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Everything posted by DarthYun

  1. Dear Muscoman, I was quite sad with the answer you gave adressing the elephant in the room; empty servers. Yes this will probably cancelled out with players returning but just like with the launch for 4.0 this issue will arise again when all the fuzz has died down and population drops again. Also since a lot of players already transferred to a more populated server people will see themselves returning to a less populated server and with no cheap transfers to back them up. Also for new players this will be a bad experience since finding out you have been playing on a dead server and having to start all over again on a new server to do anything besides solo content. I know procrastinating is easy and I'm a big one myself but please but I beg you to stop procrastinating. You guys have been procrastinating this since forever and know this problem exists since forever just like the wobbly engine. Ofcourse I don't know what goes into this but I urge you to finally start doing something about this and start working on cross server tech or just say it is not possible and crush this dream of a united SWTOR. Cross server will greatly improve the health of this game and since it will be used till this game is dead, it will be far more worth than an expansion worth of content. Thank you for the livestream and I'm looking forward to next month when the expansion drops.
  2. Dear Muscoman, Are these goals retroactive? So for example if you already leveled all classes to 50.
  3. I did it on all lot of classes for the Eternal Legend achievement. Some of which stil had mixed 156 - 180 gear + some of that 200(?) gear you get from doing KOTFE. Since I haven't done any ops since 3.0 and only PvP my best geared was 208 fully augmented pvp gear. I managed to get sprint champion on my marauder with that gear and a lvl 40 companion.
  4. The stat you are referring to is called Expertise. You only can participate if you have maxed expertise which is 2018. Expertise comes with PvP gear sold by the PvP vendor on the fleet. If you already have full PvP gear but still can't queue up for ranked be sure to check the crystal slot on your weapon and offhand. You need to put a war hero crystal in there to reach 2018 expertise.
  5. Dear Tait, Does that mean it's safe to start downloading the PTS right now? Cause I'm downloading it at the moment but I don't know if it's the right one. Don't want to restart downloading dat 30GB again right after I'm done. Please give us confirmation!
  6. I heard aim mara's do top dps too! On a more serious note, is there no one who has ever experimented with these secondairy stats? Cause everybody just says something else and there is no real way to verify. The PvP dummies must've yielded something ...
  7. Thanks for elaborating. I will use your advice and maybe see you in raked soon to smash the **** out of you!
  8. Thank you for your reply. Crit seems a wasted stat indeed since smashmonkeys autocrit, but can you please elaborate why accuracy isn't needed at all in PvP?
  9. Hey all, As a player who has just hit his expertise cap with a lot of Conq, Partisan and some Obroan pieces and who is taking PvP a lot more serious lately I was just wondering how secondairy stats work in PvP. As a Carnage Marauder I have BiS PvE gear and know the stats I need by heart (100% Acc, ~70% surge, rest power). However I was wondering if this also counts for PvP. I see a lot of crit gear at the vendor and was kind of confused if I should take those Weaponmaster pieces or go with a mix of Vindicator and Weaponmaster pieces. I tried searching the webz for this but it only resulted in how to get gear guides, not in how to manage secondairy stats. When I asked on fleet replies were mixed. Some said more accuracy is best, some said everything above 95% is wasted. So would anyone be kind enough to explain if there is and 'optimal' set of secondairy stats? Thank you in advance
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