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  1. You it be wise to wait with the missions untill I get a companion that approves of my choices then ? or should I just send her out and do a piss poor job ?
  2. I am sith warrior and I got Vette, whom don´t approve with my dark side choices... can / will she eventually leave me if I don´t get her affection with gifts. Another question is, what are the GAINS from having full affections from your crew? and what disadvantages follows an unhappy crew ? Thanks in advance for anwsers
  3. Okay... damn thx for the ultra quick anwser
  4. I am wondering this, since I read up that I can get more then 1 crew member. Would that allow me to give : 1 st crew member : 3 x gathering professions. 2 nd crew member : 3 x crafting professions. aso. Is this possible ? Or do I only get to choose 3 professions that ALL of my crew share ? Thx in advance
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