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Everything posted by JacenHallis

  1. The mistakes aren't canon. They are overridden by the show itself, which is now the ultimate authority regarding the Clone Wars. We can also rule out the idea that Cut fathered the two children by a simple examination of the official timeline: The Battle of Geonosis was in 22 BBY. No clones left Kamino before this time. The Separatist operation to acquire the Supreme Chancellor took place in 19 BBY. That's three years, give or take a few months. Shaeeah was well older than three years, and Jek was a year younger than she was. Cut cannot be these kids' father, while the Encyclopedia makes him out to be. Wookieepedia tries to fix the problem by saying that Suu married a human before Cut, who was the actual father of the kids, but that is never explicitly stated, either in the show or in the encyclopedia. The encyclopedia's lone piece of evidence that the kids are hybrids is the fact that Jek had short lekku. Apparently, the author forgot about the fact that lekku can vary in size from twi'lek to twi'lek, and that Jek is still a child. Shaeeah's lekku seem normal for a child her age; they're roughly the same size as Numa's. I view the Encyclopedia as a mistake. Until another human/twi'lek hybrid shows up in the fiction that is explicitly known to be a hybrid conceived through natural means, I will continue with the knowledge that humans and twi'leks cannot breed. Isn't that really the draw to them, anyway? You can have fun all you want, and you never have to worry that the plastic stick is going to have a plus on it. One advantage twi'leks have over Zeltrons.
  2. Do a search on the net (or go old-school and use the phone book) for collectible appraisers. If you have a store near you that buys and sells collectibles, you might call or go by and see if they have someone they can recommend. Try to get more than one appraisal, and make sure that the person doing the valuing knows that you are not interested in selling (even if you might be).
  3. The Battlemaster Eliminator's Cannon has an enhancement with 24 Endurance, 25 Expertise, 37 Power and 51 Surge on it. I assume that's the enhancement in question.
  4. The point of the perks is that higher-level characters that can afford the perks send money to the lower-level characters which can't so that they can buy them. No level 10 character is going to have 48k for a speeder just from playing the game. But, if a high-level character sends that level 10 character the money, then they can have the speeder. I understand that you'd like to have each character pay for his own perks, but that's not the point of the system.
  5. I think that if I ever find someone to do this with, I'll bust out the SE DVDs I got back when they first came out on DVD. You know ... the ones that also included the original theatrical prints with no changes or touch-ups as an extra feature? Then we'll start with those. We won't be starting with "Episode IV." We'll start with "Star Wars."
  6. Baras has some fat on him; there's no doubt about that. But, after translating the style to real life, he's at a perfectly healthy weight. Overweight to be certain, but not obese. (The same is true of the BT3 male.)
  7. I am a mix of Championship, League 1, League 2, League 3 and League 4. I love to RP. I love to do group content. I love to try stuff solo. I love to raid, but not in the extremely hardcore raid groups; I care nothing for server/world firsts. I believe in casual raiding: raiding is not the meaning of the game, but for the three hours or so two nights a week when we are raiding, you are expected to be on the ball, paying attention and doing your best. Same with flashpoints; I'm all about having fun, but when you're on the group's time, respect it and make sure the fun doesn't interfere with the goal of the group. Really, I identify with all of your classifications (with the exception of the first) in some way.
  8. Baras isn't fat. If the art style were more realistic, he'd look like a World's Strongest Man contestant (say... this guy). Ever make a BT4 male and take his shirt off? He's ripped. He's just not cut like the BT3 guy, which would be more like a bodybuilder, which focuses on reducing BMI. In pro wrestling terms, BT3 is HHH, while BT4 is Bam Bam Bigelow.
  9. For that matter, why not make all armor adaptive? Maybe I want my Jedi to wear Trooper armor to show solidarity with the troops. Where does it stop?
  10. I'm all for bringing back Revan, maybe even as a hermit on some world created in the future. However, the Valley of the Jedi won't even be created for another 2600 years or so. Revan will just have to recuperate somewhere else. Maybe on Ashla or Bogan. That would be kind of cool, I think, especially considering that both Jedi and Sith would have some claim to artifacts that could be found there. Some Sith did exist on Tython as Je'daii, after all.
  11. I agree and disagree with you. I agree in that I don't want flying mounts in the game. Every game I've played that has added flying mounts has not been enriched by their inclusion. In fact, the feeling of the game world as a real world was lessened in each case. And, yes, they do serve to make ground-based mounts useless. I disagree that flying mounts (by which I'm sure you mean animals) are not a part of Star Wars. The Beast Riders of Onderon are an example of people who used flying beast mounts. However, a flying mount in TOR need not be restricted to creatures. You could have an airspeeder instead.
  12. Actually, the it was stated they'd be working on "multi-spec," the obvious connotation there that you'd be able to have more than just two.
  13. License agreements are way more complicated affairs than "Give me money." There is exclusivity to consider, as well as a number of other variables. It could be that EA wanted exclusivity, and Lucas Licensing decided to grant it to them. Clone Wars Adventures is a special case, as it's nothing more than a collection of minigames, rather than a true MMORPG. It could also be that SOE decided that maintaining/renewing the Star Wars license for SWG wasn't worth the cost. Wizards of the Coast made that decision, and now they no longer make Star Wars RPG products.
  14. I'd be down for this. I might like to play a Cathar when they're released, but I'm certainly not going to delete a character to do it. And, no, I'm not going to another server.
  15. Are you seriously arguing with the CE owner who says he doesn't care if you get the same banner that he does? do you not see that I'm on your side here? I never once said you were complaining. Seriously. Read it again. Not once does the word "complain" nor any of its conjugations or synonyms appear in my posts in this thread.
  16. More clearly, there is no comfirmation for 1.4 until Bioware specifically confirms 1.4. Look for that announcement rather than a comment buried in another news article. I would like to think that it means 1.4, but they'll announce the specifics later.
  17. You are COMPLETELY missing the point of my post, obviously. I'm NOT saying you want them to make the Party Jawa/Rancor Hologram/Throne exclusive to DDE/CE. I'm simply stating that we saw this type of thread last year, asking why CE players got something that DDE players did not. And it spawned numerous "class warfare" threads where some of the CE buyers kept poking at the DDE buyers, making them angry to the point of madness. I didn't participate in it back then, but it sure was funny to watch. Edit: I guess I should add that, as a CE buyer, I don't care if the DDE people get the banner or not. All those in-game items (apart from the STAP and VIP lounge wristband) got shoved in my bank on day 1 anyway.
  18. So, does this mean we're all supposed to put the "CE VIP" tags and keys in our sigs again?
  19. This is actually one of the better F2P schemes I've seen. It looks like the non-payers will get to do pretty much everything but operations, but the number of times they can do it is limited, which is nice. That way, my friends who left back at launch might be more willing to come back, try out the content, and maybe resume a sub if they like it.
  20. That's the thing, though: you can get HK-51. The game is set up so that you can get him. You have restricted yourself from being able to do so. It's not Bioware's fault. I won't even go so far as to say it's your fault, as the decision you made was a fine one based on the information you had available at the time. But, if Bioware puts out the requirements, and you, for whatever reason, can't or won't meet them, then you will not and should not get the companion.
  21. I wouldn't. Reapers are not Star Wars. They need to stay in Mass Effect. No crossovers. Not in the game. Forget George Lucas; Daniel Erickson wouldn't allow it.
  22. Incorrect. You are entitled to access to the game content. That's it. It's completely up to the player whether or not he avails himself of the content. If you want a high PvP rank, you must PvP. If you want high-end raid gear, you must run the operations. If you want HK-51, you must complete whatever requirements the developers set forth for the attainment of that companion. That is the limit of your entitlement.
  23. If someone wants to watch the cutscenes, I'll let them. Chances are, I'll be watching them, too, since I've not done any flashpoints apart from Esseles/Black Talon and Hammer Station. And it takes me a long time to get bored with the dialogue. If someone wanted to kick me for watching cutscenes, I'd let them, ignore them and then hit the group finder for another group. Meanwhile the other group is sitting there without a tank or healer because they just kicked him.
  24. I actually found this workaround in the CS forum when I came across the problem last night. It's in a couple of threads, but I found this one: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=480934 This workaround really should be stickied, or put in the FAQ or something. I think enough people will come across the issue that it should justify more easily finding the solution.
  25. I'm with you on this. In general, I like dailies. I liked them in WoW. I really dislike grinding random mobs like in EQ or repeatedly running the same dungeon over and over. Dailies were a short, easy way to get money and some gear. But in this game, the gear costs crazy amounts of commendations. For two implants and an ear piece, I'm looking at 360 commendations. Most I ever needed for an item in WoW was ... 60? Something like that. I'd like to see them take a look over all the commendation costs.
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