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Posts posted by Domatron

  1. another shoutout to kungfu treachery!


    they are very good team sports and are very kind and civil when they lose warzones, much love and respect :D





    Ibok always talks trash but I'm surprised people haven't figured out he's just trying to troll you or get you off your game.

    That being said the rest of the guild is very friendly and generally cool people so try not to paint with such a broad brush ;)

  2. I was in lowbie pvp in voidstar on defense. After a bridge cap 7 of the enemy team all ran down the bridge at the same time. I ran into the middle of them with my merc and it was like a bowling ball hitting a strike, got 6 out of 7 into the void 3 on each side.
  3. 1390 expertise and hit for almost 7K. I guess that other dude in ops chat was less geared and the guy they hit for 7,3K even more so.


    Smashes can be fairly easy to avoid on the other warzones but on VS you're required to stay somewhat close to the doors...and you will get jumped. So it's going to come down to either taking a hit every now and then or running away from the objective. With more than one geared mara/sent in the game it's pretty much unavoidable to not get smashed and that's when it's silly to get hit for 7K in BiS.


    And they wonder why some classes are more popular than others in rwz.

    out of curiosity was that a jugg or a mara? and since I'm on your server I'm a little curious about the name of the player.

  4. I had a bug last night were as soon as I got the ball we scored. Didn't matter where I was on the field or how i got the ball. Happened when i got a pass near the score line and I figured it was lag, but then I killed someone in a fire pit by our goal and as soon as I got the ball score and reset. Never seen anything like it before.
  5. It doesn't even look like the merc is trying to kite, if he is he's doing it terribly. The Merc has to stay outside 10m, he doesn't use his cleanse to remove the slows and he uses his knockback before the PT uses his grapple. Still going to be tough to take out an equally geared PT but if you just face tank it, this is what happens.
  6. I'm probably going to get flamed for this, some will probably say that I'm a noob or I should just improve, use the terrain better etc. I'm not the best PVP-er, so yes, I could probably improve.


    But I think that endgame PVP is not enjoyable for most. It is definitely a **** experience for me. I really, really enjoyed the 10-49 bracket. It was so much fun, that I skipped entire planets and just leveled up this way. Then I hit 50. Got my recruit gear.

    10-49 is full of less experienced players who don't have their full abilities, it easier


    At first, I ALWAYS died in 2 seconds. When I managed to hit someone a few times, I did not even damage them. I could not believe how much that c**pster of an ability, Expertise matters. But whatever, I was a training dummy, I went back again and again and again.

    Melee dps probably sees the gear gap worse than anyone, don't feel bad you scale better with gear


    Later, after my expertise went up from 1180 to about 1250, I became more resilient. I could inflict damage (to some) and even survive for a while (against some)


    That's when things started to turn REALLY BAD.


    This is what a match is like:


    Stun, stun, stun, dead.

    Stun, stun, stun, dead.

    Hitting buttons like crazy, not realizing I'm stunned, dead.

    Welcome to Melee, try to not jump into 3-4 if you are under-geared let others lead and assist them





    Hackers. Great. Hey, that dude goes into stealth for the 3rd time in about 30-50 seconds mid battle. Hey, that other dude isn't overheating. Hey, hey, hey.....

    Document and report if you think it is a hack but it is most likely a mechanic you don't understand or lag related



    Premades. Fully geared. Probably using TS. Slaughterfest.

    Run with friends of your own

    I might suck (I don' think so) but I lose 4 out of 5 WZs, IF I AM LUCKY.


    Not to mention the "small" things, like how I can never beat a Marauder 1 on 1, even if our gear is pretty much the same. How I can still sometimes die in 2 seconds.

    Without trying to be mean this is a L2P issue, ask people for help to work on countering strats

    How people simply leave the WZ as soon as they realize who we are playing against. And so many more problems...

    Yes this sucks


    The Warzones are designed nice, but overall endgame pvp is a sick, sick joke. And there you have it, if you don't like raiding, what do you do? Log in, try not to puke until you lose four times for your daily, and log out.


    I needed to vent. Would be nice not to have any "Cool story bro." comments, but I'm realistic. I resubbed after almost a year, hoping for Star Wars fun, and here I am, downloading GW2 as I type, even thouh I don't like fantasy..

    It will get better as you get more experience doing it and better gear. You can literally lose your way to both. Make some friends run with some guildies and even horrible losses can be made fun. If its going really bad I will just mark one guy and have our group try to see how many times we can kill him. Stuff like that to keep it lively.

  7. Don't use force jump off the bat if you can help it. Your force scream, vicious throw, and force choke can all hit outside the stun range, use those to break the bubble then jump to him. Since you are annih you can also set your dots and let them pop it while you're out range of the stun. It still will be a pain to take them down but you can work around it. Keep crippling slash up.
  8. Well, all the guilds on my server are all elitist and only let non-puggers in.


    Rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


    If i remember correctly from another post you are on Shadowlands, if so ask the Dark Jesters they pvp alot and don't have any requirements other than having a good attitude.

  9. The main complaint seems to be a need for another way to evade people, what do you think of this.

    - Give the threat dump mercs have (i forget the name has a flare in it) the same temporary invisibility that force cloak has for marauders.

    It would be a simple change that wouldn't change the PvE side of things at all (might actually be a buff there as well)

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