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Everything posted by DarthYun

  1. I'm never sure if the people complaining every time are trolls or just really sad disgusting people. Either way go home and rethink your life. You should be ashamed of yourself. Sad the downtime is extended. Good you extended it and keep it up. Nobody wants nasty surprises waiting for them cause maintenance was rushed.
  2. Kill ranked with fire on every server below 300 active participants (which is already way too low, just force everyone to 2 servers) and force cross faction cause mongo bongo Bioware can't do cross server but yeah too high hopes i guess for a game where 'ranked improvements' on a roadmap mean just increasing unassembled component gain and be done with. Keep the plebs happy instead of providing an actual good environment and that's without starting a rant about utility balance. Cause apparantly class balance only consists about parsing analysis. Skeleton crew REEEEEEEEEE-EASUKMADIK.
  3. > Talking about ending of Season 8 > Leaving leaderboards unfixed for 2 months Don't get me wrong, I like the rest but please elaborate on why that has been such an issue for the past months and before those months (they were bugged multiple times). Keep on going with the communication! Props to the team and to you as well Chief Keith!
  4. Good changes on the probe not interrupting anymore. Can you make shroud able to also purge the slow on plasma probe? Can't be slowed if you resist the probe right? Also commando electro net can't be resisted, kinda related I guess so a kind reminder to fix tha mirrort imbalance.
  5. What do we want? Legacy unassembled components! When do we want them? With 5.3! Seriously though, I feel like I can't play my maxed out tank and dps main anymore cause I'm at the 1000 cap and I hate it to have shells for other classes on those characters. Atleast raise the cap pretty please!
  6. Jumping while using Smash/Force Sweep increases the damage of your next Smash/Force Sweep by 100% + 10x the amount of meters jumped. I always do this in ranked games, especially on maps like Orbital Station and Makeb Mesa Arena. Team is fighting down and I camo out with my marauder to go on top and then I smash down and usually manage to kill the whole team. Few people know about this trick and that's why I am a high rated ranked beast. I have been accused of hacks before but I just say git gud and shut your baby cry mouth. Also moving forwards and backwards will give your abilities more damage as long as you use them while you move forward to give them more momentum so they hit harder.
  7. Indeed! Fix it you bunch of downs! And get that disgusting French clown off of there!
  8. Weaponbox the dream! It is back!!! I will be looking forward to the tiers but judging from the higher percentage of players above 1600 than in any other season I think it will be higher than any previous season. I think you might want to adress the leaderboards before this though because they are an absolute trainwreck due to not working anymore and being clogged with people who transferred their character. I hope this will be adressed alongside the changes you are going to make to ranked PvP as said in the roadmap. (Cross server + cross faction queues like Odessen hint hint hint please? )
  9. I think that the time you put making and posting this thread you could've easily made yourself a macro that would put your mouse on the ops frame or arena frame, click to select that player and restore to previous position in a split second while ignoring your mouse input during that split second. But yeah it's easier to complain for 8 months straight instead of coming with a workaround and doing something about it yourself.
  10. Mara stealth does not work like normal stealth and will not get broken by damage. Also this is not a purge like shroud or evasion, it only removes CLEANSABLE effects like slows, roots and those 'take more damage from X attacks' debuffs. That utility point is better spent on subjugation in masterful in my opinion. 15 seconds cooldown reduction on one of your most powerful cooldowns, obfuscate (if you also take 75% force tech resistance), which you can use to get 12 seconds of (almost complete) cc immunity when used 6 seconds before or after force crush immunity. That roughly means you can be immune to cc 30% of the time which is one of the big advantages as Fury. Also opening with force camouflage is a bad idea since it is your escape and can give you more than one life (or even more if you manage to pull it off and the enemy team is not that aware, I managed to get 5 in one match). If you use it at the start you just waste a very powerful disengagement cooldown you might need within 45 seconds of combat. People may notice and because you wasted your life saver they might focus you first and you will have to sit out 45 seconds before you have your escape back. Most marauders tend to use force camouflage to disengage when they think they will be dead anyway and will hide and try to get out of combat to regen health. As always, try to save your breaker when there are mercs on the enemy team for their nets cause you wont be able to camo when you're netted.
  11. 6 F-ING MONTHS That's some special olympics level of game development right there. If you can't fix it in a reasonable amount of time why not disable the way you trigger this??? They can't fix this potential game breaking bug but: "HEY GUIZE LETS MAKE A NEW GALAXY MAP HIHIHI" "YEAH LOLOLOL OMG THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME NEW CONTENT **** DEEZ BUGZ IM SOOOOO SCARED OF BUGZZZ EWWWWW HAHAHAHA". I think it's fair to post it after such a long time and such an easy fix right in front of them and people reporting it to make it climb the eternal list of bugs in priority. I bet if this will run rampant and all warzones end prematurely or are 20v20s they will have a fix within one week. Or they will introduce 20v20.
  12. Tank spec in dps gear will never come near the dps output of a DPS, PERIOD. If you would be DPS spec you can more than triple your DPS output, PERIOD. You are dragging OPs and Flashpoint teams down with your stubborn attitude, PERIOD. People have every right to kick you from their runs because you don't fullfill the role you committed to, PERIOD. The area this works in is when you either play solo and don't **** people over or play PvP, PERIOD.
  13. ITT people who don't seem to have the mental capacity to deal with more than 6 buttons and feel too self entitled to acknowledge that. They already removed stuff because people were too dumb to use them even though they were not part of their rotation but were really cool abilities that had some kind of 'niche' use. There is no need to dumb this game down even more. Every class can be played to a reasonable level with just one quickbar. I don't have an MMO mouse, my mouse doesn't even have buttons on the side and yet I am able to perform well on every class with everything keybound. Maybe the problem is you and not 'bad' game design?
  14. This sounds like a neat improvement. Will you also remove the travel to stronghold restriction from spaceports and certain areas of the fleet? Cause those are also a major pain!
  15. Git fekked. Middle finger from EAware, 4 months since last 'balance' changes aka the launch of 5.0 and it will probably be 2 more months. How hard could it be to implement something like a 'once every 30 seconds' or radius reduction only for PvP maps? BLABLABLABLA backseat dev BLABLABLABLA oh and mercs too hurrdurrr
  16. Oooo I see now, was jumping to conclusions too quickly. I hope this doesn't mean people can 'lock in' their rating by not logging in so not updating their rating to get top 3 though cause that would be super mega ultra gay. I guess this won't happen though and they pull the actual rating from the game instead of the leaderboards but you never know ...
  17. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand still no update after this downtime. GG!
  18. Musco replied and passed it onto the team: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9259022
  19. Thank you very much! I hope it will be fixed soon!
  20. I only pay sub for ranked so update the leaderboards already or acknowledge there is a problem
  21. I only pay sub for ranked so update the leaderboards already or acknowledge there is a problem and give us an ETA
  22. It has been a week now since last update wtb updated leaderboards!!!
  23. It has been a week now since last update wtb updated leaderboards!!!
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