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Everything posted by GellonSW

  1. Can anyone recommend an ideal area to run around for these (sacred artifact)? I spent about 2 hours on Taris last night just running around and I've gotten a good amount of crystals (and other mats) but barely any artifacts (ratio seems to be every 10 crystal nodes 1 artifact). There seemed to be better balance on Grade 1 mats back on Coruscant. On the GTN I also dont see them on sale either so I'm assuming they must be super rare for some reason? Thanks.
  2. SWTOR having more subs 6 months from now than today is speculation. Not fact. You seem to be confused between the two.
  3. LOTRO and DDO both turned out substantially more money than before. It's not rocket science. When you forego a monthly subscription model that is STATIC and opt for online market you are going to make more money. Players will spend either way. How do you think games like Runes of Magic have survived?
  4. Either from your local Security Vendor assuming you enabled Security Key app or the Social Vendor at Nar Shaddaa. I think it requires Social II though it should be easy to get by the time you get there.
  5. You obviously cared enough to post. And the plot for the Jedi Knight is kind of silly at George Lucas level but I'm not surprised. Bioware's writing has been extremely shoddy the last few releases.
  6. What if by not saving the soldiers that were protecting the refugees the consequence results in the deaths of many more refugees because no one is there to protect them? The light dark side choice is stupid in that quest. Should have been a difference in rewards, not alignment.
  7. This will never happen. No mainstream MMO has ever enacted naming restrictions on RP servers (obviously the most flagrant of offenses are changed) because this requires resources they don't have. Judging by their already stretched customer service with Bio/EA I doubt anything will change. Just ignore or turn off nameplates on PCs.
  8. Unless you were skipping quests there is one available right when you get off your base planet to teach you about crew skills. What it boils down to is learning them (you are limited to 1 crafting skill, and 2 gathering with 1 more later) from the crew skill trainers and READ the codex entry. Its very straightforward.
  9. Why don't we just eliminate all the classes and create 1 for each side. Republic Hero and Imperial Hero. They each can heal, tank and DPS no problem.
  10. Because its a business and the company needs to make money. Few players means fewer revenue which means talking heads in management has to wonder why they are dumping money on something that isn't generating money. Not that hard a concept.
  11. I think from those threads they only present half the argument. The biggest issue is that in order for someone who relies on crafting to gear themselves its a heavy time and credit investment to keep up with their levels which is okay to a degree. So yes that level 30 person still needs to grind his skill from 150 and up. The problem is by doing so they are also probably leveling as well and by the time they could make the stuff they've probably out-leveled them. Hence the overall feeling that crafting is pointless most of the time until you hit end game.
  12. I've crafted 20 so far to test with and have not had a success since netting a Redoubt version. Thanks.
  13. Thats because with any other craft you can easily obtain on par or better through other means without having to invest credits/time in the craft. Crafting is just a fail overall.
  14. Exactly this and my guess is since this is tied to crafting and making level limits like this would likely require a redesign of how its structured. So the knee jerk quick fix solution was to nerf the rewards hard.
  15. Lost Artifacts are materials used for crafting. You'll run into recipes that need them as you level up Artifice or Synthweaving.
  16. I tried slicing on my T7 (near max affection) and got his skill up to around 200 and I simply don't see how it's outrageous at all. I craft my own gear by using multiple t5ons and ship them to each other. It's really not that hard to get good gear if you are A) willing to invest time into crafting and B) use your alts. The whole players able to afford latest and greatest upgrades only from slicing is ludicrous and silly.
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