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Everything posted by DarthYun

  1. How about you make a game where the auction house or the legacy cargo doesn't make the game freeze for 10 seconds? It is rediculous and makes you look like a startup indi game developer, oh wait you have one of the biggest game companies backing you do something about it.
  2. Poison choke not only finishes your own dots but also the ones other snipers/operatives put on your target, kinda like dots used to deplete the old deathfield. Pls fix, it is probably the best tactical you made overall cause it actually achieves a totally new playstyle like you intended with tacticals. Also give us portable ballistics shield tactical so snipers who use it as a personal cooldown can atleast be pulled by a sorc so they are actually useful.
  3. Hello there, While the spec specific tacticals very nicely have different icons depending on the spec, the class specific just have a massive T as an icon. Changing those to the class symbol would make them more easily distinguishable from eachother for when you stash them in legacy holds for alts for example. Right now the only way to know which ones are for what class is to hover over them which is annoying.
  4. 100% Soppurt but it shouldn't be the Boss, it should be "da Baws"
  5. HEY GUISE I HEF GREAT ID LETS GET LOCK FROM GUD TEAMS & KIEL LEST BAWS & DEN POST KIEL WIDEO & BRAG ABOOT IET ON VORUMS xD xD xD xD Gz on kill GL with killing first 4 I heard Tyth trash is REALLY hard hope you pass it soon byeeeeeeeeeee
  6. Isn't this supposed to be twitch.tv/nahigo instead of Worse Now? I'm really confused right now. Also gz on 100.000 views on thread nim is alive and gaem is alive I wanna thank Keith for pushing nim for just having nim as he said in big swtor cantina interview big thumbs up i wanna thank musco for community management and comminucashun and i wanna thank matt the ops guy for being superman cool dude with great design skills i wanna thank his minions as well who help really good and like bananas and i wanna thank charles droid for the great story in gods nim. tank you guise appreciate y'all and lets goo 1.000.000 views and surpass the gay quinn lovers thread and show dem wooooooooohooooooooooooooo also lets go Dxunnnnnnnnn the race already started on PTS but don't worry germans you will get your turn when september comes (eat that zwirmi mouthbreather). all i can say is we wont be fiting droids but beasts and wicked scary sppoky aliens (dread moth gonna eat you alive hes really hard )
  7. Good job. Now consider removing more or make them less of a "perceived" limitation of the game. I think there is a lot of these limitations that are perceived as a big one and make no sense to be in the game. Consider removing more cause personally I think they are "perceived" as big ones for new players and a big turnoff.
  8. Confirmed, tried 2 times, didnt work 2 times. Only the buyer gets the credit for the achievements
  9. Darth Malgus: - Strongholds are only available (or loaded) 5/10 minutes after login, can't use legacy cargo during that period. - Logging into a character or loading to another instance takes atleast 5 minutes - People randomly dcing -Big chaos everywhere Bioware pls fix this is the only day in the month me and my crack raiding team can raid :(:(:(:(:(
  10. Only 2 dailies active on Dantooine, can you please clarify if the event is active and bugged or that it will go active at conquest reset? EDIT: Also nice to see you didnt listen to feedback and made the armors BoP instead of legacy bound. So much for embracing the legacy system. Same with Copero and Nathema armor sets. Big sigh.
  11. Nice to see that big roadblock Nahut and that ****** Scyva are getting more clears by the week gj teams. Yes, let the teams who have no proof of them not using the reflect exploit reprogress Izax and timed. It's unfair that people who said no to exploits are below big time exploiters on the board. This must have been tormenting them for a really long time and the fact that the devs deleted this exploit from the game should be a big red flag for the teams who used it. I demand that these exploiters will be removed from the board and that they shall be stripped naked, shaven off of all body hair and be marched over the fleet with the life day reveler leading the parade yelling shame shame shame with the albino wookieee next to him growling in womi topi language. All of the fleet dwellers will laugh and throw rotten fruit and poop and yell things like you smell like bantha poodoo and sleemo. After the parade the only TWO (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) teams that have cleared Izax the legit way and were chilling in the VIP room on the fleet and enjoying the parade will be crowned as the nr 1 and nr 2 Gods of the Gods of the Gods of the Machine and Musco will award them medals and congratulate them for their amazing achievements while saying something mean about the exploiters. Everyone on fleet will cheer and chant "All heil Musco the righteous". The End
  12. HORSE? horse big stong horse walking in prairie lalalalala but horse see hat!!!! hat closer closer horse is chill he eating grass nomnomnom but hat closer closer horsy bit scary oh noe it's a boi catcher cows!!!! horse scary now and does big hihihihihihi and runs!!!! cow boi catcher bery angry you not run from me horsy!!!! cow boi tries catch horsy!!! but horsy too quick!!! horsy move move move but boi catcher is angry he summons cow and cow says moo moo and does pain to horsy horsy bery tired oh noooo then boi catcher sling balls to horsy face he sit on top of horsy scream yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa horsy very very mad now he start glow and music start!!!!!!! white glow horsy start changin cowboi scary now music end and horsy not hosry anymore and stop glow boi cow catcher gets scan laptop he got frum mr tree and it says horsy = seadra :eek: seadra very stronk boom pow bubble gum to the face dumb boi cow catcher stupid cow gets water jet in milk for paining horseadra kapow boi catcher cow run run run seadra happy eat grass again nomnom
  13. Cause I posted in the wrong thread as well I will post here for visibility. I think my idea is the best of all and should be implemented, no discussion. It 100% will alter the way you play Darkness and will make for very interesting gameplay. New tactical item: Tome of Darth Flatulence Tome of Darth Flatulence changes the name of Dark Ward to Dark Fart. Instead of giving you 15 stacks you start at 0. Every time you shield an attack you hear a quiet fart sound and you gain one stack of Dark Fart and like Dark Ward you surround yourself with a gas cloud, this cloud will grow larger and the fart sounds will get louder and more violent with each stack you gain. When you reach 15 stacks you gain a temporary ability called Wrath of Flatulence where you can unleash your deadly fart cloud on your enemies, suffocating and poisoning them with the smell of 15 farts. This can either be an area attack or a single target attack. The single target attack makes you use the power of the force to compress your gasses into a tiny little but very dense cloud where the area one lets your gasses flow freely and hurt anyone in its path. As a bonus for another temporary ability: When Dark Fart reaches 15 stacks you get to smell your own farts. The dark side force energy stored in your farts will heal you / your team for x amount of HP.
  14. Make the sets legacy bound please, Why? Why not? I like to have unique sets for every set of gear I have and the Nova one looks good for my gunslinger/smuggler who still use the boring legacy pilot suits from way back.
  15. As a bonus for another ability: When Dark Fart reaches 15 stacks you get to smell your own farts. The dark side force energy stored in your farts will heal you / your team for x amount of HP.
  17. Everything is possible while bolstered. https://imgur.com/a/sOIzzCZ I did this some time ago with old 208 pvp gear on lvl 70. While it's an arena I can easily see this transferred to regs.
  18. I kindly asked Jedipedia to send an image of the Nahut Eclipse and here it is! https://imgur.com/a/jX9KlzK Someone said loot table is bugged or something or it might be a super rare drop from Gods NiM, we are yet to find out. All credit goes to Jedipedia and his work at https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en for taking the time to provide us with these images!
  19. New tactical item: Tome of Darth Flatulence Tome of Darth Flatulence changes the name of Dark Ward to Dark Fart. Instead of giving you 15 stacks you start at 0. Every time you shield an attack you hear a quiet fart sound and you gain one stack of Dark Fart and like Dark Ward you surround yourself with a gas cloud, this cloud will grow larger and more violent with each stack you gain. When you reach 15 stacks you gain a temporary ability called Wrath of Flatulence where you can unleash your deadly fart cloud on your enemies, suffocating and poisoning them with the smell of 15 farts. This can either be and area attack or a single target attack. The single target attack makes you use the power of the force to compress your gasses into a tiny little but very dense cloud where the area one lets your gasses flow freely and hurt anyone in its path.
  20. I read the first sentence and I felt a little bit of hope, then the second and it was crushed. I have 6!!!!!! accuracy implants from Ossus weeklies on one character which no spec will ever need since all you need to get easy BiS is stock gear and alacrity in earpiece and implant drop the EA lootbox Irving thrill of the hunt bantha poodoo it's anti consumer nonesense that only brings frustration.
  21. Window looks like it should have been in the game for 5 years already and looks really good, good job. In the 10 minutes I played with it the only thing that I'm missing most is a sound pre ... hear? Would be nice to actually hear what weapons sound like when you press the little play button before you buy an expensive blaster for example. Also the capes still look like they have been frozen in carbonite, wooden planks instead of the actual in game flappery things. If you press the play button and your character starts walking it looks even worse with the cape sticking to your feet. A mount flourish preview is also something one could expect from this new and improved window. Looking good overall and I like the funny animations your character makes when you preview stuff ( /beltcheck when you preview a belt pls! )
  22. Nice! Gz on world first repside and world 2nd proper izax kill! Let's hope our brethren on NA will follow soon without any trickery!
  23. Hey guise! I have kiled teh geonisian queen it was not a easy fite but i did it Tank my guildies fr tips! and i hope more people kil it https://i.imgur.com/rjdOFtK.jpg
  24. Sorry I wanted to post a constructive reply but I can't anymore cause of all the vomit on my screen cause of this much hypocrisy. Gotta buy a new monitor now cause of this absolute garbage post thanks a lot.
  25. When are we finally getting a heads up about the ultimate garbage abomination of a gearing system you have released??? Maybe return to mods and enhancements not bound to slot??? Maybe let people actually choose what they want from the weekly Ossus 252 piece instead of EA forced lootboxes???? Maybe let us upgrade pieces we dont need to actual pieces we want like the previous system???? Maybe say **** you corporate ******** ******es and get rid of lootboxes???? EDIT: Oh no cause the statistics guy will say HEY GUISE PEOPLE ARE DOING THIS CONTENT SO MUCH THEY MUST LIKE IT LOLOLOLOL RELEASE MORE ****BOXES PEOPLE HAVE OPENED SO MUCH OF THEM THEY ARE AMAZING
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