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Posts posted by GnatB

  1. You should be putting up patches whenever you are able to fix a bug, waiting around for 4 days after you announce the maintenance seems silly and get people pissed that the game is more broken than it ever has been. Hot-fixes FTW!


    If they (or any team) did that, you'd never be able to play the game. It would be down for patches most of the time.


    edit: That being said, they do need to realize that sometimes the bug is just so severe that it warrants an emergency downtime, and I would have argued that some of these fit that bill. I can only assume that the more severe issues were only just recently finally found and fixed, and thus couldn't have been put into an earlier emergency patch... 'course, also possible they still haven't fixed those issues, and they won't even make it in THIS patch...

  2. Maybe that's what Togruta skin really looks like?, Maybe they paint their faces/tails clown colors to hide their normal "geometric shape" drabish coloration? And since she wasn't expecting to be half dressed, she didn't paint up the rest of her? (of maybe it gets uncomfortable or something?)


    Anyways, sorta like her in those outfits. Sexy w/o appearing mostly nude.

  3. Turning those indicators on/off is (and always has been) an option in the options menu that is saved "per character" (and per server)


    Your characters were moved to a new server relatively recently, (though it's *possible* the name of the server stayed the same, under the hood it's actually a new server) As such, all your "per character" settings have returned to the default. You simply need to turn those options on again.

  4. People are acting like this patch completely broke the game and offered nothing. It's a ridiculous overreaction that has more in common with a temper tantrum than constructive feedback.


    You're right, while the game stutters so bad I can barely play, and maps practically induce epilepsy with their flickering, at least I can hide the helmet and match colors on my companion...


    Whoo hoo!


    (like others have said, most people don't actually do raids)

  5. If they were lvl 50 ops/flashpoint, I'd have to say player A was wrong, but B/C not much better, as companions are pretty superfluous then.


    If they were under lvl 50 and player D was an agent, then player A was wrong, but B/C are still jerks.


    Otherwise, if player A isn't healing spec, then his healing companion (Mako) is an obvious part of his characters play, so need makes perfect sense. One could make the argument upgrading your healer companion for certain builds takes precedence over even yourself. And B/C are even worse douches.


    That being said:

    1. It should be irrelevant by now. I could have sworn the devs said shortly after 1.2 that they'd be adding a companion option to the loot dialog, and need would require the item in question actually being for your class.

    2. As a general rule, I don't do pugs. I'm a crafter, and don't do ANy end game content, so am well off and generally overequipped for my level, Typically in a PUG I don't even pick greed, I pick pass.

  6. I happen to think the legacy system is just fine.


    The legacy tree "works" great... though the fact that nobody else can see it does make it sort of pointless. Calling it a family tree though is inaccurate. Only 3 of the characters in my legacy tree are related. The rest are all allies/foes of each other.


    as for the rewards? For the most part, I'm fine with the way you can unlock them by doing task X, or get legacy lvl Y and pay Z credits. The only thing I'd really change is that just about EVERY unlock should have a "task X" option. i.e. to unlock a GTN on your ship, you should have to spend/earn 10 million credits on the GTN (cumulative), *or* reach legacy lvl 25 and pay 5 million credits. First level rocketboots should be map X worlds. (or travel X meters, or something like that). Next level would be more. 3rd level even more. mail box on the ship should be recieve X letters from NPC's or somesuch.

  7. IIRC somebody was posting from the "other side" of things. He was stuck in a "phantom" version of his ship where he couldn't interact with anything (airlock, escape pod, etc. ) and everybody else in the instance could see him in their version of it. My understanding is he eventually escaped by being invited invited into a flashpoint by some friends. (presumably via group finder?)


    My assumption was it was caused by:


    •Corrected an issue that could prevent players from exiting their personal starship after completing Group Finder content.




    But if this happened to you after that fix was implemented, either i'ts a different issue, or they didn't really fix it.

  8. It's a weapon that's GREAT from around lvl 15-17, and still decent from around 18-21.


    IIRC it's a lvl 15 weapon, but it's LEGENDARY quality (i.e. dark purple) and thus noticeably better than any other weapon you can use at that level, even an artifact (i.e. purple) weapon or custom weapon with artifact mods.


    And heck, it's free. Typically when you hit lvl 15 you'll want to stash your orange weapon in your hold, and use the legacy weapon for 5 or so levels until you can finally upgrade your orange one to be better than it.

  9. I am all for a roll back of 1.4 as it, is an embarassement of a patch. :rolleyes:


    Sort of have to agree. I, like most other players, didn't get ANYTHING useful out of 1.4 (since I'm one of the majority of players that don't do ops or PvP, so TFB and the PvP balance tweaks are completely worthless to me), but I do get to enjoy my shiny new no nameplate (or massive stuttering) gameplay.

  10. It's been like that since Inheritance and Birthright gear was introduced. It's rarer than a crit on a 340 mission (almost a crit of a crit) but you can get them.


    Yep, IIRC I've only ever gottem them from mission discoveries too, and only for mission crewskills. (i.e. treasure hunting, diplomacy, Investigation, etc.) I have all the mission skills covered, and pretty sure I've gotten them from all of them, ever since they were first introduced. (In fact, I didn't even know you could get them any other way, mission discoveries is the only way I've ever gotten them.)


    I don't *think* I've actually ever gotten one from slicing though, but seeing as it almost behaves like a mission skill, (with rare mats and all) I wouldn't be surprised if you can get them there either.

  11. otherwise all the standard items you come across or make cannot be reversed engineered for an orange schematic (this was something promised with 1.2 and never delivered).


    Sorry, but I'm pretty sure they never promised that. In fact, they pretty much flat-out stated you wouldn't be able to reverse engineer all the standard items you come across to get orange schematics. It was always limited to, if I remember the phrase correctly, moddable items, and *not* orange ones from quests. (which it turns out only meant the new moddable items. I'll admit that was a bit misleading)


    They did, however, say there would be ways to obtain the orange schematics for everything else, which certainly doesn't appear to be true (yet). (If I had to guess, I'd say they were going to add them as UWT drops, but then F2P plans came along and they probably decided to put 'em in the cash shop)

  12. From what I understand, there are (were?) 2 problems.


    The first problem, introduced in a patch previous to 1.4 (I believe, possibly really only since new NVidia drives come out?) is "relatively" minor stuttering (or so I understand). Apparently reverting the drivers will "fix" that one.


    The second problem, introduced in 1.4, apparently only affects cross-fire/SLI systems. This one is basically debillitating. (frame drops to low single digits whenever you start moving in most situations) Apparently turning off crossfire/SLI (which playing in windowed mode automatically achieves) or turning off nameplates/nameplate scaling will "fix" that one.


    Now, it looks like they'e addressed the 2nd problem for NVidia users. (Hopefully it fixes crossfire too, but I'm not going to expect it to) No reason whatsoever to think it would fix the issue with the most recent NVidia drivers though (which as I understand it is the only issue afflicting single card setups). And seeing as it does seem to be tied to a particular driver, it seems rather likely the "fix" would be on NVidia's end anyways.

  13. Hyperbole.


    Also runs great on my mid-range gaming laptop. Slightly higher frame rates in fact, then prior to 1.4.


    protip: not everyone is having performance problems with the patch. Some are, some are not. The irony is that two people with the same graphics hardware get two completely different post patch results..... so there is more going on here then simply graphics rendering IMO.


    My understanding is it's primarily crossfire/sli problem, which I'd imagine probably isn't "mid-range" gaming laptops. It's the high end ones that are suddenly seeing the game becomes pretty much unplayable regardless of graphic settings. (only thing that helped in my case was turning off the nameplates & nameplate scaling)


    (kinda funny watching the in-game FPS indicator... standing still 60..60..60..60..60..60..

    take a step forward... 4..5..3..60..60..60..

    run forward 4..5..3..60...5...7..60..3..4..1..4..60

  14. To be fair, I strongly suspect this patch time is so they can test the live patching system at a time when employees will be around to fix it if/when it blows up.


    Not sure how their "live update" functionality works, but this live update would *suggest* that the patch is negligably server side, and almost enirely clientside... which would likely indicate mostly client fixes. Hopefully rendering/stability ones.

  15. I've only personally done JK and Smug. I was grouped with my dad the entire time through his trooper, so I got the gist of it, though all quest stuff in his hangar/ship and out in the world I wasn't able to watch.


    And I'd have to rate it as:






    Just finished chapter 1 with SI, SW, and Co, and so far I'd probably have to rate them somewhere inbetween JK and Smug. (and in that order)

  16. My current theory (somebody else posted something similar) is that there's something really slow in the text rendering that mainly only affects SLI and Crossfire configurations.


    Any time it needs to update text, (whether displaying a brand new string, updating an existing string, or scaling an existing string) you get a hit.


    I don't get enough chat messages to see if chat messages are also causing issues, but I'd say nameplate text definitely is. (if chat is, that'd explain why some people still experience a bad case even when nameplates are off, if they are in talkative guilds/zones or whatnot.) Based on complaints about stuttering in space missions, I'd assume quest updates/space mission flytext also causes the problem.

  17. I have been busy and I haven't come back to play since 1.4 made the game unplayable with all the stuttering and graphic glitches. Have they fixed it yet? I don't want to log on again only to be disappointed.


    I mean, the game is perfectly playable as long as I keep nameplates turned off and don't target anything but, that makes the game pretty useless.


    So have they fixed it and re-updated it yet?




    Have you tried also turning off nameplate scaling? In my experience, you can have a handful of nameplates on the screen and it'll still be playable as long as you turn off the nameplate scaling. In my symptom of the issue, nameplates on (without scaling) will give a 1 time hit when it first draws a nameplate. Generally this only becomes a problem (or even noticeable) when it has to start drawing a lot of nameplates in rapid succession/all at once. If you have scaling on though, you get this hit every time it needs to resize any of the viewable nameplates... which will happen a lot, even if there is only a single one visible.


    (edit: and typically the only time the "all at once" becomes a significant issue is if you have PC nameplates turned on, and run into some congested area like the cargo hold area on fleet. Out in the wilds I typically don't get enough NPC nameplates all at once for it to cause unplayability even with NPC nameplates turned on.)

  18. The timeline was "update 1.2." That has come and gone by a long shot. I think it's a fair question.


    I wouldn't expect any short term changes on this as we've got a lot of stuff in the pipe right now


    Elsewhere, during development of 1.2 (when talking about if/when white crystals may be available again) after it they said:

    1. They have no plans for them to be available as far as they currently have planned..

    2. Their current planning (pipe) extends to 1.4 or 1.5. (Don't remember which, think 1.4)


    So yeah, the timeline for new stuff that wasn't already in their pipe is post 1.4. You're jumping the gun. (and yeah, half a year is probably short term)


    edit: That being said, as others have suggested, except for the white crystals, I think most of them ARE available elsewhere now, though perhaps not craftable (yet?)

  19. Maybe I'm just misremembering, but I seem to feel like the only "announcement" regarding the scheduled tuesday morning maintence is when it isn't going to happen.


    Unless you mean launcher message. There usually IS a launcher message, but I'm not really sure how long before the maintenance that usually shows up, and if it currently isn't up when normally it would be... I usually get on maybe 4 hours before the maintence, and by then the maintenance launcher warning is almost always up... but I'd assume they'd give at least 6 hours notification.

  20. 6850 (or thereabouts) x2, everything at max (except AA, which is off as my monitor size vs. resolution is good enough that there is no need for AA), nameplates on (w/ scaling) since 1.4 = unplayable stuttering when I move, otherwise pegged at 60 (vsync on). Turn off scaling (and as many nameplate options as possible... NPC ones seem almost mandatory to me) and the stuttering pretty much goes entirely away. Note: Approaching the cargo holds (while GTN was broken) with scaling off but nameplates on, my system *literally* hung for a second or two while it rendered all the nameplates of basically everybody in fleet gathered there. (turning nameplates off entirely it was fine) As somebody said, something in the rendering loop for the nameplates, (possibly text in general?) is a *very* slow operation now with certain card configurations. Would explain why even with nameplates off, there is still occasional hitching. It's hard to get away from text updates entirely.



    I'm not sure what you're saying, I've run to the cargo hold area in fleet, and the scene is there, and as I run around the people slowly pop in w/ no real hitches, which if I'm understanding right seems to contradict your hypothesis.

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