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Everything posted by Angelshooter

  1. Uhh, no. There is ONE hooded robe for marauders, and it's not obtainable until very late game. This is my idea of a black robe http://swtorhumanrelations.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/sith-marauder1.jpg not ugly revan's robe. If you're happy, that's fine and dandy, but don't parade around saying there is a huge variety for sith warriors which is simply untrue.
  2. Not everyone is a jedi knight, bra. Just because you got what you wanted doesn't mean everyone else is satisfied. Typical hypocrite, all you've done is cry on the forums asking for a hood-down jedi robe, LOL.
  3. True, but I'm pretty sure sorcs would rather have a hooded black robe that this crap
  4. So let me get this straight, people have been crying for a simple hood-up, black robe (like the one in your sith warrior progression trailer) since the game was released and you give us another cheap, lazy recolor of an outfit that is already easily available in-game. You gave jedi knights what they want (hood-down, brown robe) but you failed to please us sith warriors. I have been waiting week after week only to see junk being added to the cartel shop (2 recolors of pilot suit? really?) and was hoping some archetypal sith gear would be added to the cartel shop...and instead I get this crap http://media-titanium.cursecdn.com/attachments/thumbnails/45/262/630/630/sithraiderarmor.png
  5. Simple Hood-down robes for jedi and hood-up black robes for sith. Make it happen, Bioware.
  6. Something needs to be done about the ugly robotic armor that marauders are forced to wear. It would make a lot of marauders very happy if this heavy armor robe was added to the cartel shop: Primeval Paragon's Body Armor http://www.gophoto.it/view.php?i=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/153/b/8/sith_1_by_davis181-d5200tr.jpg#.UJQwMsXA_ik Just make sure it's black...not yellow with blue stripes, not pink, not blue...just black
  7. +1 for plain black robe, with no Christmas lights, giant shoulder spikes or hideous colors. http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/803/sithwarrior2.jpg <-------- needs to be in cartel shop ASAP. http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/4179/sithwarrior1.jpg this jug robe would also work: http://www.torhead.com/item/fzGnaO8/primeval-paragons-body-armor#.
  8. I second this we need a barber shop for us bums who gave our toons terrible hair cuts or ugly mugs
  9. if you take the armoring modification out of PvP gear (i.e. battlemaster/war hero) and stick it in a piece of PvE gear (i.e. Rakata/columi) does the PvP set bonus transfer as well? Or will it simply retain its PvE set bonus?
  10. The sad reality is all the gear looks like complete and utter trash.
  11. This would be a great addition if the social armor actually looked cool. Just give me a hooded black robe for my marauder, not this ugly social crap.
  12. Yeah, same thing happened to me saved up about 100 tokens, went on a trip for a week, came back and the event was over before I could spend them. There really should be a world event vendor who sells all current/past world event rewards so that bums like me who saved up tokens can still spend them
  13. first la kings beat canucks, and now this? this is not a good day.
  14. Getting very tired of the ugly, lazy designs of new armors. It's not like bioware doesn't know what looks good and what doesn't... they always have awesome looking sets in their trailers yet they are not available in game. These armors are rejects from the bottom of the garbage can they just slapped together and called "legacy armors" check out what the marauder is wearing in this trailer http://video.mmosite.com/default.php?controller=resource&action=play&id=16701 that's what I want, not this crap...
  15. I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I look at these models
  16. Judging from this I think BioWare has officially stopped trying
  17. Just wondering which datacrons you guys get on your marauders. Do you just get str/end datacrons? should you bother with cunning and willpower? post your thoughts (:
  18. Ugh I hate the cardboard cape...and I see they still havent fixed the blurry preview window in 1.2 *sigh*
  19. 52 valor and 34 bags here, still no champion gear.
  20. I fully support having purples fully moddable. This needs to happen soon.
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