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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Domatron

  1. merkavinder strikes again


    At least the last match was close, and the Kyarra/Council vs Nhu/Openwide 3 battle rez match was epic.


    I'm sad that my fun lasted for about 15sec of me being stunned while you two took a s**t on my partner and then killed me :(

  2. if everyone else is going to start being srs i guess i will have to as well


    Assasin/Shadow: Ambien, some honorable mentions would be Avenn/Abdicate/Darkyoda/Terethyn/Legend. I've never seen Ambien lose a 1v1 in a game though so he gets the nod.


    Marauder/Sent: Merkave/Aluvian/Freq (very close)


    PT/Vanguard: T-elos, Rejinlief is good too but T-elos is the best player on the server imo


    Operative/Scoundrel: Me/Ethi/Kelandi all around the same in terms of healing ability, Samson/Varreck is by far the best dps operative ive ever played with.


    Juggernaut/Guardian: Merkavalt, best tank ive ever played with in terms of protecting healers and scoring goals in huttball. As good at smash as anyone else.


    Sorc/Sage: Somnax is the best sorc healer with Taesty and Lagrangian not far behind, DPS wise I don't see very many but probably Churb or Jackrip


    Merc/Commando: Openwide and Donna are great commando healers, the best merc dps who still plays is probably Skillex.


    Sniper/Slinger: This is close but I would probably have to go with Cap because he is effective with all 3 specs and a great teammate to have in ranked, Calem is easily the best gunslinger on the server when he plays and Rejinlief is really good on his sniper as well.


    IMO the two best players on the server are T-elos and Somnax.


    Somnax has tons of 50's and is extremely effective as all of them, T-elos really only plays 1 class at 50 atm but plays it basically perfectly.


    This is almost exactly the list I would've made except I'd add Zachariah for Dps commando and Stand for Dps Operative

    T-elos = best player on one class

    Somnax = best player on multiple classes (although if Kiraikuei was still around I think he could also be #1)


    and ethi is bad /spit on him when you see him

  3. And then they have to wait for another Content thing to do that's new and exciting for 3 months at minimum (makeb). That's the main gripe of the majority of people in this thread. I don't see how you're failing to grasp that.


    I don't have a problem with the thing being in the zone because I enjoy PVP, but I do see why a lot of people are pissed that new content is forcing Open World pvp.


    Granted: No one knows exactly how much of this will be in actual open world areas and not instanced areas on the western shelf. The developers during the live Q/A did, after all, say they were drastically changing the shelf. Until the thing hits the PTS, no one will really know and PVE'ers will still continue to rage about having to PVP for new content.


    I wanted HK and I was forced to do FPs which I loathe, I wanted the reward so I sucked it up and did it. If people want this reward they will have to suck it up and do it. I don't see how you're failing to grasp that.

  4. This ^


    Whilst I love PvP i don't think any player should be forced todo something they don't like.


    No one is forcing you to do anything, you choose to enter a zone that gives you a warning that it will flag you. It's not like people are coming into your operation and wiping you, you voluntarily entered a flagged zone. If you want the rewards then do it, if not skip it.

  5. I had to do FPs to get HK and I didn't mind because I wanted the reward even though I almost feel asleep. So if you want the rewards do it if not skip it.


    I love the fact that players don't mind countless wipes on a PVE mob but the second another player kills them the world is over.


    Just think of me as a world boss and bring your raid group because if you're red you're dead :p

  6. Question for all the pros out there:


    I'm just learning this whole keybinding thing, should I re-bind my mouse keys so they turn my char? Cause the default is camera turn. I can't turn my char without pressing both mouse buttons and thus running forward at the same time. Suggestions?


    Holding left click turns the camera only, holding right click turns your character. Mostly you will be using the forward or strafe key on the keyboard to move but using your mouse to steer.

  7. If your going to try to switch to keybinds my best advice is start small.

    Bind 3 of your most used abilities and add more as you become comfortable. I don't think anyone can go from 0 binds to 30 in one swoop so take it in small steps and build muscle memory.

    Using shift and alt for modifiers also is a big help so you can have more abilities bound without having to reach as many keys.

    Once you get used to keybinds I doubt you'll ever go back to clicking.

  8. I have an Infiltration Shadow, but still I don't picture it since it's pretty easy to find the back of an opponent without even using the tools given in odrer to do it. I can't imagine an ever easier way.


    It depends on the opponent, an experienced pvper will try to never give you their back (easier to do using mouse turns as well). If I'm on my mara you'll have to stun me to get behind because i wont need to kite. If I'm on my merc it will be easier for you to get because i have to move away but i can usually make it a hell of a time by side strafing while mouse steering. Again this is just my experience having been a clicker for a long time and moving to keybinds, then finally a naga mouse which I can't fathom not using at this point. If my mouse breaks I don't think I would play until i got a replacement.

  9. Out of curiosity does someone have a youtube video of someone playing with key binds in pvp? Specifically using mouse turning effectively.


    Darthnish has some good vids for a carnage mara and some other classes. You'll see especially in his tutorial vids on his mara how he dodges sorc knockbacks by strafing around them. Its very obvious which sorcs use the mouse to turn and thus hit with the knockback.



  10. I know people don't like key turning, but straf + revert turn (left straf + right turn or right starf + left turn) does the same trick.


    If you use a class that has to get behind people like a sin/shadow or an op/scoundrel the mouse turn will get you there faster with more control of direction. I'm not saying it's not doable with key turning but using the mouse is much more efficient especially if the target is moving.

  11. As well as I agree about the GTAoE part, while it wouldn't be a problem if BW had them implemented properly, there is this part :



    Why ?


    You need to use your mouse to turn, especially if the target is not stationary, which is not possible if you are using it to click abilities.

  12. My take is the major problem with clicking abilities is you can not effectively circle strafe. If you are playing any melee class in pvp this a huge disadvantage. Laying AOE abilities is also much quicker because you don't have to click the spell and then place your mouse. For things like throwing the huttball the 0.5 sec difference in getting off a throw can mean not getting it off at all.
  13. When I use group finder I have lower expectations, the same thing applies when I solo queue for war zones.

    Most times I group its not even with my own guild (stealth premades MUHAHAHA), and if you were actually any good you wouldn't have a problem finding a group because people would seek you out or join after a simple tell.


    Instead of crying on the forums take note of the good players you see in war-zones and ask them to group up, 2/3 of my friends list was populated this way.


    If you can't find groups or can't finish your weekly solo queuing the problem is you.

  14. People have been saying the same thing about marauder root locks through resolve, and facing the absurd defensives and damage of marauders in general for months now- not fun to face a class doing double your burst damage, who isn't taking any damage, jumping all over, stealthing, moving extra fast, etc... and getting some of the top group utility on top of having so much damage and mitigation.


    Marauders have been the biggest fun suckers in the game since 1.2- nobody likes taking two steps, being leap smashed, another step, leap root ravage root throw executed, etc... either.


    Basically all you're saying is- what makes the game unfun for melee classes is a huge issue that BW needs to address right now- but what has been making the game unfun for certain classes for well over half a year still isn't something that needs to be addressed.


    I love when people whine about maras to defend bubble stun while not realizing that a bubble stun will give a marauder an on demand hard stun. I can't tell you how many times I've set up a gore+ravage or a smash by clicking off the bubble first. Your stun bubbles are OP in the current form as it gives your whole team an extra on demand 4 sec hard stun that gives 1/2 resolve, end of story.

  15. Ah yes... tier 1 on the Annihilation tree we find "Enraged Slash"

    I have an evil Carnage Mara as well :-) Gore+Ravage can make them QQ


    I still dont use VS much on him either lol


    VS builds rage on a Mara with berserk active, in a good run you can get 30 stacks of fury almost a fast as the smash CD. In some Voidstar matches i don't even have to use battering assault to keep my rage up because of the berserk effect. So I would advise using it more.

    If rage wasn't so potent for marauders/sents and only Juggs were using it there would be a lot less QQ about smash, besides I think most good mara's would rather be carnage if rage wasn't almost absurdly better at this point.

  16. Tank vanguards are not in a good place for pvp atm so I would just build the full dps set. The survivability will go up as you get more war hero gear and more expertise but full pyro vanguards are glass cannons. Your best defense will always be killing the other guy first, luckily you have the best burst in game. For now just try to assist better geared teammates, don't charge in first like Rambo. If you make smart use of your stuns and shield it can go along way. Keep in mind kiting melee is very effective as well since all of your abilities can hit at 10m.
  17. So I was fiddling around with the crate-o-matic I got yesterday, and it doesn't seem like it has much practical use.


    1. You can't use it during combat.


    2. Outside of combat, you can't move around in the crate (though, as I read somewhere else, you can change your outfit while inside).


    3. The crate does not shield you from damage. Nor does it apply any stealth mechanic as far as I can tell.


    4. If you hop into the crate, send your companion at mobs, and your companion dies - the mobs will target you even if you're in the crate.


    5. If you hop into the crate, and a patrol passes by, the patrol will attack you.


    6. Using any abilities while inside the crate will immediately pop you out of the crate.


    I do have to say though, that it is rather hilarious to be in front of a GTN terminal with a bunch of people nearby and just pop into a crate.


    Also, a note - even though the item tag still says "Binds on Equip" in my inventory, I can not sell it on the GTN. Haven't tried mailing or trading it yet though (I am kind of afraid of losing it).


    edit: fiddled around some more


    you can use it for this

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