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Posts posted by GnatB

  1. If Disney plans on relaunching SW's and covering all aspects from books to gaming to movies like GL said wouldn't it make sense if they somehow made VII tie into Swtor in some way?


    Not neccessarily. It's unclear how the licensing agreement works. SWTOR is EA (by way of bioware). It's possible LucasArts (and thus now Disney) are only making a cut off the box sales, and a negligable amount off subscription/cartel. Heck, it's *possible* EA only paid an upfront licensing fee of "X" amount of money. Disney may not particularly CARE (financially) how well SWTOR does in the long run.


    In fact, they may actually have fairly strong incentive for SWTOR to fail even if they ARE taking a cut of the ongoing proceeds. LucasArts has been "on the way out" for quite some time. They don't really have the experience/ability to put something out like an MMO, so SWTOR doesn't really compete with anything they could have likely done themselves. Disney is a different kettle of fish. They're already IN the MMO space. They're quite capable of doing their OWN StarWars MMO. So if SWTOR fails, it would likely make any SW MMO THEY make far more profitable.

  2. This quote in red from lucasfilm means clearly Luke will be in the film.


    From what I understand, the quote in red isn't from an official source. It's an interpretation of what what was said by an official source.


    Here's the article:

    "It's an original story," a LucasFilm source tells me.

    In other words, forget the Star Wars novels. Forget the graphic novels. Forget everything you think you know about what happens to Luke Skywalker. According to my sources, Episode 7 will literally be nothing you've ever seen or read before from the Star Wars universe.


    The sources simply say "It's an original story" and "it will literally be nothing you've ever seen or read before from the Star Wars universe"


    Your quote in red in E!'s interpretation of those two quotes. (and even that interpretation doesn't mean they are stomping over EU, just that the movie isn't going to be covering any of what you know about Skywalker. You can forget about it doing any of that material/those stories.)


    So, all we *really* know is the movie isn't a film adaptation of an existing story. We have no idea whether or not Luke will be in it.

  3. I don't think it would be neccessary to recast them. My money's on ~40 years in the future.


    Intro scroll, something like:


    Episode 7

    Return of the Sith

    It is a time of peace in the galaxy.

    Skywalkers new Jedi Order has finally

    helped secured a tentative peace after numerous

    trials, fully demonstrating their value as

    peacekeepers and defenders.


    Taking advantage of this peace, Jedi Ambassador

    Leia Organa-Solo, is on route to deliver

    a most precious cargo to Tenel Ka,

    Queen mother of of the Hapes Consortium.


    End text, camera scrolls to show Millenium Falcon racing away from some sort of Dreadnaught that's firing on it. Cockpit scene: Han's flying, Leia's copilot. Transmission comes on: "This is so-an so, of the sith tribe such and such. Power down your weapons and shields, and prepare to be boarded"


    Leia picks up the Mike and replies: "This is Jedi Ambassador Leia Organa-Solo. Cease your attack, or we will be forced to retaliate."


    The reply over the speaker "Retaliate? With what? This is your last warning. Power down your weapons and shields."


    Leia (mindspeak): Sorry Luke, I tried.

    Luke (mindspeak): Very well, Jaina, Ben, Fire on 3. 1...2...3...


    Switch to bridge of Dreadnaught. Sparks, alarm sirens going off.

    Crewman (panicked): Sir: Both shield generators have both been destroyed. We're complete defenseless, but scanners still only show that one ship, and it hasn't fired anything capable of that!

    *small light appears in forward view port, growing larger*

    Captain: Damn Jedi. So they weren't as vulnerable as we had been told.


    Exterior view of ship, fireball erupts from bridge. All laser fire from ship cuts out, and it begins to drift. Camera pans to the Falcon, in time to see three StealthX's fly into formation behind it.

    Luke (mindspeak): Good shooting Ben.

    Ben (mindspeak): Thanks Dad


    Scene switches to inside Falcon's passenger compartment, Leia walks in and checks on the lone visible passenger, a young girl.

    Girl: "Grandmommy, is everybody Ok?"

    Leia: "Yes Alanna. Master Skywalker, Ben, and Aunt Jaina are all just fine".

    Man climbing down ladder from gun turret: "Somehow, I'm not surprised. But wasn't 3 shadow bombs just a little bit overkill?"

    Leia: "We didn't want to take chances, Jagged. They identified themselves as Sith, which means it's possible someone onboard could have detected and deflected just a single Bomb. It is a bit worrisome though, It's has been some time since Vestara dissapeared, but how could she have built up Sith forces enough for an ambush like this?

    Jagged: "Maybe I should switch with Ben? If there's actual Sith tracking us down, skill may be more important than force-enhanced stealth. I can't use the force to communicate and control shadowbombs, but Ben isn't really trained for starfighter combat.

    Leia (musing): Hmm... No, let's leave it as is for now. We don't know if there's any real sith, that could have been just a bluff. And Luke and your wife should be able to handle the brunt of it if stealth fails. *sigh* So much for a peaceful family get-together.



    Or something like that. Does a relatively good job of intruducing the main characters. (which, incidentally, are NOT Luke, Leia, Han. Their part pretty much is just a means of introducing the "new" characters) You don't really *need* to go in depth with everything that's happened in the 40 year interval. In fact, it's probably better if you don't. Gives the movie goer incentive to buy/read the books, as long as enough is explained so they don't feel *completely* lost. Whose that guy? Oh, Jaina's wife. Whose Jaina? Leia/Han's daughter. Whose Ben? Luke's son. Remember, at the beginning of most new movies, you don't know who ANYBODY is.


    The moviegoer doesn't *really* need to know that Allana's dad (Leia/Han's son) became a sith lord and killed Luke's wife. That there was a massive interstellar war of an invading alien species. That Jagged is Wedge's nephew.


    (Though, of course, as a nod to fans it could be touched on... ghost apparition of Mara at some point, or maybe a holo of her taped to the dash of Luke's xstealth... or Luke asking Jagged if he's heard anything about how Uncle Wedge is enjoying his retirement)

  4. So your only comment is they dont have an animation for one move, not its a good idea or i dont like it. Can i see your grammar police badge please?


    My point is that you are wrong. The animations are not, in fact, already in the game. Death from above is just the most obvious example, but you can pretty much pick any ability with a special animation... which is most of them.


    Thus, this idea becomes "not easy to add".


    I wasn't attempting to comment on whether or not I like it. I was just pointing out your initial "hey, this is easy to do, so just do it" assumption was inherently flawed, which seemed to be one of the cornerstones of your suggestion.

  5. The corthosis is a grade 6 mat, and thus only has a single moderate mission. On the plus side, IIRC there ARE only 5 total grade 6 missions, so this mission is always available, assuming it isn't already being run.


    Thermoplast flux is a grade 5 mat, and thus has better missions (think both rich and bountiful), however there are far more than 5 grade 5 missions, so there is a distinct possibility none of the thermoplast missions will be available. (I don't *think* it has a grade 6 mission?)


    Basically, if you're making augment kits, it's better/faster/cheaper to have your armstech/armormech make them than your synthweaver. (assuming, of course, you have multiple crewskills... which I do. :D)


    It's been a while since I really paid attention, but from what I remember, archeology is the only gathering skill that actually has a grade 6 "white" mat. The others cap out at grade 5.

  6. Your chance, OVER TIME, is increased as odds say eventually you will hit the schematic. However each individual roll is 20% regardless of anything that has every happened before it.


    Not really. It's unlikely you'll go on a long streak of failures, but just because you HAVE gone on a long streak of failures in no way impacts the odds of future success.


    Here's a depressing thought for all you crafters. For those 10% success items, the odds of getting a success on your next attempt (10%) is just about the same as the odds your next attempt will be the first in a string of 22 failures. (9.8%)


    Each and every time you RE. Depressed much?


    edit: and P.S. My suggestion is whenever possible, never try to RE a single item at a time. Set up 5 *different* items in your crafting queue(s), so you aren't wasting mats if you happen to get the RE after the first one... and so you aren't wasting time changing characters so often by only having 1 item in the queue. Only when you're down to very few worthwhile schematics left to learn should you be either doing multiples of 1, or only having 1 item in the queue.

  7. awwww,,but leia escaped,,wouldnt jacen and jaina be roylty too?


    Yep. Though arguably both went on to "greater" things than being prince/princess of the Alderaanian refugees on New Alderaan or whatever.


    Who cares about being "prince" or "princess" of a planet when you're "Emporer" or "Empress" of a significant intersteller empire?



    Though I'm uncertain Darth Caduceus was ever *called* emporer? And we know Jagged was Emporer, and his descendants were hereditary emporers, but I don't believe he was Emporer when he marries Jaina, but presumably he/his family line gets back in power somehow, possibly while Jaina was still married to him? Note: All info gained from wikis, I got tired of star wars books around halfway through the yuzhon vong war... just went On and ON and ONNN... Reading the cliffnotes wikis is about all I can stand.


  8. on another note: the "princesses" in star wars really arent


    "queen" amidala was elected leader,,,PRESIDENT amidala


    leia was a stepdaughter of senator organe,,,,"senators daughter"


    but "princess" just sounds better


    Pretty sure we're all aware that Alderaan does, in fact, have kings, and princesses. Being a senator doesn't mean you aren't also a prince... and a quick google search shows that (at least according to the star wars wiki) Bail Organa WAS prince consort to Queen Breha Organa. That would presumably mean that their adopted daughter would have been a princess. In addition to being a senators daughter. One doesn't rule out the other.


    But yeah, Amidala wasn't ever a princess, she was a queen. Elected queen, but the title used was still queen.

  9. Well episode 7 cant be worse than 1-3 right?


    Really makes you think, the timeline of what happens post EP6 is fairly well set for the next ~50 years, what with the EU books and all. Are they going to be tossing out a whole mess of the books? Movielizing some/many of the books, or jumping ~50 years into the future when Ben's older or somesuch? IIRC there's a whole vision/prophecy going on with his cousins daughter that's way unresolved. But I'd think that's too far into the future to really capture ambivalant moviegoers. They probably care more about what happens to Luke/Leia/Han (if that) than what happens to their children/grandchildren, who they probably have never heard of.


    But yeah, I see 3 options.

    1. Thrawn trilogy to movie

    2. Toss EU to N-canon

    3. ~50 years in the future. Presumably Ben skywalker as mentor to his cousins daughter.


    That isn't balance, balance is no sith, no darkside.

    I'd have argued "balance" would be equal/equal. Sort of the definition. Which always made no sense to me as why when everything seems to be going in favor of the light (jedi council leading advisors to republic, no known sith) they would actually WANT balance. Seemed to me like that would be a bad thing.


    (yes, I know LUCAS said that balance is all light, but really... that doesn't make any sense... silly lucas logic, I guess)

  10. I think the difference is between triggered mobs and static mobs.


    I strongly suspect that triggered encounters can be triggered for each/every character that goes through an area. 4 characters = 4x as many mobs. Static mobs that are just there... well, are just there waiting to be slain.


    Went through a class (Inquisitor) quest on Hoth a short while ago with my dad. He usually follows my lead. At a certain place a "trap" sprung, summoning ~3 droids. First trap 3 were summoned as I walked through, and my dad (warrior) force leaped (or whatever it's called) into combat.


    Everything just fine


    Next encounter his force leap was still on cooldown, so he manually ran up to engage. Soon as he hit the trap area, he sprung a trap too, and another set of 3 droids spawned.


    And yes, on the way out as he walked past that very first trap where we only got 1 set of droids? Yep. He triggered it walking past on the way out, and 3 more droids popped.

  11. While I agree that it can be confusing, getting rid of the level descriptors is not necessarily the right answer. Those level descriptors do serve the purpose of informing the player what level character is most likely to to use the resulting materials. I think a better answer would be to include both the level and the grade. Of course, the reason the drop down may not include the grade is because of crew skills that generate companion gifts - at skill 340+ (level 49-50) the companion gift missions are still grade 5 while the materials are grade 6.


    "most likely"


    When I'm making an item for a character of a certain level, I don't know about you, but *I* look at the highest level item of the appropriate type that character can use, check it's mats, (to see grade 1, 2, or whatever), then run the missions of that grade (assuming I don't have mats on me) I never base the mission being run on the level of the character. (or even the item, for that matter). As, quite frequently, they don't match up. Very rarely does the character level match up. (particularly for "finished' items like armor/weapons/earpieces/implants), and it's pretty common for the item level not to match up as well.

  12. Not sure on nodes, I *think* I've gotten a mission & blue box from a slicing node before, so I suspect it is true with nodes.


    Definitely true for crafting though.


    'Course, other than slicing, a crit on gathering (missions) tends not to be quite as obvious as mission skill mission crits, as all it affects is the quantity returned, I don't really notice how many is found all that much when gathering out in the wild, especially since the returns are low numbers, and fairly random to begin with. i.e. when you randomly get 1-4 things, a +50% (or whatever) crit means 2-6? A "crit" could be lower than a regular roll.

  13. To be honest, the sub seems largely geared to PvP'ers and end-game raiders. I don't do either. And most of the things I care about that I get from subbing look like they will be one time purchases in the F2P model... So yeah, I'm definitely considering only keeping my sub going long enough to earn enough credits (at 500 a month) to perma-unlock the features I'm interested in.


    And incidentally, saying the subscription is only $10 because you get (as a guesstimate) $5 worth of free coins is faulty logic. That's only true if you were going to be buying/using $5 worth of coins even if they weren't free. Which I suspect isn't true for most subscribers.

  14. Actually use racial naming conventions?


    Not aware of all of them, but Twi'lek's, for instance, as long as they are still on good terms with their clan they supposedly combine their name & clan name together with a ' between them (not neccessarily at the junction though. IIRC when Wedge was on ryloth, they combined it as Wedgeant'illes, since combining it as Wedge'antillies would have a negative meaning.)


    The Chiss, as I understand it, do a similar thing, but include clan & family.


    (so, if you really want a "surname" different from your legacy name, for many TOR species, sticking a ' in there and doing both of them w/ no space would actually be fictionally accurate)

  15. No worries, I've said this before, but they should *really* get rid of the lvl descriptor in the dropdown, as all it really does is cause confusion. It should just say grade 1, grade 2, etc. So blame Bioware for your confusion.


    (yeah, I realize it's tangentially tied to the missions in that the mats you'll get from those missions *tend* to be used to make equipment for that level range, but even then that's frequently inaccurate, *and* a step removed.)


    Especially considering the mats will say "grade 2 whatever", it makes more sense for the missions to be categorized by "grade" returned, and not by the level range of the equipment made from the mats returned.

  16. Personally, I have no trouble with lvl 10's being able to use +41 white crystals.


    'Course, I tend to think MMO's were better back in the days of EQ, when there were no level restrictions at all. Level restrictions on gear took a big part of the fun out of MMO's for me. Before that I actually had some use for all the money I got crafting. Being a lvl 20 (or thereabouts) equipped with some of the best drops in the game. Now... not so much.

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