wind and my mother. Melee dodge, also known as Dodge, also known as, as broken as tank shields. The dodge is so unreliable and worthless the only good it does is when you fire it off as an intermediate snare break. Also it won't stop effects from being applied to you, and since it breaks snares if you used it while snared it will effect your resolve status. Using it outside being an immediate break on a current snare would be wishful thinking. Defensive screen! That's the attack absorber, its nice, its on a 45 second cooldown, and most scrappers I know, unless they are firmly in control, use this all the time and it is taken into consideration in the rotation, especially against BH's/Commando's its how scrappers stay alive to put out the dps they already do. BTW Jedi Knights have a similar ability, so do Troopers, and Councilor's. (And their mirror classes) You know what the other melee specs (Jedi Guardian, Shadow, and Sentinel) have? Better defenses/more defenses for melee fighting. My favorite, Disappearing Act. It's true there is an in combat cloak. It breaks from outside damage, Dots, stiff wind and bad luck. The stealth detect system is already imbalanced, chances are even if you do spec into the increased stealth you will still get passive detected all the damn time. The 10 seconds in Disappearing Act of total can't get popped, doesn't work, and certainly not for 10 seconds. Not to mention having half a brain would suggest that if you see a person stealth in combat, to drop aoe, or dot them before they can disappear, this is in the same column as, use vital strike a lot. You should know this. You will never get this off successfully in the middle of a fight, especially with the AOE and force dots(unpurgable) from Sorcs, if you somehow do they are either dead or bad.
  4. Pretty much pure healer and dirty fighting are our only real choices. I specced into DF to find out what I was in for, it's not bad, the cooldown reduction on defensive screen helps, but you lose the hot with pugnacity which I think DF really needs, and not to mention all your best attacks are still a 10m range, so you aren't even a ranged fighter, just a melee dot artist with a range increase. I would consider this branch a lot more reliable/viable if the range was at least 20m on those specials also back to the person who was like vital strike this and that, guess what, that's a dot, a dot that should have been in your rotation anyways (I think everyone but you took that special into consideration when they crunched their numbers), assuming you knew what you were doing, bleed plus the spec for sucker punch = more UH procs = faster/more dps.
  5. And I can tell you right now if you are 50/50 in any other spec you were doing it wrong in the first place. Top tier abilities are what make the specs, going down multiple specs only hinders yourself. You will never have high damage or high healing potential compared to a more focused spec. Too many people here think they were getting away having their cake and eating it. Unless they are doing it for PVE. Except they nerfed this profession due to pvp.
  6. Or, that would be stupid, your solution is to hybrid up sawbones to be viable? You would sacrifice even more dps in the attempt. Then you would merely be ****** as a healer and as a dps.
  7. I think everyone gets it, you got killed by a 50 as a lowbie, your butt hurts. I've seen level 20's tool on level 50's. /pep
  8. What if that 50 didn't care about crafting or heck anything outside pvp? Does this affect your gameplay/immersion? Moot point. Leveling is fine, goes too fast, level another toon.
  9. Well I've raided in 2 specs so far, sawbones, and scrapper. I find while the dps is nice as a scrapper it just wouldn't pan out in the long run compared to dirty fighting. Not to mention having to be uncloaked(raids tend to frown on people constantly cloaking during boss fights) and in melee range, without the sweet melee defense jedi have. Personally with the dots it has available to it, I would take dirty fighting and stay the heck away from cleaving bosses. You won't really lose anything to the dps line, as a scrapper you would tire out and have to auto attack/use weak attacks until you get that action back, whereas a dirty fighter will have dps ticking down during that time frame.
  10. I wouldn't, it is already hard enough to line up a shot to someones back, imagine if they were aware of your intent, ie after that initial hit? Easier to pivot and jump over someone to get their back then to run completely around the map for another opportunity. think (S)_<=......>-|-o (S)_<=.....................................................................>-|-o *pro text images I know
  11. Crit Surge for both imo, then you have alacrity for sawbones and power for scrapper. The crits are your bread and butter in healing, difference between 2800-3300 and 4-6k heals. Same on the offensive side of the ball. Clearly no cast timers as a scrapper so power is a great alternative.
  12. The complaints about low levels were by 50s who wanted no excuses for their losses, you pug you are going to lose once in a while, comes with the territory. Like previously said, I find it hard to scream at a lowbie player who puts out more dps than someone on their team, or **** even a 50 on our team. 50's shouldn't complain about lowbies, they should complain about idiots.
  13. I find it ironic, I as a scrapper scoundrel tended to complain about being stunlocked to death by sorcs, at this point and the level of QQ, I feel a certain amount of justice when I melt their faces off. Also to clarify, it's not a global cooldown, and it is not in 2 hits For scoundrel Shootfirst Backblast Blaster Whip, (Procs UH) Vital Shot (bleed) Sucker punch (uses UH, if a bleed is on the target will restore that UH) Backblast/SuckerPunch/BlasterWhip Rotation Groin kick if you aren't giving up your back. I tend to find that most targets end up staying still, due to stun lock? No, more like due to, **** I am raging and busy typing in guild chat, or in ops group on how gay it is that you died to an Operative/Scoundrel, than any real CC ability. Also LOL at that 8 second stun, that stun, which is breakable by damage, not particularly useful outside interrupting a cast bar, personally I prefer to use my interrupt (distraction) or groin kick, which isn't broken by damage, and does damage. And the vanguard is right, dots man, they suck, especially those retardedly long force dots we can't triage off. @people watching teams get wrecked, oh it's possible, I wrecked shop alone on a right turret in Alderaan, 3 v 1, wrecked shop, I was also tooling on an undergeared sorc and bh protected by a low level marauder, but honestly, still felt great. Never used effective cc, dots, or even that nifty sage/sorc shield dealio. Bad players make average players like me look amazing, also helps to be fully pvp/columi geared.
  14. lol if you are getting royally ***** as a battlemaster juggy, you are bad delete your character. If you were good at it a smart operative or scoundrel wouldn't pick you unless he had no choice.
  15. So then it won't be a nerf, you nerf the damage you need to boost the survivability, melee agents and smugglers have that level of deeps because they drop like punks compared to the knight class. Then what would the point be, you would merely have a mirror class to shadow/assassin.
  16. This is highly inaccurate, at least on how I play Its; 5.5-6.5k 3 second knockdown 2.5.3k ....
  17. I really couldn't give a **** which way about Ilium, but man when I was getting load screen inception or getting one up when I tried to do anything else not Ilium related, that was my cue to catch up on my Skyrim today.
  18. I think a combination of allow faction transfers to the smaller faction, and a 1 time move. Or you will have those players who will faction hop to the side that currently has the advantage. Then that group of people who enjoy the challenge will be a super minority in the end.
  19. Balance isn't an issue, I think it is childish and QQ worthy if people want to instance, and basically turn Ilium into a WZ, if you want even numbers queue up and shut up, world pvp is special because it is so random. That being said, the lag was problematic before this patch and there needs to be much much better support for the Ilium planet. A rollback should be standard, no if ands or buts. Personally you want to protect spawn points, you don't do it by decreasing valor rewards for turrets, or anything like that, you want to protect them? You add 2 million HP, 200k more armor, and 50k More damage in AOE form for those turrets. A few mass wipes would fix the idea of spawn camping. Which brings me to the final points, roll it back, make flipping the zones matter again, give the same rewards, just give the valor reward for pvp kills to those who defend a contested zone. (contested being a zone that has had either a flip in the last minute or is currently mid flip) Also turn off the system messages announcing player locations, for one, it works maybe half the time, two it is added lag in an already laggy planet, and three it doesn't distinguish between stealth, and nonstealthed, so it announces if an operative or scoundrel is in the area, which tends to take away the element of surprise.
  20. Pretty sure you got stealth. And more CC is stupid, the way resolve works and choke mechanics work they should be adding short term immunities on cc breaks, not add more cc.
  21. Or you can get geared and stop ************?
  22. Apparently you don't know how to play healer, besides, stats are for losers, they are very relative to the environment you are in. High healing means bad damage focus by the opposing offense, which also explains high damage numbers. Any fool can break 300k healing if the offense leaves the guy alone and hits like a limp noodle. Or he is well protected with guard on him. Exact opposite for low numbers, you pug'ed, you aren't getting support, so you die fast, your team or their team is just straight up bossing on the damage to put a guy down. I average over 300k healing on my scoundrel, sometimes I fall under 100k, team mates running away from healers and get gunned down, under geared whelps getting melted before my cast bar finishes, etc. Honestly the best healers I see the Empire trot out are Mercs.
  23. Not as much as I hate 4th and 5th pieces of the same champion gear part. They really need to make the unassembled parts generic so I can make Corso pimp in Supercommando gear. Right now he is wearing only centurion
  24. lol, operatives hit just as hard. Also its a knockdown, which will basically max out your resolve bar, **** I get jumped all the time and survive by merely knowing which buttons to hit when. take an l2p pill.
  25. There wasn't much choice in the matter.
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