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Everything posted by Serpenttt

  1. Please do tell me what change is going to blow the game wide open for sents/marauders. I've been playing my sentinel almost exclusively from launch, I know how to play my class. Nothing in the 1.2 notes is that huge, it just makes the combat and focus builds more viable in pvp. Watchman is still going to be majority, and they didn't get any better with 1.2.
  2. I suppose that might work decent for pve, what about pvp? No way you can do an 11 ability rotation without being stunned, pulled, knocked back, or put to sleep at least 3 times each.
  3. So basically if you're in champion gear right now, and not quite yet battlemaster, you're ****ed? Sounds groovy.
  4. Maybe they don't know how to choose their AC? It shouldn't take long for them to level up and for someone to tell them what they need to know to contribute.
  5. Is it just me, or is that class 90% lolightning 5% knockback 5% speed boost?
  6. You haven't tested these changes and can't even wait for them to see how they even effect the game. Not a big loss.
  7. Strange, that's exactly what I see with the imps in warzones. Five is exaggerating, but two or three isn't. Just unlucky queues.
  8. If you leave a warzone without being disconnected all of your gear should go down to 0 and you have to pay full repair costs. Who cares if you lose, you lost what, 10 minutes of your day? Take it like a man.
  9. Who knows what it will be in the future, it's off to a decent start. I never played WoW long enough to be pvp oriented, that garbage looked like runescape ported straight off the browser to a client based game, and I loved runescape. There should be something to fight for besides ranks obviously, perhaps a boss that only spawns once one faction takes over certain areas of Ilum.
  10. Hopefully there will be cross server queues, if you want to PvP against "hardcore" people, you'll get your wish. I myself am tired of queueing solo and dealing with premades consisting of 5 sorcs a tank and a couple bounty hunters. If you queue solo, it should put you in with others who are doing the same, imo.
  11. I don't know about you but the point of most any MMO is to gear up and PvP, at least in my opinion. Taking the grind out of getting the gear just speeds up that process. What I would like to see is something like Shaiya had with little rank icons next to your avatar showing your PvP rank.
  12. Real competition meaning? The fact that you spent way more time than another grinding out gear doesn't make you any better at PvP than them. There is already a thread about 1.2 pvp changes, what's the point of this one again?
  13. Another person who just wants to continue to smash people in weak gear. Oh and look he said he's unsubbed. Move along.
  14. What game are you playing? Are you in the 50 bracket pvping with your sentinal? Try that then come back and claim op. I don't see many sentinels or marauders in warzones besides myself. The fact that you said "buttons to click" pretty much renders your post irrelevant(sp).
  15. Doh ho ho this thread made me laugh. Unless you have heals or are bring guarded you're pretty squishy.
  16. Not that it happens very often for republic on my server, but I feel pretty bad mopping the floor with fresh 50 imps in bad gear. Positive update I think, now we just need to get some open PvP going, I miss 30v30+ ilum battles at center.
  17. If you're not enjoying yourself, why are you still here? I'm glad they're giving a weekend pass, now many of my TF2 community friends can give it a try. I just wish the dev would have picked steam over craptastic origin.
  18. You picked a good server, lots of cool people around. You'll usually see me in the fleet throwing sparkle powder on people. I'll be gunning for you.
  19. You can PvP just fine in end game raiding gear. What's your problem?
  20. Then play that. Is raiding and PvPing not end game *********** content? I'm not quite sure what you people want. Is the end goal of an mmo not to get the best gear possible and PvP? If PvP is not your thing then the alternative is farm gear and show off your epeen? Yes? If those two things are not end game objectives please tell me what is.
  21. Don't listen to all the haters saying there is nothing to do at 50. They are lazy, there is quite a bit to do. When a lfg queue comes they'll be back in droves.
  22. Lord Adraas ftw. The republic fleet usually has more than 100 during peak times. Full raid vs raid ilum pvp is fun too.
  23. You sound like one of those crazy **** people on that new show Doomsday Bunkers...
  24. Watchman sentinals are a dime a dozen, show me a focus video so I can see how your play style and mine differ.
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