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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Domatron

  1. Shout out to the 4 stealth team from shadowhawks we played today. They had a FANTASTIC strategy of waiting it out. They limited me to a grand total of 83 dps. Unfortunately they forgot about sudden death and 2 of them died without ever making contact...hope you guys enjoy your 40 coms, 5 minutes of work for 40 coms is a great rate.




    I feel like I just went over this 3 posts ago......

  2. We'll since my last one got deleted I'll keep it more vague.

    If you are going to queue ranked arena and your team gets destroyed in the first min, take your loss instead of waiting 4 min to try to cheese the acid, it's dumb, unlikely to work, and honestly if you're just farming comms its more efficient to lose quick and re-queue.

    If you were actually trying to compete, I know I would be embarrassed if my team tried to win that way.

    If you just wanted to play the other team you had going, do like you did in 8v8 and just queue dodge, I'd get my comms slightly quicker.

  3. Shout out to the folks who accused me of hacking cause I wasn't overheating on my AP PT and not taking huge aoe damage. :rolleyes:

    how to arena

    Step 1 - have all 4 teammates eat proto flamethrower and smash (definitely don't stun or disrupt this in any way)

    Step 2 - have tank completely focused on dps while out of guard range of own healer (how else you gonna kill their healer)

    Step 3 - lose, accuse other team of leet hax (it's really the only logical conclusion)

  4. Wouldn't the use of knockbacks + roots + Shields + Slows help reduce damage enough? That was my basis behind it, that and the more melee you have the higher the chance of smash spec working against you.


    The only other thing would be replace the Warrior for Assassin (Hybrid Tank) and the Sorc for a Arsenal Merc to make up for loss of burst.


    Against a double smash team the cc *might* be enough if you can down their healer but the longer the match goes, I feel, the more it is in the team with the tanks favor.

    I expect to see alot of AP spec'ed powertechs in arena teams who will laugh at attempts to snare them, and if you come up against another ranged heavy team that has a tank you will have a tough time as well.


    Op healer, Sniper, Sorcerer and Carnage Marauder would be the best choice imo.



    No taunts and no guard, with this comp you better get a kill in the first minute or you'll have a dead sorc followed closely by a dead op.

  6. Why would you choose Power over Strength? Power gives like a 0.03% more damage over Strength, but Strength gives crit chance without wasting useful secondary stat slots on crit.


    The meaningful damage in rage is an autocrit, plus you get an additional 7.5% crit to vicious slash (your main filler) and vicious throw (your execute) from brutality. Power stacking buffs smash more than strength stacking buffs the other abilities.

  7. Which seasoned ranked veterans complain against op healers? I honestly have not seen that many.


    Then you haven't looked hard,

    after 2.0 if you played ranked you would know (or even just watched streams), most teams ran 2 op healers, before 2.0 it was 1 op and 1 sorc for bubble stun. After 2.0 sorc heals just need to much help vs the ease of running two ops. Teams would still bring exceptional sorcs (or friends who didn't reroll) but 2 ops were just plain better. Some teams ran 3 operative healers to just flat stalemate matches.



    And honestly for all the overzealous operative healer defenders, you all believe (correctly) that smash is overtuned but it will not be the only viable or optimal dps for arenas.

    Powertech and Jugg tanks will both be viable.

    However one healer has so much better output, survivability, and utility that it is literally the only choice. If that is not the definition of overpowered I don't know what is.

  8. Shout out to Faddy, one of the few people I still see around from Sith Wyrm.


    There are quite a few sith wyrm holdouts in KFT with Faddy (probably around 10 I think)


    Shoutout to Orangemofo for being simultaneously the loudest, most annoying, and generally worst player in mid braket. Keep hardcasting crushing darkness on my sorc, it's bound to work one of these times.


    Shoutout to the good pvpers still around, looking forward to seeing you in arenas.

  9. The only reason to transfer was to do 8v8, regs and pre-55 are almost exactly the same on all servers. With 8v8 now being removed, the reason to transfer has been removed. SL will field competitive arenas, there are a lot of good players who couldn't get 8 consistently who will be able to get 4 (especially on pubside) in addition to the people who were doing ranked here.

    Lots of people didn't want to bring half a guild to another server, and chose to wait for details on the "Big PvP patch" before spending more $ to transfer, IMO waiting was the right choice as almost all of the good PvP guilds on POT5 have quit after the 8v8 removal.

  10. It's going to be a tough fight to beat any assassin worth their salt in a 1v1, they win all the tourneys for a reason.

    That said a couple tips for you as a Vig jug.

    Deflection will kill your damage against him, if he pops it without shroud use your awe or choke and cc him to negate at least some of the uptime.

    Don't drop below 30%, use medpacks, endure pain etc.

    Saber ward will deflect mauls and low slash (not always but enough), it will help you survive the burst, I like to use it when he pops shroud offensively. There is always the chance he will just stun you through it but hopefully it makes him waste shroud.

    Reflect is tough to time to actually reflect big damage, but it is a decent counter to an offensive force shroud as well.

    I would recommend using push, leap combo when he has blackout up or some form of cc if you can, because of the 25% dam reduction and additional force regen this cd provides, you can't ignore it.


    Lastly, something I don't think I've seen mentioned here, if he vanishes use aoe taunt immediately. If he is hit with the taunt he will stay in combat and be unable to sap regen on you.


    Most of all if you are guarding a node, pre-type the inc call then just click on a nameplate to resume regular key use. The second the assassin shows up use the first 1.5s you are stunned to hit enter twice to send the call. You don't have to win the 1v1 you just have to hold long enough for help.

  11. Yea you don't get around much if you don't know Zenod

    Kami - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6743916#post6743916


    jugg named grant

    (not on the same level as your super awesome fatedd work but it'll do)


    I've never heard of him, if you haven't he must not play much cuz you're always on.


    BTW the last real dueling tourney we had (the one viper hosted) Zenod only lost to merkave coming in 2nd


    but since he is in my guild I'll pile on too, Zenod you're garbage :rak_03:

  12. So I play this game with my guild groups, and well I think this is as good of a time as any to get the whole server in on it.


    When you see Fatedd on the opposing team, 50-100k buy ins, first one to get a hate tell gets the pot. Never had a game where someone didn't get a payout. (sorry pubs, but maybe you can goad him to do it in /s)

  13. Ops need their energy management to not be so easy.

    I think sorc healers are the most balanced healing class atm. If left free casting they can keep everyone alive, with a tank they are a tough kill, and left without support against multiple enemies they melt.

    In a 1v1 a good sorc healer can stay alive for quite some time but with enough pressure he will eventually exhaust his resources and will die to a good dps, if help doesn't arrive.


    Ops just have far more survivability than the other healers (laughably more), and a virtually infinite resource pool (2 resource pools actually).


    In my opinion they need to lose the T/A grants on hot ticks and make them cast to get T/As, then interrupts will actually have an effect on their healing output.

  14. where do these guys come from? spammin our forums, handicappin teams in warzones D:


    I assume they came from the nightmarish place you go to when you're not leveling your sin to 55 (Canada:rak_02:)

    Why aren't you 55??




    (I need you to be 55, arena calls)

  15. Even after transfers still feel the need to troll The Shadowlands because you wasted money transferring?


    u mad bro?





    I never xfered, knew it was a waste of $ to reward bioware for their incompetence. You have me mistaken for someone else.

    All in good fun, no animosity intended, just saw low hanging fruit :D


    (plus I <3 Eavn)

  16. If you are getting killed a lot as a mara/sent in 55s is probably because


    1) You are not using your Defensive CDs correctly

    2) You are overextending / tunneling

    3) Your team is getting destroyed


    Number 3 can't really be helped but if you focus on improving 1 and 2 it will go a long way. You can eat a ton of damage as a mara/sent if you play it correctly. The class forums have good info, and watching streams/youtube vids can help a lot as well.

  17. I will try to get a few KFT teams in the queue. Some people going back to school and our Jugg tanks seem to have all gone on a vacation for a bit. The guild as a whole seems to be content prepping alts for arenas atm, but i will see if we can field some groups before 2.4.
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