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Posts posted by GnatB

  1. Heavy Armor Armoring (Armormech?)

    Mods (Armormech?)

    Enhancements (Artifice?)

    Barrels (Weaponstech?)


    Cybertech does all armoring and mods (yeah, doesn't make sense, but that's the way it is. You'd think armormech would do aim/cunning armoring, and synthweaving would get will/str, but nope)


    Artifice does get enhancements

    and armstech does get barrels.

  2. what are you doing bioware?

    Here I'm a subber yet for some reason I still find that f2p is horrible. yet you guys decided to take free to play to a whole new level. Here i been bragging to my friends 9-10 total. Swtor is going f2p. we all get up on vent start to level (I'm subbed) I was level 11 to there 8 the other group was all 7. Then on top of that we hadda wait for the flood of freebies that were camping mobs to move out.(couldn't even add more mobs huh?)


    Not sure whether or not it would have helped, (odds are it would have) but open up your map. Look in the bottom right corner.above the small worth map. Should be a combo box you can open up to pick a different phase of the world your on. Switch to a less crowded one.



    Oh, and P.S. I agree the quickbar thing is a bit sketchy, but other than that pretty much all the worthwhile features of the game are free.

  3. 2 For measly 4 dollars you get the quick bars and sprint and other things activated on first purchase.


    For now. Give it 3 days. I expect the exchange rate on the black market is something like 200k for $5.


    Which presumably means a $4 item will run you less. That's less than many speeders. ('Course, my understanding is the credit cap for preferred players is 350k, and non-preferred significantly less. It's possible they wouldn't actully be able to hold the credits needed to buy the unlocks that way...)


    Maybe some clever person should offer to sell unlocks on an installment plan.


    Edit: Reread. Don't think the quickbars are preferred status, but they probably cost less than $4 worth of CC..

  4. AFAIK, all the unlocks are sellable, so it should ALWAYS let you at least buy it, in case you want to put it up on the GTN, or give it to a friend, or something.


    But yeah, it shouldn't actually let you USE it if you won't be able to actually unlock anything by doing so. 'Course, whose surprised? How long did it take them to make it so you didn't waste schematics on stuff you already know? And you still lose missions if you already have it.

  5. Unless they charged you the coin equivalent of $30 per item this is unlikely, once you got the item you'd never have any incentive to spend again.


    Your statement is completely false from a business perspective sadly.


    Maybe, maybe not. Say it takes $100, on average, to get whatever. Or they could sell it flat out for $25. if more that 4x as many people are willing to buy it flat-out at $25 than gamble for it on $3 (or whatever) packs, they'll make more money w/ no gambling. Personally, I have no plan whatsoever to gamble my coins away.


    I plan on sitting on my coins until I see something I actually want... Which may eventually be buying unlocks to create a personalized lifetime subscription.


    edit: And PS, even with gambling, once you get the item you never have any incentive to spend again.

  6. It would take ~$80 to unlock everything a sub player gets (over 10k coins), and that still wouldn't include things such as a higher credit limit and more than 2 character slots, which cannot (currently) be unlocked by any means.


    That being said, yeah. I thought about it. Until I discovered the credit limit for a preferred status account was only 350k, (only be looking up on DarthHater) with no way to unlock it. (they HAVE announced there will eventaully be a way to buy additional slots, but no info/pricing available)

  7. Holy **** you didn't disappoint. Four instances of Tomb of Freedom Nadd Imperial Fleet full within 10 minutes of the servers going live - to put that into context that's 1000 people on the fleet alone within 10 minutes!


    So, those who were saying this game is doomed, now who's laughing?


    To point out the obvious, none of those players on fleet within 10 minute are new F2P players. Most likely just the expected people coming back on to check out the new 1.5 stuff/get their HK.


    Though there is probably a few former F2P players returning/continueing now that they can advance past lvl 15 while remaining F2P.

  8. From what I've seen of the cartel rewards, considering the sheer quantity of speeder skins vs "the good stuff", and the fact that you only really ever need 1 speeder, I rather suspect that the speeders will quickly become practically free on the GTN, if not vendor fodder.
  9. Someone should probably tell the OP that the gear in the Cartel is cosmetic and mostly RNG shells...


    Last I checked the Cartel doesn't sell those 2mil mods. :rolleyes:


    Last I checked synthweavers and armormechs don't make them either. Practically all they make are (inferier) looking RNG shells....

  10. Synths don't make PvP armor, (or arguably any armor people tend to use) they only make empty Shells.


    Unless there's a particular shell you're looking for, go bio. And if there IS a particular shell you're looking for, and only synths can make it, then it's BoE, and almost certainly for sale on the GTN at a fairly reasonable price.

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