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Everything posted by Kirjava

  1. Constructive criticism isn't a bad thing for this game. Personally I enjoy the game a lot, but I'll post my constructive criticism on these forums as much as I can, to improve the aspects this game needs to improve on. Good thread OP.
  2. Pretty amazed with the people who actually think it's ok to need on gear for your companion. Good job I'm in a guild, so don't have to pug.
  3. From what I've seen second content patch is introducing guild banks and PvP ranking. Kind of hoping they get some legacy in there too, as I'm unable to play the PvP due to the FPS issue in warzones.
  4. It's not as simple as that. Many of the problems lie in population caps on servers, as well as sharding of planets. I'm on a full/heavy server, and it feels empty.
  5. The nice thing about end-game, is they have hard mode versions of all the flashpoints. In a month or two, they'll be a lot of 50s, so finding people for flashpoints at end-game should be the best way to find groups.
  6. This any good? http://uk.ign.com/wikis/star-wars-the-old-republic/Easter_Eggs
  7. I'm pretty sure it hasn't affected me. SI male body type 2.
  8. OP, if your concerned about bugs... well... I'm gonna say it... this game is a lot less buggy than KOTOR 2...
  9. Think they mentioned that they were looking into it recently, according to Tor-Talk.
  10. There's a sith quest on Belsavis that results in going to a 'white room'.
  11. Do you mean they are going to? I did read that post months ago by one of the devs, but can't help but be a little skeptical to be honest.
  12. As much as I understand your disappointment and somewhat agree that they handled these things badly. Do you really have to mention guild wars 2 in every post?
  13. I wouldn't say it was the biggest thread ever to written on this forum. I seem to remember the epic long thread by NatureBoy about putting TOR on Xbox which lasted years!
  14. To be honest, your problem doesn't just lie in faction imbalance. It also lies in planet sharding, and the small population caps per server. Even on a full/heavy server as Empire, most worlds feel empty and lifeless, with few people on them, mainly due to sharding, but also in part due to the small number of people they seem to allow on one server.
  15. The thing is. Let's say you have 100 people on one planet. were looking at around 100 quests at least per planet. You have a 1 in 100 chance of someone being on that exact quest, so I don't really think your arguements particularly valid in this situation. Also the idea of cross server dungeons etc, kind of defeats the point on being on a specific server. I understand that it's easier to find people to group up with. Yet it also creates a fairly impersonal aspect to the game. Your unlikely to group with people from your server and it's creates a kind of faceless community if you become detached from your server community by cross server gameplay.
  16. I'd get the whole 'reroll on a different server' argument if we were talking about servers that were not heavy/full...
  17. I'm on a server that's Heavy/Full. Please read the OP before responding.
  18. No. But BioWare can potentially get sued for trademark names they don't own, being used as a character name.
  19. I don't believe people have stopped playing. I just believe the population cap as well as sharding are creating this situation. My own server is full some of the time, so this leads me to think population cap is set pretty low.
  20. No worries, you have a fair point, and I don't want to mislead people, as to what the truth is.
  21. Yeah Drommund Kaas and the Fleet do have big populations. But are still sharded. The rest of the planets, especially after tatooine have much smaller amounts of people. Voss yesterday had 13.
  22. Ok, I've added in a disclaimer about the statistics at the end of the post, if that helps.
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