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Everything posted by GellonSW

  1. Again, the question is why? If you want to play the new race, delete a slot and make a new one. Or re-roll your main and level anew. Quit being lazy.
  2. Esseles and BT are the easiest LS/DS farming. They might not give you the most options but they are the quickest to complete and fastest way to accumulate points.
  3. Its a glaring oversight. There are medium oranges but Smuggler only.
  4. If its not Sprint its going to be something else to complain about with the rank 1 Speeder training at level 25.
  5. This was available during beta but was removed because people like myself took the easy street in facerolling low level content to easily farm commendations. No thanks. If you want to use the low level ones just buy up the mods and sell them on GTN for some credits back.
  6. Only available on the Imperial side in Dromund Kaas. EDIT: Just to note all social gear is classified as Light armor. If you are a Jedi Consular, then this is fine. If a Jedi Knight, what you'll prob want instead is Orange gear for Medium/Heavy (depending which Knight AC you chose). Scour the GTN for dropped pieces, or quest rewards, or craft them yourself with a Synthweaver alt since you said you are going with Cybertech.
  7. Bounty Hunters can equip heavy from the get go. Most likely you're running into a level restriction and thats why you can't put the armor on. To check what's restricting you mouse over the item and whatever is in RED will tell you what the restriction is.
  8. It's on the sticky guide up top. You can RE anything that is part of your crafting skill. You can only learn schematics from RE'ing things you created yourself.
  9. There is no build. Companion stats work the same as player stats. If her main attribute is Cunning, then you give her gear that's all Cunning.
  10. And there are more important things to worry about than a video game. Cosmetic changes are being addressed as well as gameplay changes.
  11. Waiting for the Biodrone to come here and say well, der, merging servers equals bad press! Even if you potentially save yourself thousands of subscribers by consolidating your resources so that players when they login have the option to find group (this IS a MMO , right, right?).
  12. What we need is a blank color crystal and you input the RGB values for the color you want. No restrictions.
  13. Check the GTN for price comparisons. If no one is selling it, price it high and see if you get someone to bite. I've sold orange bracers and belts for 200K and recently 100K.
  14. Each grade of crystals has a lower and upper tier. This becomes more readily apparent when you gather in game world but on missions they are treated like a 50/50 split (RNG obviously plays with this). The best bet is to go farm them. Typically areas close to the spaceport will be more lower tier Grade with some higher tier and as you move out more its the reverse.
  15. So how come your guild didnt make a concerted effort to have a few peeps or anyone concerned about their name jump on the server and reserve them? The same with the guild name.
  16. Excellent. Then I have bumped that comment.
  17. Does this go hand in hand with people who drive around in big trucks because the other extension of their manhood is too small?
  18. Click on Sith Warrior forum and then look at the top. There are subforums there for Juggernaut and Marauder...
  19. Social I Imperial is male only. Republic is female only.
  20. Depends on the advanced class, and the role you are going for. They each have their own pros/cons. Best bet is to find the subforum of the class you play and look there.
  21. It was an innocent question by him. YOU on the other hand are trying to provoke an argument. And add-ons are basically the same as kung-fu pandas. Nice to have luxuries which we may have down the road but wholly not needed right now.
  22. Commendations should be strictly for that planet and independent of each other. As the person above me stated no amount of ratio or exchange removes the fact you can farm with no risk.
  23. Meh, not like this concept is new. EQ2 evil side couldn't mail stuff to good side and vice versa. Though you could still mail each other with messages.
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