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Everything posted by GellonSW

  1. Interesting logic. So basically BW should ignore monitoring their resources and continue to let the low population servers to continue to wither away and let the subscribers either re-roll or flat out cancel their subscription. It's people like you that continue to keep this game static and not evolving becuase you refuse to lift the wool thats over your eyes.
  2. Because the game world perfectly mimics the size of the real world of course.
  3. Nothing is "broken" per se. I still believe the chance of success is still between two very extreme variables hence some stretches i get amazing results and others i do not.
  4. whats so hard about making an alt and grind up UT skill on him?
  5. The idea of REing grey stuff being easier is blatantly false and I want to see a dev confirm that its like that. I have several 400 skill crafters and every one have had different experiences RE-ing from grey to green to yellow to whatever.
  6. The reason for this is because the blue colored schematic requires the blue version of the color crystal which in this case requires Treasure Hunting for Yellow. Since it's more expensive its classified as blue right away and can upgrade to Purple. The other green schematics are for more readily available crystals (the blue, green, red) and so they begin as green but can RE to blue then purple schematic.
  7. My Republic toon just turned 30 and she can now send 3.
  8. I'm confused by this post. How does the game know what materials you need ahead of time? Ether way the issue is the mission list resets with a high percentage of companion gifts showing up and fabrics and metals on the low end of the percentage. What we need is a more balanced list between the different materials.
  9. That is without question the dumbest thing I have read today.
  10. This is basically the appearance tab that players have been asking for and I believe the argument against it was that it would totally defeat the point of having orange gear.
  11. I would also second getting the crafting alts to at least the level they get their ship (you can have your friends come power grind the class questline with the alt) so you have 2 companions to send out. Having the extra really helps in cutting down the amount of time you need crafting/gathering.
  12. I call BS to this. I can RE stuff on first success across varying spectrums of difficulty IE I get the same chance RE from a grey, green, yellow or orange difficulty. Again it is random. Just now I am RE-ing grey reflex armoring which has taken me 30 or so tries before it gave me the blue equivalent. I tried a might armoring which was yellow to me and got it within 5 tries. The other day the results were reversed where grey was easy and higher difficulty was harder.
  13. It's not a small thing. It's a complete change in role. While we are down that route we might as well completely scrap the idea of having classes to begin with. We can make 2. Republic Hero and Imperial Hero and have a Tank, heal and DPS tree to put points in. EQ2 offered you a change from one faction to another but not change your sub class IE, you can't go from berserker to guardian as a warrior which is basically what this thread is about. I do support multiple specs within the same AC class.
  14. Rift did this quite well IMHO. Open world bosses and invasions that forced players to quickly band together in massive multiple raid groups was great.
  15. There is no baseline on how many credits you should have. If you can't afford your skills, then you are broke. If you can afford your skills, then you are solid.
  16. Your companions are essentially crafting buffs with your playable character the one with the skills. I have alts for every crafting profession and that is how I kit up my family's players. Regarding gear color its Purple > Blue > Green (> greater than). Orange means it can be modded and mods fall in the same color scheme (purple, blue, green).
  17. The lower tier Grade 3 will be the hardest (Bondar/Prehistoric) as these simply have the fewest nodes. Tatooine and Alderaan will have them but they will be sparse. The higher tier Grade 3 (Opila/Ancient) will be much more numerous on Alderaan. Explore around. I've gotten stacks and stacks of them easily by just doing laps around the planet.
  18. There are plenty of Grade 3 nodes on Alderaan. Our biggest issue with Archaeology gathering is the huge variety we have compared to other gathering skills. 1 artifact, 1 crystal, and 3 color crystal nodes. That sucks when it cycles between them. Add to it they also have a chance to spawn one grade lower or higher it further diminishes the percentage.
  19. No, you can only have a max of 1 crafting skill and 2 mix of missions/gathering. These skills are tied to your playable character and not the companions. If you want to cover all bases you will have to make ALTs.
  20. This should be broken up based on what they can craft. Armstech augment slots for AIM based weapons and vibro melee. Artifice augments slots for sabers and offhand.
  21. This is only in group content. Story content is completely different where the person who owns the story instance is the one who commands the conversation. The other party members just observe.
  22. I have no idea what the OP is complaining about. When you put a LFG it means you are alone and want to group for whatever content. If someone sends you a tell saying they will join you its an indication they want to group. How hard is that to understand?
  23. It is random whether you're RE-ing a level 23 mod or 43.
  24. You should prob try hitting up the RP-PVP or RP-PVE servers. Idiot and douchebags are always around on any server but those servers tend to have a smaller percentage.
  25. Ha ha well its not the only thing they advertised on the gameplay trailers that never made it to actual gameplay.
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