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Everything posted by Zorash

  1. Maybe contact customer support? I know I was F2P for a short time and then became subscriber, so I was able to access all 3 crew skills again without purchasing it through the cartel market. I didn't have the issue she did, so I am not sure how to help.
  2. Zorash


    Make another alt with UWT or buy it off the GTN.
  3. That will make the system ridiculously complicated. You seem to be only looking at half the problem you would be creating. By creating a system that remembers past failures, so you gaurantee or increase your chance of a success, you now need to do the opposite. You need to remember past successes, so when too many successes happen you need to increase the chance of a failure, to ensure the chance is still 20%.
  4. I am guessing those skins are now going to be used for the cartel market Soon every blaster rifle that is popular will lose that skin and have it replaced with a different one. That way they know their new cartel market blaster rifle will sell quite well.
  5. That will create a huge influx of new items to the market decreasing the price of purple items. I see people complain all the time about crafting skills not making a lot of money, all you're doing with this idea is making the profit margin a lot smaller.
  6. Just for future reference the taunts tell you in the tooltip what it does. Single target taunt states, "Player targets deal 30% less damage when attacking anyone other than you. Lasts 6 seconds."
  7. You gain them from slicing missions. The schematics are really really cheap on the GTN, so don't even bother trying to get them from slicing.
  8. Wow, how many people seriously need to spread misinformation in this thread, especially when there is a thread confirming that legacy of crafting increases crit on everything, not just augments.
  9. It's called RNG, which exists in every single game. If you really want purple mats go buy the purple mission schematic from slicing.
  10. That test proves absolutely nothing. It's the same crap with WoW of people claiming that people roll hacked when someone rolled 100 twice in a row. The chance of that happening is 1 in 10,000, yet it happened all the time. If you have thousands of people REing stuff, some people will get the short end of the stick, some people will be extremely lucky.
  11. The fact that you resorted to insults is proof that you have no argument. Additionally, you didn't even bother to address my points, which shows you can't refute it. Then your whole argument is based off 1v1 fights with melees. You yourself said the majority of fights are not 1v1, so right there you just weakened your argument. Then you restrict your argument to purely melee classes, so that narrows it down even further how often those situations take place. You base your argument on a very limited amount of situations shows the huge gaping flaws in your argument. There are situations in which PTs want to have a small amount of distance, but the reality is that ideally to output the most damage or be most effective at their role it requires the PT to get into melee range to execute a few of their signature abilities.
  12. That's not true at all. That statement makes it sound like as soon as a fight starts a PT can run away like a sorc could with speed burst. The PT does have range on the majority of their abilities, but to be more than 75% effective they need to be in melee range, plain and simple. If a PT is on an assist train to kill a healer for example, what distance would he want to be at ideally? The answer is melee range, to output the most damage possible. If a DPS sorc is on an assist train to kill a healer, what distance would he want to be at? 20m+ for survivability issues because none of his damage abilities is restricted to melee or 10m range. The end result, sure PT is as dependent on being in melee range as say a jug, but I would never ever claim a PT is a ranged DPS char like a sorc, which 1 poster seems to claim.
  13. I doubt you can even make a macro program for that because the missions are randomized. I would assume, since most MMOs are like that, a macro program is against the TOS, so I highly doubt anyone could tell you on these boards without getting in trouble.
  14. People need to stop thinking augment relates specifically augments in gear and realize that augment by definition means, " to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense <the impact of the report was augmented by its timing>" The perk increases your chance to crit on making anything. Yes Bioware has poor word choice to confuse people.
  15. Like the other poster stated you can wear DPS gear to tank and DPS. I don't think tank gear really exists, until 40+ anyways. I am not sure about the XPing in FPs and how good the xp is. When I was leveling I always noticed FPs were a crapshoot xp wise because FPs suck for XP, unless you do the bonus quests. Then you need to depend on competent DPS or healers to make the run go smoothly, so FPs can be a waste of time. I once tried to complete boarding party with this horrible group and after 1hour 20m I gave up. We died so much the group decided to take a 10m repair break and I called it at that point.
  16. Yes and I showed why your "feelings" accomplishes nothing, which is why I said there is no point to this thread.
  17. LOL how does your reply at all contradict PTs being a melee class. PTs were always advertised as a meleeish character, they were never ever advertised as ranged DPS. The fact that you really assume everyone played a PT because it was a ranged class shows how close minded you're so it's a waste of time to further reply to your posts. Anyways on topic, I don't understand the point of this thread. There is no information to prove that PT will get left behind and why think about it now? All you're really doing is making yourself depressed or pissed off, which accomplishes absolutely nothing. The one thing I hope they change with the expansion is making PTs more than a 4 button DPS spam class in pvp. A more dynamic class that requires more strategy would be my wish.
  18. I have had that happen once and all I needed to do was log out of the game completely and log back in. If that didn't work not sure what else to tell you.
  19. Why the heck would they add schematics for the cartel market, that pretty much defeats the whole purpose of the system. They want you to keep buying the crap off the market, not have a few people buy the recipe to make a hundred sets of armor.
  20. I am pretty sure the # of companions that you can send out is purely dependent on how far you're on your class mission. I know my operative was lvl 40 with only being able to send out 3 companions, I finished chapter 2, while I was still lvl 40 and could send out 4 companions.
  21. It's a piece of gear that you equip just like a weapon or armor you equip, so no they don't take the place of a buff or show up as one.
  22. Is there a webpage or thread list showing pictures of a full set of armor? I realize i can do searches for BH moddable armor sets on Torhead to hope they have pics of a piece of armor, but if I don't know the name of the armor I can't exactly search for it.
  23. You're arguing over what he meant by the best way to eliminate an opponent. If you read the first 2 lines of his post it clearly is about using flamethrower because it's a cool looking ability. He is obviously going for visual looks, not what does the most damage.
  24. lol implants are pieces of equipment, their location in your character equipment window is on the left hand side just below the earpiece slot.
  25. Well I am not sure what to tell you, there are 200+ logged on in the imperial fleet, so you must have an isolated incident. Maybe call customer support, I am not sure what to tell you.
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