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Posts posted by Domatron

  1. Good convo Ranik

    I don't agree with you on everything but you do make good points. Still I think I'd just like to see more competitive teams queuing ranked 4's and you guys would do fine if you chose to, who the other team is or what they are running shouldn't stop you.

    If you follow the $ the real pvp is League of Legends.


    The two sorcs comp was just to illustrate that perceived non competitive comps can do just fine with the right players.


    Kami in my opinion (take it for what its worth) lethality sniper is the best counter for AP tank, if you guys ran the mara, sniper combo with you spec'd as leth and put burst on the AP tank it would be hard to keep him alive.


    I got my sorc up now kinda been itching to try him out in a few comps, but my play time is going to have to come down soon so who knows if I'll be able to get in on the fun. Might be forced into yolo queue because of play time restraints.


    Weekends may see the resurrection of the feared Quadmando comp if we can get pops going :D

  2. I never said I didn't win most solo matches its just effort vs reward equation. If you like trying to drag an anchor across the finish line more power to you. (Assuming you don't just queue sync which is preposterously easy on this server)

    I don't need the comms, which is really all yolo queue is good for. No random dead weight in group queue, you bring what you want the better team wins.

    Team ranked has more complex strats and a need for higher execution (vs good teams), what you are saying is equivalent to me saying killing a boss in group finder is a better measure of skill then a progression kill.

    Solo queue = HM, group queue = NiM


    Question do you believe Zephyros, the highest ranked solo player on the server is the best pvper? the best marauder?


    Is double sorc the FOTM build thats got you so scared? It works just fine on PoT5 http://www.twitch.tv/mudclot/b/471447774


    If you run a solid comp you should be able to adapt and still get wins. You will almost always win if your team is more skilled regardless of the comp of the other team. I've beaten comps that hard counter mine more than once.

    You run a mara, AP tank counters you, I've played plenty of teams and still won on a mara against an AP tank, good teams adapt. Saying you won't queue because of the other teams comp is just a cop out.


    You could have a competitive team from HMD, I don't see why you are so adverse to playing 4s.

  3. i find that bubble stun sorc heals performs pretty well in yolo q....haven't tried it for group ranked though...always had an operative/scoundrel available for that.


    As far as counters go....what have you seen be a good counter to the double AP/Tactics powertech/vanguard + other dps + op/scoundrel heals?


    I was thinking ranged DoT dps'ers to counter that comp....try to keep them spread out....keep whole team DoT'ed up to pressure the healer and try and burn down one of the van/powertechs.


    AP comps rely on grouping people up to cleave them, ranged that spread out and support each other is the counter.

    AP tank counters melee and especially smashers due to AOE reduction. AP tanks however are vulnerable to direct damage, as long as you don't stun them, dot builds like leth sniper eat them up.

    Double sorc works fine too http://www.twitch.tv/mudclot/b/471447774

  4. Solo queue is really the ONLY thing that matters if you want to talk about player skill. Group ranked is about group comp, you can play like dog**** and still win if you run the OP compos. The ability for a solo queue player to carry a high W/L ratio regardless of who he gets grouped with is far more telling than a group running FOTM OP compos if talking about individual player skill, which is what these leaderboards are pretending to do. If your group runs a compo with 4 taunts and a guard, the opposition is very limited in what they can employ to beat it. Most of them require a specific comp that is unfavorable to any matchup other than the one you are intending to beat. Very wishywashy if you want to talk about "skill". They should post average DPS/TDD, protection, heals, and W/L instead of just rating and wins. Or we could cut all of the measuring and just duel it out, but I know certain players are adverse to getting stomped 1v1 :rolleyes:


    While I agree that better players will carry better records eventually if they suffer through terrible team mates long enough, the idea that the unorganized cluster F that is solo queue is the ultimate measure of skill is downright laughable. I'm sorry but when I'm on my deception sin and both rounds I out damage and out protect the three smashers on my team I don't see how my skill could have made up for their lack of ability. If you have the patience to suffer the downright awful play in solos more power to you, it's regs that reward ranked comms.

    Lottery queue is Lottery queue, and teamwork in a 4 man is also a skill.


    lol at crying about OP comps while you run a smash mara btw


    Hybrid tanks that get queued as dps say hi

  5. I don't know who heads up the ranked channel saw a gmotd to join so I did.


    Pub side I see eternal and the guys from ID in the 4's queue

    Imp side Death Smile and KFT are the regulars with some others on occasion.

    It seems most other teams will only suffer one or two losses before throwing in the towel.


    Kickball style games are a good way to work on personal performance, and to experiment with comps. You really need to get a consistent group to take it to the next level (my team has 6 regular players who we can swap in and out as needed)


    If you just want semi random fun get 16 in an ops group and have everyone queue solo at the same time. People care less about solo ranking and I'm sure more people from the fleet would start queuing if they knew something like this was happening.

  6. and for those who complain about groups running certain "FOTM" comps, there's a counter to everything.



    Some comps will flat out roll others, but every comp has a counter. If you can't think of the counter mirroring a good setup you see is always an option. (I realize not everyone can just roll another class at will)

    The most important thing is to find something that works for you, and take playing a comp that counters you as a challenge.


    If you find yourself calling the other team hackers or making silly excuses why you get beat you'll never improve.

  7. There is a "Ranked" chat channel already on the server, it doesn't get much use though.


    Solo queue isn't a bad place to find players, it should be obvious pretty quickly who can handle themselves in an arena. If you want to get a team going reach out to those good players you see and get them on your friends list.


    Separate advice rant about ranked 4's below


    When you first start ranked the more experienced teams will stomp you into wanting to quit, this is normal and all the players on those teams went through it themselves, the key is persistence and learning from your games.


    In my experience ranked success comes in stages

    Step 1 - Get horribly stomped, and feel like you can never match up with the other team. (round loss in 1min)

    Step 2 - Hold your own against good teams, make some plays but still a little short (round loss 3-4min)

    Step 3 - Win rounds against good teams


    Getting from step 1 to step 2 is where most people get discouraged, this is the largest hill to climb.

    Once you get to Step 2 you'll find it easier to get your group going, the competitive fires will be burning.


    If you want to improve, after a loss try to analyze what happened.

    What did they do that was effective? How can we counter it?

    What mistakes did we make?


    Ask yourself lots of questions.

    Take a look at your composition, what are you trying to do with it? Are you trying to cc and burst, spread them out with ranged, bunch them up for splash damage?

    Do your classes compliment each other? A dot spec paired with a heavy cc class like an assassin is probably not the best idea.

    What utilities do you have? off heals, taunts, cc's, pulls, kbs? How can you use these effectively without overlapping?

    Are you using medpacks, adrenals, and grenades appropriately?


    Bring a class that can guard

    You need to have a guard in ranked 4s if you want to beat an average team, you will only beat teams you already out-skill without one.


    If you want to be serious stay away from sorc heals right now, I don't like that they aren't viable but they just aren't. Sorc dps can be very effective if you set up your comp to maximize it. Check out Glory or Mudclot's streams to watch top sorcs having success in arena.


    I do think ranked in shadowlands could be more than it is right now, I'm too cheap to xfer my mains (plus I really don't want to reward biowares mismanagement with anything other than the monthly sub) but I've been leveling an alt on PoT5 because the lack of pops can be discouraging. I'd love to not have to play on another server to get ranked games.


    TLDR - Ranked is hard at first, it gets better if you want it to. When you see good players reach out, see what you can do.

  8. Actually random composition not so much. They match dps vs dps, healer vs healer and tank vs tank... that being said people with a hybrid vanguard/powertech that can guard can give a distinct advantage.


    To be honest most of the best games I went against was against the guys who I would be wanting to queu with. I think I went up against Cielo 10+ times today, against Katez like 5 times, against Tae, Urbanmeyer, Artaio... those were the better matches.


    To be honest solo ranked will be as good as the people who embrace it and unfortunately not many are embracing it right now:( and that makes me a SAAAD PANDA:eek:


    So where are the imps, I only seen Harison and a few others, are you queuing ranked group?


    When I get 2 sorcs, 2 mercs vs 3-4 warriors it feels pretty random,

    What i meant was sometimes you get comps that work well together but most times you don't. If you get a sorc healer and the other team has an OP for example. The skill matching seems no where to be found, maybe after more people establish rating.


    KFT, and DS are mostly trying to do 4s, I see the occasional imp guild like veritas and ten inches. Haven't seen a pub team since the day of reset.

    I get the draw of solo for comm farming but it is usually not very competitve, can only really use the most basic strats (kill that guy) combine that with the faction split (seems way more pubs que) and 1/4 matches seems to get a d/c for me.

    yolo que I just use to farm ez ranked comms

  9. Shout out to everyone queuing ranked...


    Guys from Wook

    Guys from Eternal

    Guys from Gray Order

    Guys from Undercon

    Guys from BMU

    Guys from Lnfinite Darkness

    Guys from Invalit Target

    Guys from Redemption

    Guys who are unguilded and awesome... particularly Silvanas you are a mother @#&*ing gentleman!


    On a side note shout out to the only imps I remmeber going against in the last 48 hrs Vanyera and Evilharisonford.


    On a side note solo ranked is sometimes ridiculously easy, sometimes ridicuously hard... and quite often ridiculously random and quite enjoyable.


    You'd think a 4s team could be found in there somewhere,

    shoutout to the teams doing 4s

    KFT, death smile, ten inches unbuffed, CAE, and Veritas

  10. The people in the upper level range of low level warzone will always have the advantage of more abilities and more passives added from the skill trees. You went from top dog in the 10-29 bracket, to freshman in the 55-30 bracket, as you level it will get better.


    Bolster makes your health and stats similar, but the abilities and points in the skill tree you get at higher levels do have a noticeable effect.

  11. Figures that would be the night I decided to dust off the old Sentinel. That Huttball hurt, but we did alright with an earlier win in a AHG. So much PT-oil-slick-proto-flame pain in that one :D. I think all healers hit near 1.5M or so.


    The AH we really just needed one more good dps on our side, ent and I were both at 1.2 mil next guy on our team was half that, we still got some focus kills but 3 heals and a full jugg tank was just too much in AH for the group we had.


    My fav part of the huttball was the sniper giving Ent full resolve then using his KB, and /s "pos hacker" after it had no effect.

  12. Not applicable as the skiillcap for running a premade in regs is so boringly low that you have to go into the cellar to find it. There' simply no challenge in it.


    If you wanna test any potential mettle, you want to go PUG vs PUG. THAT's where you get to prove your worth (or lack of)


    If you want to test mettle you do ranked not regs, pug vs pug is only a contest of which team gets randomly assigned the least dead weight.


    So my other option, que solo ranked seems to fit the bill of what you're after

  13. arenas do not test skill, team play and objectives do.


    Respecing to turtle matches, huttball click macros, indefinite suicide runs to stop caps, trading AOE cc bombs hoping to get a lucky cap. This was the "skill" rewarded by 8v8s, arena requires far more actual ability playing your toon to consistently win.

    Not saying 8v8 wasn't fun or didn't require skill, just saying it's silly to say 8v8 requires more skill than arena. Mistakes are less forgiving in arena and you can't hide the bad in 4v4.

  14. Imps dominate the shadowlands? Really? Which guilds?


    I would say it is 50/50 on the shadowlands and imps have a lot more gear checks than pubs. It really depends on the day.


    In regs you're probably right, I know I switch to republic when the imp derp is too high.

    In rated 4s the only 2 good teams are both imp (KFT and Death Smile A teams) haven't seen another team that can compete.

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