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Posts posted by GnatB

  1. That won't work very well. Your credits will be capped. You will only have limited access to warzones, flashpoints and operations. You may have to continue to buy future content. The game isn't set up for your idea to be a viable option unless you really have no interest in endgame, group content or pvp.


    I consider endgame/group content/PvP to all be "end game treadmill" garbage. So yeah, I don't have any interest in it. The credit cap (along with the chat/e-mail restrictions I mentioned) is the only real worry I have. (you level so bloody fast the reduced xp doesn't particularly worry me. Heck, I may have been tempted to opt in to that even as a subscriber))

  2. Well, assuming the price for character slots is reasonable, once THAT is available I'll be spending ~$80 for the non-endgame lifetime subscription, (i.e. all the perma-unlocks that bring F2P gameplay inline with subscription. i.e. quickbar slots, artifact equipping, etc.) and then cancelling my subscription.


    (Barring anything I've missed. I think I heard rumors preferred status members may have ceiling to bank accounts and e-mails and such, which could impact my decision)

  3. Thanks for the link to that thread on features/pricing, by my calculations, the cost to switch to F2P (without losing anything worthwhile) for somebody who doesn't do endgame/PVP is (assuming you unlock cargo access in-game before going F2P):


    GTN slots 5x280 = 1400

    Quick Bar 4x540 = 2160

    CrewSkill Slots 2x945 = 1890


    Total: 5450



    Artiface Equip: 2700


    Running Total: 8150



    Crew Member Appearance: 725

    Event Equip: 400

    Hide Head: 775

    Unify Color: 775


    Running Total: 10825


    Titles: 200

    Legacy Name: 200


    Running total: 11225



    Additional Slot Unlocking: ???


    So, assuming the initial stipend from subscribing since release covers the "additional slot unlocking" unknown, it will be 22 months (or just shy of 2 years) before many of us can kill our subs... which works out to (using 6 month subscription fee of $78//6mo) = $286. (yeah, yeah. actually be more 'cause the last few months would be on a "per month" basis.


    Or, at the 39.99/5500 coins payment option, works out to just a smidge over 2 payments (under 2 payments, if you ignore the "silly" options) or $81


    So, uhm, yeah. 1 time payment of ~$80 to go F2P with all remotely worthwhile existing SWTOR features for those who don't do end game. (assuming initial coins offset cost of character slots) And they are ALL 1 time purchases.

  4. Don't feel like digging through all 51 pages, but.


    Covert belt energy armor. Like the covert torso energy armor, it would be adaptive, and have no model. So you can wear slave girl/whatever stuff without abnoxious belts getting in the way.


    (I'd also argue bracers and gloves could use covert technology, unless you simply give the option to hide them...)

  5. Nope. Once unlearned it's gone.


    Best advice would be to create an alt, preferably one who gets a +slicing crit companion early, which makes JK probably the best pick. (you're also going to need slicing mats to make the augments, and last I checked they were more expensive than the UT mats)

  6. Well, there are several types of metal a lightsaber can't cut through in Star Wars lore, so that's not really an issue. Also, axes are traditionally used by Gamorrean warriors as their weapon of choice and I'm sure a number of other species use them as well.


    Ah Hah! You figured it out! This is just preparing the way for playable Gamorrean's. Haven't you wanted to be a Gamorrean Jedi?

  7. The thing is, spacebarring is NOT the norm. YOU didn't do it on your first run (unless you were bullied, you dont see power in bullies, do you!?)



    That is flagrantly untrue. I typically space bar (or hit the continue button in video games) to skip the VO (VA) as soon as I finish reading the text. That is true in pretty much every game I play. (Note: Mass Effect totally pisses me off in that it's the same button to skip text as it is to select dialog options, and it doesn't *always* wait for the VO to be over before bringing up the next set of dialog options. Really pisses me off when I press the button to skip to the next line just as the dialog selection comes up causing me to pick an option I don't want. Horribly bad design, that. Should be two different buttons.)


    Anyways, here in TOR, I read fast enough that people generally don't have time to complain about spacebarring even if it IS my first time through. And even slow readers can read far faster than the VA's are reciting their lines.


    'Course, I also happen to believe that voicework in most games (including this one) is pretty much a complete and utter waste of time and money. But then again, I was raised reading books, so I guess maybe my imagination is better than those who weren't.


    Edit: So yeah. Get the story AND get through the content. Once you're done reading. SPACEBAR.

  8. Sure it could, if you are having severe packet loss


    Which STILL shouldn't be causing actual frame rate issues. Rubberbanding? Sure. People bouncing around on screen? Probably. People still as statues? Maybe. But frame rate? Nope. The game should run at the same FPS even if you completely lose connection. Now, admittedly. Everybody else would be a statue, and if/when connection is re-established you'd teleport back to wherever the server thinks you're supposed to be.


    But your Frame rate shouldn't be impacted at all.

  9. IMO, they should have, at the time, had a better means of resolving name conflicts.


    NOBODY should have automatically gotten the name. Any conflicting name should have been automatically appended with @originservername. Like with guild names.


    Anybody with an @originservername could choose to rename their character, which would abandon any claim to their original name.


    Anybody with an @originservername could choose to attempt to claim their original name.


    At the end of 2 weeks (or some unit of time, 1 month?) or if everybody except 1 person has abandoned claim to a name, then the name is given (based on whatever they used, which sorta seemed to work) to the "best" of the people that actively attempted to claim it. If nobody actively claimed it, then the name devolves to the "best" of the people who haven't abandoned the claim entirely. Everybody else is forced to rename the next time they log in.


    This would not only solve the issue of unplayed characters "stealing" names, but also give those who aren't particularly attached to a name the opportunity to voluntarily concede it.

  10. It could very well just be your internet connection.


    If internet connection is having *any* impact on frame rate, then this game's engine needs to be thrown out, and they should start over from scratch.


    Sure, lag could be caused by internet connection. Rubberbanding? That too. But frame rate? No. If something in the rendering loop is actually waiting on information from the server, that's just horribly messed up.

  11. Looking at the questions and my answers...


    It's gonna tell me I'm R2... isn't it...


    *click done*


    You are R2-D2


    R2-D2 81%

    Yoda 80%

    Qui-Gon Jinn 75%

    Obi-Wan Kenobi 72%

    Darth Maul 69%

    Chewbacca 64%

    Boba Fett 63%

    Mace Windu 62%

    Padme 59%

    An Ewok 57%



    What you lack in height

    and communication skills,

    you make up for in industriousness,

    technical know-how and being there

    when others need you most.

  12. Woah all most of you have taught me as a new player is to be terrified to ask a question or make a point in case I get lambasted and ridiculed. I have a busy life so dont have time to read pre-release interviews and the like. I have just done the same as the OP not knowing about the legacy system. Whenever I start an MMORPG I tend to level a few toons to 10 or thereabouts to see which class is right for me. I have just discovered the legacy system and like the OP would have found it useful to have it brought to my attention before. Its not a massive deal but I dont think the OP was liking it to World Peace....he was just making a point ;)


    Well, as a new player, here's some advice. Don't reply to silly threads that are over half a year old. Otherwise you'll get lambasted and ridiculed.


    That being said, it's a fairly silly thing to worry about. The amount of legacy xp you "lost" on those however many characters sub lvl ~30 is pretty insignificant. You get more xp as you level. Most of your legacy xp from all characters thus cames from the latter levels.


    And just because a character has hit the level cap, doesn't mean they don't keep getting that legacy xp. If you want legacy xp, do your dailies on a lvl 50. Probably getting more legacy xp in an hour than you "lost" with your host of sub lvl 30 characters.

  13. they said Ep 7 would be released in 2015 meaning right now they are getting a writter and director as we speak.


    But yeah if you understand what Disney is trying to do with this Trans-media Empire you would release that they are going to have to wipe out the POST ROTJ EU.


    Presumably, they (as the owners of the IP) would now be getting the cut of the profits of the books that Lucas was getting. So the books would be a pre-existing part of their "Trans-media Empire". Star Wars already IS transmedia. Movies, TV (clone wars, rumored live action series), and yes. The books.


    Now sure. They could throw out the existing trans-media stuff, and start all over again. Seems more work than it's worth though... and likely to be largely counterproductive. If they want to make/sell new star wars books, presumably the most likely buyers are the same people who bought the existing star wars books. Alienating/pissing them ALL off seems likely to reduce future book sales, I'd imagine.


    So sure, the people who buy/read the star wars books may be a small % of the star wars fans. But if Disney plans to sell future star wars books, THOSE are probably close to 100% of the fans that would be likely buyers of those future star wars books.

  14. Once I finish my character's story and get them to 50, I stop playing them. I don't want to do "dailies" or whatever, I'd much rather do something that's not mind numbingly boring.


    Massive necro thread... but this. Been playing since December, only have 2 characters at 50, (one at 46, just about done with Belsavis)


    I expect by the time I get through all 8, there will be *at least* chapter 4 out, if not 5 and 6.


    Key to MMO's... don't do 'em too fast. You'll get stuck in the boring as heck end-game gear grind. Play 'em casually. Ancilliary. Filler between other games.

  15. If I'm understanding you correctly, you have already your main toon at the end of Chapter 1 and have achieved Legacy. Once you do that, you start to earn Legacy Points along with XP with everything you do. You don't have to have more toons, but the more toons you level on the server the faster your Legacy level will go up.


    All toons you create on the same server will be under the same Legacy Tree (even cross faction).


    Just to clarify a few points. You only earn Legacy Points (legacy XP) when you earn regular XP. Anything you do that doesn't earn regular XP will NOT earn legacy XP. (i.e. crafting). I believe legacy XP is some straight % of regular XP, but haven't really tested that.


    Additionally, as far as I'm aware more toons on the server will not, in any way, increase the speed with which you level your legacy. Legacy XP gained is definitely proportional to XP gained (or XP that would have been gained, when at the cap), and higher level characters gain XP *far* faster than lower level ones. If you really want to get legacy levels as fast as possible, your best bet is to ignore alts, and concentrate on doing end game content/lvl 50 dailies.

  16. Why do all that when you can change the colors using the toolbars right on top of the reply window.


    That's too easy.


    That being said, why would you WANT to change colors? Other than be annoying or to make a certain phrase REALLY stand out (which can be accomplished just via bold) why? (and annoying/can't figure out how to bold are bad reasons)


    The default color is perfectly legible. Most of the other colors people like to inject (like blues and purples) tend to be a headache to read.

  17. Just my take. Normal Jedi use of the force is relying on it, trusting it, listening to it (for lightside, anyways), and yes, using it.

    Oneness is complete and total surrender. It BECOMES you. It uses YOU.


    I would argue that Sith *never* achieve oneness. Sith use the force. The force doesn't use sith. I also don't think the ability to achieve oneness has ANYTHING to do with ones power in the force. But moreso a certain selflessness. The ability to completely and utterly give up yourself. Which is also probably why most people don't survive it. People won't tend to surrender that completely unless the situation is horrifically extreme.

  18. you beat me too it




    All I can say is THANK GOD.





    Told everyone they would be relaunching the EU


    Now I'm calling this right now. They are going to do what they did with the Marvel universe except in reverse.


    They start with the new triliogy and then the popular characters from that are all going to get their own series of movies and then every few years come back to do another big trilogy.


    1. We don't know they are relaunching the EU. We just know it's not going to be a movie version of any of the books.

    2. I'm pretty sure they actually said during the interview/anouncement that they are planning on starting the 3rd trilogy with Episode VII in 2015, then doing side movies every 2-3 years. So unless I'm misunderstanding/hearing, your "call" is something they already said during the initial anouncement.

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