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  1. wait a sec, there are no issues! i get told im a *********** retard liar every time i bring up in game issues
  2. those moves should be FREE imo...
  3. **** mando-whore you leave every warzone i see you pop into
  4. really thats why 2 other servers are down, LIES
  5. life is a nightmare as it is with no help, i never had this issue with World of Warcraft. atleast i could live a peaceful life im misery and play a game that actually *********** worked than deal with this ****
  6. btw sorry i dont have much going on in my life seeing as my legs are gone defending my countries freedom. sweet man
  7. i got my legs blown off in the war, i have a **** load of time to play and i cant play right now yet im paying for the ****** *** service and im pissed too, there happy now???
  8. As someone who paid extra money to move multiple lvl 55s to this server im going to have to agree. give us free x fers cause ill glady move all my 55s back to shadowlands
  9. dear EA, maybe you should hire me so all these paying customers wont be so pissed off at you
  10. all i know is im a C++ major and when you try to alter the code **** gets ****ed up....
  11. what they mean is... " we have ONE guy that we pay next to nothing looking into this FOR us"
  12. I have to juggle the same way, i swear if i see old guarde up any more than when servers crashed imma know something is up, cause youre right trying to farm conquest for your guild is *********** pointless
  13. @ seacay. that *********** sucks bro if you want help being run through the cave when servers come back up//IF THEY DO ANY *********** TIME SOON, ill help you get that quick. what faction you on? i have 55's on both sides
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