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Everything posted by JacenHallis

  1. I agree with your point, but it should be noted that currently in Dawn of the Jedi, the Jedi Order does not exist. Master Sek is a master of a Je'daii academy on Tython. The actual formation of the Jedi Order as a Light-side-embracing evolution of the Je'daii will come later, after the Force Wars. So, as of now, there are no pureblood Jedi apart from Praven. When I got Scourge on my JK, I seem to remember him saying that he was not joining the Republic. He was traveling with the Knight because he believed it was his destiny to do so and oppose the Emperor. Once the Emperor is dealt with, he probably expects to return to the Empire, or he might remain in exile. The point is that he is an Imperial at heart, and he hasn't really defected, so much as begun a prolonged joint operation with the knight. That said, there's no reason why any of these species can't work as any class. How about just having a pureblood born in the Republic? The previous war lasted a long time, and planets all over changed hands. How hard would it have been for any number of purebloods to defect in that time and start families in the Republic? Perhaps there are Chiss that actually succeed in defecting, unlike the Chiss on Hoth. My Chiss agent hates the Sith, but she works inside the system to serve the Empire. Why couldn't other Sith-hating Chiss request political asylum and then serve in a military role in the Republic? Any species-class combination can be justified without reaching. All it takes is about five seconds of thought to make it work.
  2. ...which is not the GTN accessible on either Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. That's the OP's point.
  3. Most games I've played shut the servers down for updates. There are some updates that can be applied while the servers are up (since the servers are "hot," they are called "hotfixes"), but major patches require server downtime to apply the changes to the server software and then test stability before bringing them back up.
  4. It's been called a "Neutral GTN terminal" since they announced it. How could they be any more clear?
  5. Don't forget the Zeison Sha. This is a sect of Force users that believes that family is very important. It's diametrically opposed to the Jedi's "no attachment" policy. Yet, these people are no more inclined to be dark sided than Jedi are. There are a large number of Force traditions out there. The Jedi and Sith aren't the only ones. They're just the biggest at this time.
  6. The same reason why people complain because they think the operations gear is ugly. The same reason why people complain because, while they might be homosexual, their character cannot be if they want to romance a companion. Both of these don't "affect anyone who doesn't care in ANY way." It's because we care, and we want the family tree to be fully functional at its stated design goal of charting the relationships of the characters in a legacy.
  7. People don't need to use the GTN to get stuff to the other faction now. So, you'll probably see little use of the neutral GTN for a while. I forsee one of two things happening: 1) The Neutral GTN remains empty since people can now send stuff directly to their alts via mail, regardless of faction. 2) The Neutral GTN becomes the GTN of choice for the majority of the population as more people buy the terminals for their ships, and sellers want to effectively double their potential customers. It could go either way. Expect a dearth of items on the neutral GTN for a while, though.
  8. Not that I don't agree with the sentiment, but there are two things you might have overlooked with this statement. First of all, WoW is not Star Wars. It's not even sci-fi. People who hate fantasy games are not going to want to play WoW. There's also the fact that Blizzard likes to balance the game with what I call the "See-Saw method." That is, they nerf into oblivion with one patch, then overpower with the next. They never find the middle ground, and that's a major reason why I'll never play WoW again. Second, Diablo III is not an MMORPG. Diablo II was not an MMORPG, either. Apparently, your guide was not too great. "QFT" stands for "Quoted For Truth." You were probably looking for "ST*U," which is pretty self-explanatory, and, it seems, filtered. Now... You have a point, but I wouldn't say it's the WoW players that are ruining TOR. I'm a n ex- WoW player, and I love the game. It's just a very vocal group of people that like to complain. Some people have very valid concerns, and those concerns need to be voiced. Some, however, like to complain, and they can be very loud.
  9. And when did you delete this assassin? Before or after the patch?
  10. I'm pretty sure this is more than a quick fix. But, I think it's a very good thing to accomplish, as it will make crafting much easier. This is for those crew skills that produce equippable items that have multiple variants. Currently, all schematics are put in a single list in the crafting window. They're separated by type, but, for the most part, it's just one big list. It can make it somewhat difficult to find things if you have a lot of schematics. Think about it: A piece of green armor has three blue variants. Each of those blue armors has four or five purple variants. For completionists (like those who love crafting tend to be), that's going to be an incredibly long list of armor. I would like to see the crafting window use a set of nested collapsible lists to make finding items easier. For example, using the Heavy Thermal Belt: Heavy Armor + Heavy Thermal Belt + Heavy Thermal Handgear Fully collapsed, a person would see nothing more than "Heavy Thermal Belt" in the list of schematics. Clicking on the plus by that would show the blue variants the crafter had learned: Heavy Armor - Heavy Thermal Belt + Critical Heavy Thermal Belt + Overkill Heavy Thermal Belt + Redoubt Heavy Thermal Belt Then, opening up one of the blue variants' lists would show the different purple versions of that armor: Heavy Armor - Heavy Thermal Belt - Critical Heavy Thermal Belt Endowment Heavy Thermal Belt Fervor Heavy Thermal Belt Leadership Heavy Thermal Belt Supremacy Heavy Thermal Belt Tempest Heavy Thermal Belt - Overkill Heavy Thermal Belt Commander's Heavy Thermal Belt Expert Heavy Thermal Belt Hawkeye Heavy Thermal Belt Rampart Heavy Thermal Belt Vehemence Heavy Thermal Belt - Redoubt Heavy Thermal Belt Anti-Armor Heavy Thermal Belt Exactitude Heavy Thermal Belt General's Heavy Thermal Belt Veracity Heavy Thermal Belt This would really help the list maintain readability over time. Like I said, I know this is probably not a simple job to do one afternoon, but this is the suggestion forum, and I would like to see this level of organization in the crew skills. Sorry about all the space in the code boxes. It's a side effect of the tags, it seems, and the list wouldn't maintain the indentations without them.
  11. I'll just quote here what I posted in another thread. This thread seems to have the better title, and will probably be seen by more people.
  12. The family tree does seem to be kind of ... one-dimensional. And by that, I mean that it's trying to put every character on one line, instead of allowing more than two connections and utilizing the workspace. This is what my family tree should look like in the game: http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x3/thewok/family_tree.gif Unfortunately, it seems all I can do is: Agent >R< Trooper >S< Smuggler >A< Consular >A< Knight >R< Inquisitor >A< Warrior Trying to add a third connection to any character with two existing connections allows only the options dealing with children. I realize that this feature doesn't really do anything other than look cool. But, even as it is, it's not able to deal with enough connections. Try doing the Skywalker Legacy with only two connections per character.
  13. Yep. Eve, Champions Online and Star Trek Online all have a single-server setup. SOE condensed DCUO into US and EU PvE and PvP servers.
  14. Yeah. The Consular. ... What? Qyzen wants to show me where he killed all those wookiee hunters.
  15. There is a stated reason for using the wedge shape. It allows most of the ship's weapons to fire forward. So, it makes sense for the Sith to use this design, as they are a highly militant people. it makes sense for Revan to input that design into the Star Forge, as it would make his conquering the Republic easier. But, with Revan, it also was a psychological thing: the shape of the ships and their capabilities scared people. This principle would later be expanded on by Wilhuff Tarkin, where he believed that it was better to rule by the fear of force, rather than by force itself. A Star Destroyer certainly could back up its fierce demeanor (especially the Eclipse class), but their real power came from their status as a symbol of the Empire's strength. They served as oppressor and rallying cry all in one.
  16. Don't be a douche, man. If you're going to correct someone, do it in a positive way. Also, the planet was Kamino; the people were Kaminoans. The whole ship aesthetics issue comes down to one man: Palpatine. Up until 1000 BBY, the Republic used ships like the Thranta and the Hammerhead, as we see in KOTOR and TOR. Sure, the designs change. For the most part, the Sith are the ones who use the wedge-shaped ships like the dreadnoughts in TOR. Roughly 1000 BBY, something huge happened. The Sith were wiped out (or so the Republic thought). Because of this, certain things happened to the Republic, which are called the Ruusan Reformations. The specifics are not important. All you need to know is that, after Ruusan, the Republic no longer had a standing army. It relied on formal treaties and local law enforcement and militias to keep the peace. The Jedi themselves put away their armor and embraced a lifestyle of peace. Fast forward to the Rise of the Empire era. Sidious had a clone army created. But, the Republic had no means of ferrying these troops around to wage war against the Separatists. What probably happened is Palpatine (either as Sifo-dyas or through him) offered old Sith schematics to some shipmakers (perhaps KDY), who then improved the designs, bringing them up to modern standards. The Acclamator was not a Republic design. Well, it was, but the Republic had no idea it had them until Geonosis.
  17. Watch Star Wars again. When the Stormtroopers are boarding the corvette at the start of the movie, a few bolts fired by the Rebels glance off the stormtroopers' armor. Why does this happen? Because those Rebels are not the heroes of the story.
  18. The reporter on Ord Mantell is a font of stereotypical reporter lines, but these two count as my favorites: "Fantastic! Good to see someone with the complete lack of scruples needed to protect justice and freedom in the Republic!" "It's footage like this that makes all the fighting and death worth it, you know?"
  19. I think he means as a PC species choice.
  20. When it comes to mind control, Luke wouldn't come anywhere close to the power of Maxwell Lord. This is the guy who was able to make an entire world think that he never existed. The effect was so strong that, when presented with evidence of Lord's existence, people would see something completely different, or interpret it in a convoluted manner so as to deny Lord's existence. It was so powerful that, even when Power Girl was able to remember who he was, she very quickly forgot again as the effect reasserted itself. Even Wonder Woman, who Black Lantern Lord took a particular interest in, could not remember the man she had killed on worldwide television. There's no way any Jedi's mind trick could come close to that power. The Mind Trick is simply a form of suggestion, "nudging" the victim's mind toward the desired goal. Max Lord reprograms the brain, and can institute self-correcting "programming" to go with it. So, yeah. Superman is susceptible to mind control. But the Jedi Mind Trick isn't mind control.
  21. There is no difference. However, I've seen TOR do this only once: the very first Jedi Knight class quest. Even then, though, the NPC didn't say, "Go kill 10 flesh raiders." He said something like, "These flesh raiders are a threat. Go out and see if you can take care of them. We'll be in touch soon." The rest of the time, TOR quests are very much what quests in real RPGs are like: Go find the artifact in the Czerka base. Board the Darth's ship and confront him. Retrieve our stolen supplies from the pirates. The "Kill 10/40/whatever mobs" quests are bonus missions. They're there, sure. But they're completely optional. If you can sneak by them and not kill anything while completing a quest, then you still get the xp for completion. You just don't get the extra experience from the kills and the bonus quest. Sometimes you do have to kill mobs to get quest items. No big deal. So, your comparison is hardly an apt one. WoW quests definitely were "Kill X mobs" quests for the most part. In TOR, the missions have a purpose besides genocide. The genocide is just a fun option.
  22. It's funny how the TMZ people like to be thought of as pop culture "reporters," but they don't know what's already been said. George Lucas' retirement from Star Wars is hardly news. He announced as much back before Red Tails was released. He wants to spend time making smaller "project" movies, doing what he enjoys, rather than what sells tickets. So, instead of making Star Wars movies, he'll be making stuff in the vein of THX-1138 and American Graffiti. That doesn't mean there will never be any new Star Wars material. Lucasfilm still owns the IP, and they'll still continue making The Clone Wars and hopefully (after redoing the entire basis of it, because time travel in Star Wars is a horrible idea) the live-action show. There will be more novels and comic books, as well. They'll also have the game licenses out there, and Fantasy Flight will come up with new stuff via sourcebooks, and Lucasarts, via its stable of trusted developers, will release video games based on the IP. Star Wars isn't going away. George Lucas is going away from Star Wars. And, honestly, it's better that way.
  23. This is a false argument. People don't ask for realism in sci-fi. They ask for believability, which is a product of internal consistency. If something loses consistency with itself, it becomes harder to believe (in the vernacular, less "realistic"). I'm not sure what that has to do with this discussion, but whatever.
  24. Well, it says I have blue eyes, but I decided I wanted grey eyes.
  25. Actually, Ben Skywalker grew up in a number of places. He was Luke's son. But, yes, you are correct. The entire Solo family could be considered part of the Skywalker Legacy. I made this point back before release. Han and Leia even named a son after Anakin, the progenitor of the Skywalker Legacy. But, even before that, Leia was a part of the Legacy, but her family name was Organa, due to her adoption. Han was a part of the Legacy, as well, as were Chewbacca and the droids. But you could also have a Solo Legacy, with Han as the patriarch, Leia as the matriarch, Luke as an ally, and so on. And this might be a Sith Legacy, due to Jacen's eventual fall to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Caedus. It's a viewpoint thing. Either way, there are a lot of people in these Legacies that don't share family names. I would like to be able to do the same in game.
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