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Posts posted by GnatB

  1. Disagree, I leveled up sentinel with T7 just fine and I never have issue with boss fight. I also level up sentinel to 50 with kira without any issue in beta.


    If player have issue with boss fight that usually means they don't interrupt boss's special and they expect the eat special and live through the fight. Which is not surprise that I still find lv50 don't interrupt in hard mode fps.


    *shrug* as pure tank spec with tank equipment, I simply didn't have the DPS to beat them down before they offed me, interrupts or no. With healer, they were all trivial. I also notice that none of your examples were actually tank with DPS companion.


    edit: that being said, I'll admit that right around hoth, in this one class instance where an extra elite repels in when you attack the visible elite, is when I finally started switch to Doc for every boss/elite fight. So it's possible some of the boss battles would have been doable with Kira. But hey, why risk the armor damage when they are trivial with a different companion? The healer is simply a better choice. Period.

  2. Just to point out the obvious.


    Be able to != they can only.


    Basically seems to be saying all companions should be able to fulfill all roles, so which companion you use boils down to which one (story, attitude, personaly, looks, whatever) you like better, and not which one happens to fill the needed combat role.


    And I happen to agree. Most of the time with my JK I'd play through *most* of a boss convesation with Kira, then escape out, switch to Doc, then go through it again so that I wouldn't get creamed in the ensuing boss battle. Because let's face it, Tank + Healer = win. Tank + DPS = Dead. But it's Kira I really wanted the story of.


    Edit: that being said, most non-boss battles I just blew through with Kira

  3. In regards to your first question, when you hold one of the mouse buttons down (left one? Not sure without actually doing it) it just rotates the camera, when you hold the other one down, it rotates your character in addition to the camera.


    So maybe you were simply holding the "other" mouse button down and misremembering?




    No idea on your second issue.

  4. After that just out of curiosity I tried to play as a smuggler and immediately recognized the difference. You can jump into cover, throw grenades, evade the incoming lasers while shooting back and so on. Really fun!


    Am I doing something wrong? Why is the Jedi's combat so boring?


    it's not that Jedi's combat is so boring relative to smugglers. It's just that you were imaging a lot of things in the smuggler combat that simply isn't there. This isn't an action game. It's an RPG. YOU weren't evading anything. Throwing the grenades is just another form of slashing with a lightsaber.

  5. At the time, I thought the old way, (alphabetical, but last played character out of order at the top) was possibly the worst possible way they could have done it. Should have just been alphabetical, with last played character selected by default. Page turned as neccessary.


    They managed to prove me wrong. The new way is worse.



    I'm a crafter. Now when I want to cycle through my characters, I *always* have to change to the last page to get to the last one used. ALWAYS. Additionally, when I'm not just cycling through characters, but actually want to pick a specific one to craft a specific thing, there's no real rhyme or reason to where in the list that character is. My artificer could be anywhere in that list.


    Only thing this new sort helps with are players with a small set of characters they actually use, and I'd expect said players don't have lots of characters to begin with, so the way they get sorted probably doesn't much matter.

  6. Not sure on PvP, but there are lvl 50 PvE mods/etc.


    You just can only get the schematics for them by R/Eing BoP raid drops.


    So unless you happen to be a raider, you're SOL. (though apparently you can buy a crafted one from somebody, slot it into an item, then extract it back out of the item, then attempt to RE it for the schematic, and last I read the official Bioware stance is that is explicitely NOT an exploit, though they apparently plan on doing something to prevent it (eventually))

  7. no they won't, they already have cut scenes druing loading.. i'm surpirsed you hanve't realised that, it's the first hting you see when you start a new character, a cineamtic is playing as the world is loading in the background.


    also every time you enter your class ship, a cinematic pops, immediately, there is no load time for it, and i think the world is loading in the background whiles it's playing, the thing is it's way too short. and also only shows the ship taking off from the port, the rest of the journey isn't seen


    Hate to break it to you, but there isn't any loading going on during those cutscenes. They're completely unneccessary additional filler that simply pad out the load times. Take off from your ship. Wait until the cinematic is just about over. Hit escape. Presto. You're still right where you were with no need to load back into the world you had "left". (though I'll admit, it *has* unloaded some things... your ship sometimes takes a while to pop back in, but heck, it sometimes takes a while to pop in when you run into the zone. I expect it's much the same thing.)


    Why? Because it hasn't unloaded that world yet to start loading wherever you're going... and, as I said. If they WERE doing cinematics during the load, it would slow down the load... for the sake of worthless cinematics. I'd be willing to bet 90% of the people playing this game hit "space" after the first time they've seen aany enter/leave planet cinematic. Heck, I'd expect the majority haven't even SEEN the enter/leave cinematics for any planet after the first one or two.


    So even if I'm completely wrong, and they ARE doing cinematics during the loads... it's still a bad idea and they should stop.


    ('course, as I indicated, pre-rendered FMV sequences probably wouldn't significantly increase the length of the load on most computers, but it WOULD still increase it... and unneccessarily so)

  8. Personally, I'm fine with people rolling need on stuff for a companion... if it's a companion they actually use.


    That being said, Bioware a LONG time ago said they were going to be putting in an additional option (for companion), and THEN modify need so it only allowed you to need on appropriate stat gear.


    And I'd say it's high time they implemented that. (I'd also argue that it should also restrict "for companion" for the current companion, but that's nitpicky. I can see arguments either way)

  9. Cutscenes while loading?

    1. They'd have to either make "prerendered" scenes, which presumably means they'd need something different for every class, or in-engine scenes.

    2. Eitherway, processing/etc. time would be spent on the scene, meaning the actual load would take longer. And for in-engine scenes, it would also take up some of the memory/etc. available for the actual environments.




    i.e. No thank you. It's a stupid idea. I don't want longer loading times/less content so you can get a silly travel cinematic.

  10. Add the jedi robe from the jedi creation screen to the game and more people will play republic.


    currently reps have ugly gear .


    Sad thing is even the developers realized the republic equipment was ugly. Unless I'm misremembering, Kira Carson (JK companion) says something to the effect of how all the fashion designers must have gone over to the empire..

  11. Getting to many of the datacrons are stupid jumping "puzzles" that have no place in any well designed game. I only really want to go through the annoyance once.


    As such, I would argue that the stat bonuses/shards *especially* should be legacy wide (though still restricted so you don't get cross faction ones). However I WOULD argue it should be gated by level.


    P.S. Other than the Datacron in the Heroic area on Voss, the ones on Ilum (which are all supposedly easy, I'm just saving Ilum until the exp cap goes up) and the ones on fleet, I've actually gotten all of them at least once. So it's not like I can't get them. I just find many of them annoying. 'Course, I don't think there IS such a thing as a good jumping puzzle. If the entire platformer genre curled up and died it would be a great day for gaming.

  12. I've always assumed one of the reasons is to prevent people who stalk the boards having (too much) of an economical advantage over people that don't, which would then become a lot of complaints on the part of the "people that don't".


    i.e. if they put patch notes up early saying they are going to be halving the potency of green power crystals, everybody (that reads the board) would try to offload them. Those who don't read the board would think they're getting a great deal. Until that new crystal they just bought gets nerfed.


    At least if any such changes are kept secret you don't have people intentionally taking advantage of others ignorance.

  13. Saying "don't play MMOs" or "just use ignore and report them" isn't the answer. We never had gold farmer whispers before the F2P went live. .


    Then you weren't paying attention. There have been whispers/gchat messages, (though more commonly, 1 credit e-mails) since the game went live.


    Now personally, I haven't really noticed any since the game has gone F2P (on harbinger) but then, I haven't been playing nearly as much as I used to and when I do play, I'm actually out playing through the storylines, not sitting around on fleet. Only time I'm ever on fleet is when I'm popping around alts to do some crafting (which I also do far less frequently than I used to. Already learned all the useful schematics for the content I'm interested in, so only time I pop around is to actually craft stuff to use.)


    Heck, I've had more unsolicited guild invites (2) than I have spam messages (0) since it went F2P.

  14. It's really nothing BUT profit for them, assuming they are just your every day person. Their only overhead would be their electric bill. That said, they still have to make sales, and I'm just not sure that's happening to a great extent.


    More than likely, however, any business that relies on this type of business model has its greasy rat claws in just about every MMO out there with an economy. So it's just another entry in their ledger. Maybe not the most lucrative, but they're still getting some sales and they're being propped up by the bigger ones.


    There is SOME overhead on their end. I'd expect their money making isn't completely bot driven, which means they have employees putting in time making the credits. If nobody is buying the credits, then they have money going out and none coming in. And, like you, I find it hard to believe anybody would be buying the credits. Particularly at those prices.


    Edit: and if it IS just one person, then there's still opportunity cost. He could be doing something else far more profitable.

  15. Makes me sort of curious as to how well they're doing. I can't imagine it'd be very profiitable for them. There's already a legal way to buy credits at what seems like a fairly decent exchange rate, and buying credits that way you get a massive amount of free stuff on your first purchase.


    Not to mention that there isn't really that big a need FOR credits, and they're fairly easy to get.

  16. I'll give you 2 and 3 but number 1 is rather iffy. Combat is okay but PvP is broken, period.


    Of course it is. PvP and RPG are fundamentally incompatible. PvP is only good when it's player skill based. The whole concept of RPG is that all the various outcomes are based on the roles abilities not the players. Looking for an RPG with good PVP is like looking for a good first person shooter poker game.

  17. Those things are obnoxious like humvees. Only "real" reason to use one is simply to be obnoxious.


    IMO they never should have been implemented, and they should be replaced with something actually cool/not obnoxious... or perhaps have far stronger restrictions on where they can be used. Such as only on roads. (or tattoine/hoth)


    I'd have to say that's one of the big design failings in this game. Instead of the rare stuff being cool, the rare stuff is ugly/obnoxious. However people still want to use/show it off because it IS rare/hard to get... thus we get a bunch of ugly/obnoxious stuff running around. (Like those chairs. I mean, how stupid are THOSE?)

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