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Everything posted by frankiejo

  1. Aye that's the issue, the one role we belong in is filled with a class that is better designed for that role, that's the definition of poor balancing. That and the fact that everyone wants us healing anyway, so BW needs to rebalance operatives and sins.
  2. Let's get real for a moment, you comparing NPCs to PCs, if it came down to it the entire dark council is expendable compared to the player character, who is by necessity invincible. Thus the Wrath has the authority.
  3. He did allow Anakin to be trained as a Jedi resulting in the destruction of the current Jedi order, pretty shoddy wisdom there Yoda.
  4. How is this a valid point? Considering Revan is still alive, and anyone who plays the empire side can tell you he survives the end of the Foundary, are you butthurt over the death of Revan when Revan isn't even dead? I don't cry over the death of the emperor, considering it's spelled out explicitly that he isn't dead either. I have a full time job, I'm being paid as I'm typing this.
  5. According to GL Anakin is the chosen one, and the prophecy was accomplished when he killed sidious, but what the Jedi fanboys won't accept is that it was also necessary that he destroy the jedi, any imbalance will be destroyed whether it be light or dark. The machinations of the Jedi and the Sith always ALWAYS result in near-total annihilation for all involved, whether it be the Jedi this century or the sith the next is inconsequential, it's a limitless cycle of death and rebirth. That's the ONLY way you can explain a galactic society that has been repeating the exact same war for 5,000 years meanwhile ignoring nearly all technological and social innovations that may improve galactic life as a whole. It's the reason the Star Cabal exists.
  6. You should have the option to kill Quinn if you're willing to play one companion short for the remainder of the game. Storywise the only punishment for betraying the Wrath of the Emperor would be death.
  7. So i googled it for all of 2 minutes and I already found the source where George Lucas states that the Jedi had misinterpreted the idea of bringing balance to the force, they assumed it meant the destruction of the sith, but he states explicitly that bringing balance means checking both the light and dark sides from having too much power. If the Jedi finally do bring balance when they train the chosen one Anakin, and the result is the destruction of their order. Again, that's stated explicitly by George Lucas that they did in fact bring balance to the force, and that balance meant their total destruction to BALANCE out all the power they had held before. It's just an endless cycle of destruction and rebirth for both sides, the fact that you can't grasp this fact when it's a 5,000 year old ideological war that still hasn't ended is retarded. it's also a direct thematic reference the the anthropological idea of a cyclical history, which is a reference to the Hellenistic society that crafted the original "heroes journey". Star Wars was always just rebranded mythology anyway, I'm not making far-reaching assumptions about what points are being made because it's all very well laid out if you understand the source material that's being parodied.
  8. There are two alternatives 1) The writers at least wanted to include an element of relativism and making a somewhat interesting commentary of morality. 2) This is poorly written drivel
  9. But if they were interested in balancing they would at least give us the chance to remain viable in group pvp, or they would make maps in pvp WZ that allow for more solo/lone wolf play without being ganked. Our maps are so small they require constant team fights.
  10. you sound pretty proud that Star Wars is apparently too gay for intellectualism
  11. I think it's safe to say they would follow the one who survived, as the wrath would just disembowel a counselor that tried to interfere with the emperor's wishes. While technically true that the Wrath may not have any command of his own, he exerts the emperor's will which makes his edict above any other in the Sith. If it came down to a political power structure it would only be a question of who would be replacing the Wrath's opponents on the council.
  12. So just a moment ago I was frustrated and left a game of Hutt Ball very early, and then reapplied for queue. About 30 seconds later I got the ding, and lo and behold I entered the same game, on the other team. By then the score was 3 to 0 so it was a short match, probably had more fun on that team. I just wanted to share that.
  13. Remove the whole skill for lethality and medic? that's overreaching a bit innit, as every other class gets a 51 skill. If you're talking about removing the CD for concealment ops only I could understand the logic, It's not the most valuable skill on a medic anyway.
  14. Well I don't think it's as bad as all that, I have fun and I almost always play PuGs, but that doesn't change the fact that some days i have the patience for it, some not, and **** anyone that tries to tell me what to do :cool:
  15. That's pretty much what Christmas was like at my house, papa was a drinker.
  16. I do sometimes to, and in a lot of situations I'll keep playing in a no-win situation, I rarely quit due to rage. But I may quit if I was in the middle of doing something else and it seems more fun, or if I feel like it. I'm in agreement with the post above who said it was a boon and not a hindrance, I love being able to change my mind and leave a match if I'm not in the mood. Also in those situations you described, like a hopless no-win game, you're not going to get much in the way of xp or comms.
  17. The problem is so much of this is just ingrained into you by pvping. Most of the people on this forum pvp and do nothing but pvp, so it's all 2nd nature. If you can spare a key binding for force snap it's one of the most important skills in the game, use it on CD to start until you learn to identify moves you need to interrupt. Force wave isused as an interrupt but in your case used as an "oh ****", while it may be necessary to sue it soley to interrupt, try to save it for when you need to get someone back into range, and it should either be led or followed by a slow. In your case if you can push them both, slow one, stun the other, and force sprint away, you may be able to get out of their range. At that point just run for the hills and hope they don't break the gap. it's not a horrible plan to use force lift, but in a situation like this it's probably pointless, they would both most likely have their stun break off CD. And speaking of which that's another one you probably don't use much in PvE, have your stun breaker handy, it's 100% vital in pvp scenarios.
  18. Sage is better(dps) Scoundrel is more fun (dps) not arguing just pointing out if you do want to try doing dmg you've got a couple decent classes to do it on.
  19. you misunderstand, I'm not offering an excuse, I'm simply trying to explain that neither I nor anyone else gives a ****, quit playing if you don't like it.
  20. Excuse me for being honest, but the 7 people I'm queued with into a match? I don't know them, they aren't my friends, they could be *********** Eskimos for all I care, and their opinion or happiness means jack **** to me. At least I'm willing to admit it. If I get queued with someone I like or chat with occasionally (I'm pretty talkative in group queue) I might stay just to help them out, but I am not going to stick around to make 7 jag-offs happy
  21. and surgical probe is the best taunt in the game because it also heals people :o:o
  22. /agree I would like to see "entering stealth now finished the cooldown on shield probe"
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