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Posts posted by GnatB

  1. You misunderstand totally. This has nothing to do with columi/rakata/campaign or any endgame gear. Nor does it harm Armstech, quite the contrary it will increase their barrel sales. Nor will competitive pricing help generate sales when total sales are at zero. I didn't think it was needed, but let me explain:


    You do realize that armstech also made offhands through REing recipies to make better ones, and they too lost that ability? Though granted they can now sell the barrels, but hey. Artificers can now sell the enhancments. (and crystals? do custom Vibroknives/shotguns use crystals?)


    pre1.4, correctly RE'd offhands was pretty much the only thing my armstech sold. Barrels was too saturated to be profitable, and many people prefer the primary stat augs.

  2. If you don't want to create an alt, you basically have a choice between whether you want to be a self sufficient armorer or self sufficient augmenter.


    My personal opinion is that augmenter is probably the better choice. There isn't all THAT much demand for crafted armors, (heck, the rakata ones are BoP) more and more (if not all) of the population is going towards orange gear, where augments are pretty much the only thing armorers supply. And they only need to buy the orange gear once. (admittedly, at this point they only need to buy the augments once, but that's more likely to change than the need to only buy orange gear once)


    And, of course, if/when you do need to buy mats, the UWT mats aren't nearly as expensive as the slicing ones, last I looked.

  3. EQ did it right, too bad WoW and EQ2 started the horrible trend we have now.


    Personally, I really liked EQ2's crafting. Only reason I quit that game is because all the cool guild outfits my guild unlocked required a high adventuring level to wear, even though I (as a max level crafter) had helped us earn it.... and there was no sign of them ever fixing that. (IIRC, I was second in the game to have a flying carpet. First was one of my guild masters) But yeah, WoW's crafting is a joke, and they probably shouldn't have even bothered.

  4. But OP has a point regarding taking a hit on the market of offhands. You can just go to BT normal and have one modifiable for the entire campaing., No point buying an offhand again.


    Understood, but the same has been true for quite some time now for armormechs/synthweavers.


    Artificers get to sell crystals and enhancements (and hilts), armstech gets to sell augments (and barrels) and armormech/synthweaving gets to sell augments.


    Seems sort of balanced, to me..... though largely in a sucks for everybody sort of balance.

  5. AFAIK, the only people who can use cybertech grenades are also people who could just make them themselves, (skill restriction on them, and all that) so even if they were tradeable the market would be miniscule. Just like with the biochem reuseables
  6. Neither having the rich return less than the bountiful, nor having only non-crits affected by this change would make sense in this case. In fact, I can't see any case where the first makes any sense, and I can't see the second making sense unless they want to make crits more important in crafting, in which case it doesn't make sense to not widen the gap on the moderate/abundant/bountiful missions as well.


    Sorry, it wasn't really meant as a serious answer. I can't think of any *real* reason that makes sense/fits all the facts, so I gave a stupid reason that might make sense to stupid people, as a way of (snidely) pointing out that there is no good reason for the change as is.

  7. You only get them from slicing parts missions (or buying them off the GTN from people who got them from slicing parts missions), and then, from what I remember, only on crits.


    And naturally, it's random what (if any) you'll get. (though you'll usually get 2 on a crit) So the odds of getting the overkill augment you're looking for is fairly low... especially if you're looking for any particular level other than lvl 49.

  8. Haven't done any adventuring since the change yet, but I'd assume you can step back a few steps, overload, then turn and run to get better results than simply overloading than running, as you'll be knocking them more away from the direction your running, and not simply farther along it.


    Haven't played around with it much, but I suspect as a tankassin, the new overload may be more useful to me than the old one. Knocking a ranged enemy away from me is generally a bad idea, as that just means I'll eventually have to run up to *him* to start damaging him again. But knocking a melee one away can be useful, as he'll have to run up to me to start hitting me again, while I can concentrate on his friend. This change presumably means at least some of the time I'll be able to knock away the melee's but not the ranges when in a mixed horde.


    'Course, since I mostly group with a marauder, generally any knockaways are sort of a bad idea. BP AoE's abound.

  9. Competitive PvP is all about the players skills/reflexes/etc. determining whether (s)he wins or loses.

    Good RPG is all about the characters skills/stats/etc. determining whether the character wins or loses.


    This is an RPG. Competitive PvP in this game makes no sense and will simply never be satisfying. The core mechanics of the two concepts are 100% at odds with each other. It Just Doesn't Work.

  10. Wierd. Pretty sure before 1.2 you could learn the mission, send somebody out on it, learn the mission again, send somebody else on it, etc. You just couldn't learn the mission 2x, then send 2 people off on it. IIRC that was one of the biggest complaints with 1.2, that at the end of the night you could no longer send all 5 people out on 340 missions.
  11. Bored, running around in circles and jumping on Imp Fleet, I get close to the guard rail and think "Hey, can I jump over that?" and proceed to fall to my death LOL


    Heh, that reminds me of a world safety "fail".


    Republic fleet, by GTN. While running along on speeder, going through crafting/mission stuff sending companions out, figure I'm safe because railing will stop you from falling over...


    Well, apparently there's a light post or something at the corner of the railing, (don't remember exactly what it is at the moment) where if you hit it at just the right angle, it'll boost you up into the air just enough that you can then sail right over the railing...

  12. They were because, in 1.2 patch they allowed (theoretically) to send 2 companions to the same mission (if you have 2 copies of it), but if you click into 2 identical mission discoveries before completing the first one, the second is simply lost, in the same way you loose an already known schematic.

    That 1.2 patch note only claimed to have resolved that issue, but it never worked as intended.

    It is a well-know confirmed and investigated (but not resolved) bug! :(


    IIRC, before 1.2 it worked just fine and you could send multiple companions on the same mission. 1.2 is what BROKE it... Though I'm not convinced it was a "break". I've noticed several times patch notes have claimed something fixed that was previously working, and after the patch it is no longer "working". I suspect the fact that you COULD send 2 companions on the same mission wasn't intended and was the bug that was fixed in 1.2. I expect the bug report title was "you can send 2 companions on the same mission" or somesuch. When the person who took the "bug fixed" reports wrote up the patch notes, they quoted the bug title exactly, instead of inverting it.

  13. Esselles, shield area (ramp up to center area with console, ramp down on far side, long fall all around)


    I was "tank". Finished the one boss there, ran up to click on console, waiting for others to do same. Saw their health had started dropping, and realized they had all skipped the console to run on towards the bonus boss.


    So, ran around console and made a beeline towards them... only to run off the edge as I hadn't gone quite all the way around, and missed the ramp down.


    Biggest win:

    In situation above, having presence of mind to target the closest mob and mash force leap... which was successful. Totally an "I meant to do that" moment.

  14. IBingo, I just had a Rich Thermoplast Flux mission crit, and it returned 40, which was the pre-patch number for a crit for that mission. So it looks like the results are getting cut in half for all non-crit Rich missions that I can remember the pre-patch numbers for, crits aren't being affected, and non-Rich missions aren't being affected.


    Part of the new feature to encourage people to stop logging in/out to refresh missions until they get rich ones they want?

  15. No ETA means that they honestly have no idea how badly it is broken or how long it will take to fix. Given the utility value of the GTN, I am sure it is at the top of the list. You know as much as they do.


    To be fair to OP, sticky post doesn't say no ETA on an ETA. Just that there is no ETA.


    That being said, I'd assume the ETA on an ETA (at least, an internally not telling us about it ETA) would be at most a day, so why bother announcing it?


    (You can usually estimate how long it'll take to find out what's wrong, but without knowing what went wrong, you typically can't give an accurate ETA on how long it'll take to fix)

  16. Haven't been paying all that much attention, but all I know officially is "coming soon" as of E3, which presumably means sometime before the next E3, since there wasn't "Duke" or "Nukem" in the title of the game.


    Though I believe I heard via hearsay that Cathar probably won't be out until next year sometime, but HK and Makeb should be this year. So figure 6-12 weeks for HK/Makeb, assuming hearsay is accurate.

  17. First, yeah. It's pretty worthless.


    Second... low hanging fruit. One guy probably banged this out in an hour or two over a couple of lunch breaks just because he thought it would be cool, or heck, just wanted to get more familiar with the animation code or something.


    Animations were already there for the cutscenes and stuff. All he did was hook a UI up to them. (is there even a UI, or is it just / commands?)

  18. tbh I would rather they work on more content BEFORE the vanity stuff. My companion doesn't join me on OPS. " Quality of life " stuff is nice, playable content is better. I rly don't want to roll another toon just to get my storyline fix.


    And I don't do ops (or flashpoints, for that matter), so see my companion all the time. So there. Diff'rent strokes.


    'Course, I'm also slowly making my way through all the storylines. Only finished 2 so far. ~1/3 of the way through 3 others, and only past cap planet on the other 3.


    And yes, I also like the idea for skimply/normal. With the additional option to set your system locally to be normal for everybody. Keep the revealing stuff, (heck, even add some) without having to worry about the inevitable prude/unrealistic complaints. They can always shift it over to "normal" mode.

  19. my 3 cr:


    1. It sounded (to me at least) that they probably aren't "upgrading" the existing romances to be SGR compatible, but rather apparently adding new SGR companions.

    2. I'm a hetero male, and am all in favor of SGR. Typically in games I prefer to play female characters, since I happen to like looking at the female form far more than at the male form (so sue me). But being hetero, I also only particularly like romancing the female types.

    3. At this point, it's too late. Romancing the female types was more important than looking at the female form, so pretty much all my characters are male, and no interest in starting new characters over for scratch just for the romance options, even if they did retrofit them.

  20. I don't really feel that reduced spawn timers is a (good) fix. It's annying having mobs spawn behind you, and having quest nodes come back so fast that you may as well just stick by the one you're at isn't very good either.


    Better to (drastically) reduce the number of people required before a new phase/instance (whatever term you want to use) of the word is created.


    'Course, I'd argue they never should have done these merges in the first place, would have been the best fix.

  21. There used to be a bug (think this was in beta) where everyone elses companions appeared 'nekid'

    For a while I didn't know it was a bug. ... Ok, well I can see what sort of crowd signed up for this game ...


    Still happens as of a couple weeks ago during cutscenes. During the finale sequence playing with my dad when he's getting rewarded at the end of the trooper story all his companions were in their skivvies. (had to ask if he had sold all their gear or something... he hadn't)

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