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Everything posted by Serpenttt

  1. Useless post, the error message should just say "your quest log is full, complete or abandon quests to start another". Simple.
  2. You sure went through a lot of trouble to troll this guy....well done. Even going to check on his weather LOL.
  3. Wait, a thread complaining about maintenance times not coming from a european? Stop it.
  4. I believe what they mean is the exp you get from talking to companions on your ship or in private once you reach affection ratings where they want to talk to you. It's pretty decent exp for standing around giving them gifts.
  5. Thank god for that, I use shift + r, e, c...etc for a few of my pvp oriented skills.
  6. I have this happen a lot, sometimes I can bring them back out sometimes not, probably a bug.
  7. Unless you're PvPing in Ilum, does it really matter? Nope.
  8. Please switch to empire, you make all reps look bad. Win some, lose some, that's how it is. So much for empire outnumbering republic 5:1 was it everyone was saying? Something outrageous like that. The other day I played 3 straight matches rep vs rep.
  9. Almost 15, to the person that's 40...jesus christ...
  10. The discount you get for paying for more than one month at a time isn't enough. It should be a better price.
  11. The PvP at 50 is where the game begins, don't know what game you're playing. Even with my 20 fps in warzones and even less in ilum it's enjoyable.
  12. Dang, so much hate directed at my post. Sorry I couldn't respond I was busy you know, playing the game. I'm in ilum pvping right now, having no trouble at all... I like bright flashing things, yo.
  13. I don't know what is wrong with the majority of people on these forums. Don't you already KNOW what skills you're going to use next? I can't be the only one who KNOWS their skills cd from playing their class for any amount of time... If the skill doesn't pop when you hit the button, guess what? Use the next one in your rotation.
  14. Game is working just fine for me, and haven't heard anything from people in the fleet.
  15. Saw this happen in a game earlier today, before that never seen it. Hopefully it gets fixed.
  16. Can you work around that part like the corellia green shard datacron? Click the grapple once then click it again in the air? Got pulled up at that part so I can't say I had that bug.
  17. The +10 datacron wasn't buggy at all for me (republic). What part are you having trouble with?
  18. Holy **** visit the forums once a week and you'll know when the servers will be coming down. Seriously.
  19. It's a no win situation, might as well deal with it. No matter what they do some group will be unhappy.
  20. If there was a karma or rep button you would get some. There are other things you can do with your free time. If you want to play a game that isn't patched frequently, try an offline game.
  21. Do I like it when the servers come down on my one day off during the 7 day week? No, but I also don't come on the forums and complain about it.
  22. Oh lord, I can't play my game for 10 hours out of the entire week. Something must be done.
  23. If anything they need a buff. Where did you get this information anyway?
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