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Everything posted by witchglove

  1. Oh, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it! I think he is, too, and I also prefer it that way. I only meant that I guess it is left open for interpretation. I think it makes a lot of sense that he is a virgin, not only because it suits the romance and who he is, but also because I think his life on Zakuul would have left very little or no opportunity for any kind of relationship. We know that Valkorion switched out the princes' tutors and Knights regularly to stop them from forming attachments, so I'm sure they wouldn't have been allowed to have any kinds of dalliances, even if they'd wanted to. As emperor, I think Arcann was far too preoccupied with rage and grief to be interested in that sort of thing - not to mention too busy waging war, running an empire and hunting the Outlander. I would LOVE a wedding eventually. My JK would absolutely wait for that before consummating their relationship, as well. And I didn't know that about Vette! I never actually tried her romance, but I want to now. That sounds adorable
  2. I love the thought of him struggling to hide it! I'm probably reading way too much into everything he says and does, but I think it shows in a number of his pre-romance lines and letters. The most obvious one is that very first letter you get after defeating Valky (the one with the "And I have you" line). I can just imagine him struggling to write that letter without revealing too much But also the way his manner towards you is so deferential, almost courtly. To me that seems like more than just regret and respect for a commander. I like this interpretation. To me, Arcann reads as very inexperienced in romance. Not just because of his "this is unfamiliar territory for me" line in the first romance scene, but also because he seems genuinely overwhelmed by his own emotions and by the thought that anyone would actually care for him. I feel like there is a virginal quality to him - not that he is necessarily a virgin, but there is a sense of purity and newness to his romance that I think is really endearing.
  3. I think he would have killed the PC then if not for his father's order, too! I'm also pretty sure that Arcann's actions are an attempt to turn that humiliating order ("go fetch this stranger who is more important to me than you are!") back on his father. You make a really interesting point with regard to why, exactly, Valkorion considered his sons to be unworthy of being his vessels. I think the best explanation is what you said - it's more about emotional manipulation than who is objectively the strongest vessel. In the case of the Jedi Battlemaster, though, he/she has thwarted Vitiate several times with great success - certainly far more than Arcann. That's why the JK will always be my 'head-canon' Outlander. You're very welcome! I think home is more a matter of who than where to Arcann, as well. I'd guess the only person who ever felt like home growing up was Thexan, which means that Arcann has felt (emotionally) homeless for a long time until he joins the PC/the Alliance. I think his relationship with Vaylin is far too fraught and dysfunctional for them to feel at home in each other's presence. Some of the things he says to her ("I freed you from his control - I hoped that earned your... support") indicate to me that Arcann would like a closer relationship with Vaylin, but doesn't know how to establish it. I don't think he understands her very well at all, actually. She also indicates that Thexan was the brother she felt close to. I think of Arcann as the kind of character who has always longed for a sense of belonging - maybe even someone to belong to in the sense of accepting him and caring for him. I like to think he finally found it with our PC I think there's a lot of evidence for that assessment in the battles with him. I'm thinking specifically of the fight on Asylum where you can use those power cables to fry his arm. I wish they'd done something like in the final battle on the flagship instead of that weird shield that someone apparently just left lying around for the PC to pick up.
  4. Hello and welcome! It is pretty awesome how long this thread is. It's not nice to compare, I know, but Theron's thread is 600-ish pages We still have a ways to go to catch up with the Quinn thread, though Hope you stick around to help us make it even bigger - or join us on the Discord server! Thanks and same to you! I listened to those clips and posted some walls of text about it on Discord I think Valkorion was deliberately provoking Arcann in that scene, just like he did in the scene where Thexan stopped Arcann from killing him (I interpret the look on Valkorion's face as Arcann leaps at him in the trailer to mean that he knows exactly what's about to happen and very deliberately drove Arcann to attack him at this point). I think both Arcann and the PC are part of his plan at that point: he knows he wants to possess the PC (because he/she has impressed him by being so powerful, just like Revan and other champions have before), but he also needs Arcann to set himself up as a tyrant for the (possessed) PC to overthrow. That way Valkorion will end up back on the throne once he has defeated Arcann through the Outlander, but in a new guise. I'm not sure he has any reason for wanting to change meat-suits, except for what he says to the JK as Vitiate: It really is. I love it. Just the fact that it's titled "I'll be home soon".... The Alliance (and the PC) are home to him I wonder if Arcann ever had a very strong sense of home before. Lavish as the Zakuul Palace obviously was, it's not like he ever really felt safe or happy there.
  5. I haven't seen that, but I really hope you're right! Do let us know if you remember where you saw it
  6. I would love to have to rescue him. At least that way he would play a role in the story. I'm afraid that's too much to hope for and we'll just get a letter and maybe a few seconds of mush - and then just lots and lots of Lana as usual (not hating on Lana, just want Arcann instead) Siita revealed some pages back that Dellums said there is more Arcann content to come, so presumably he will make an appearance, though!
  7. I just finished writing a fanfic chapter about those scenes! (Still haven't worked up the courage to share it with the world...) Almost time! Can't wait!!
  8. Thank you!! They were actually the first Funko Pops I ever made, so it was pretty much just trial and error. I'm so glad I have them - those two are definitely my OTP. I've written pages and pages of fanfic about them Recipe for Funko Arcann: Lightly boil and decapitate a Funko Pop Clone Wars Obi Wan and The Will from the Saga comics (the things you do for love... ), then Frankenstein them back together using Obi Wan's body and The Will's head. I spray-painted the clothing white with a plastic primer, then painted over it and the saber with white and gold acrylics. I also gave him a coating of plasti-kote to keep the paint from being sticky. Then you hand the doll and a mini drill to your RL husband who's tired of hearing about how wonderful Arcann is and set him to work on making the scars, lol It was about one day's work plus time for letting the paint dry. I did that too! Since we know that I'll definitely be there spamming the chat!
  9. I'd love to! I left the mask at work (where I'm in the process of painting it), but here's the Funko Pop: https://imgur.com/a/GwSWVQ3 I made my Zabrak JK who romances him as well: https://imgur.com/kmT8Ick I want a release date so badly now If we only get a short cutscene (which I suppose is the realistic expectation), what would everyone most like to see in it? I'm a terrible sap, I know, but I would like to get an I love you spoken out loud and the chance to say it back
  10. So you can judge and punish him on behalf of the entire galaxy, but not forgive him? One is no more of a god complex than the other. Besides, no one ever said anything about forgiving him on behalf of everyone else. My characters forgave him on their own behalf. The moral justification for all my Jedi characters is still that if a life can be saved, if a person can come back to the Light and is willing to atone, then denying them that chance would be evil. It may be more complicated for other classes, but it really is as simple as that for Light-Side Jedi characters. Having said that, I do wish there was a bit of a PR scandal about it in the game. It would have been interesting and given our characters a chance to more clearly state their reasons for saving him.
  11. Oh, I agree they're definitely not anarchists. Unlike anarchists, they clearly do believe in and support the Republic government (as you said), but I would still maintain that they hold some things, especially the preservation of life and potential for redemption, more sacred than those secular laws. I view them sort of like political monks, similar to some types of Buddhism. Having said it, I think it's very difficult to find any real-world comparison that holds water because the unquestionable existence of the Force just makes such a difference to how everything would be viewed, legally and morally. If Arcann wasn't someone susceptible to the influence of the Dark Side of the Force, the whole matter would be different. I feel like such a big deal is made of his changing eye-colour in the cinematics to show us that he is controlled by something that exceeds the mundane and secular. Besides, Vitiate's crimes also did not manifest solely through the Force (he master-minded decades of war) and the Jedi (or some of them, at least) still felt that he ought to be redeemed, not turned over to the Republic. Also, it's a minor point, but I feel it's wrong to accuse Arcann of genocide. He never set out to wipe out any specific people or civilisation. He selects those five worlds at random (or rather, lets Vaylin select them). So, you might say he is guilty of mundicide (is that the word?), but when it comes to passing moral judgment I think there is a difference there (not that it's better, necessarily, but it is one of the reasons I dislike the 'Space Hitler' slur that you used to see on the forums for him - as a tyrant, he is nothing like Hitler). Moreover, The Eternal Empire is a completely new and foreign civilisation. Even if the Core World governments hadn't signed treaties with Arcann - or even if he still deserves punishment for the 5 planets he destroys according to their legal system - can you really argue that it's justice to punish someone according to laws they never signed or even knew of? It might be just in the sense of an eye for an eye, but then we're just talking revenge and I can't see any Light-Sided Jedi agreeing with that.
  12. The Jedi serve the Living Force above any government. That's made pretty clear in several class stories where you can choose to save and redeem one war criminal after the other - and it's always the Light Side choice. It's also made clear by the Prequel Trilogy where the major reason why the Jedi Order is plummeting is because they've begun to/been manipulated to serve a government rather than the Force. So, I absolutely think that a Jedi might stand between a convict and a justice system, if they perceive that convict to be capable of redemption. Jedi should never, ever choose death unless there is absolutely no other way. By your logic, it's also corrupt and evil of the Jedi to set out to redeem Vitiate in the JK class story. You're also assuming that the only motivation for a Jedi character who romances Arcann to keep him alive is because they're in love with him. But that's far from the only possible reason. A Jedi character could choose to keep him alive because it's in line with their philosophy and moral compass, then fall in love with him along the way (which, imo, is far closer to how it actually plays out in the game, considering that the romance doesn't start until well after he has joined the Alliance). Although I disagree with you, I think this is a really interesting discussion because it basically boils down to how you view not only Arcann and his crimes, but the Jedi Order I also wouldn't mind having the Light Side path that you suggested as an option, btw. I would just personally view it as more of a "neutral" path.
  13. I actually like this idea for a Dark Side romance with Arcann. But keep in mind that in no way is it morally corrupt or hypocritical for a Jedi character to save him and do their utmost to heal him. Jedi are guardians of life. They're not executioners or judges. And the JK especially has tried to redeem people with massive death tolls throughout his/her class story by sending them back to Tython for healing. Killing and torturing Vaylin, on the other hand, feels deeply morally corrupt for my JK who would, at the very, very least have done everything in her power to give her a cleaner, more peaceful death. The only action regarding a redeemed Arcann that could possibly be considered hypocritical and morally corrupt for a Jedi is romancing him. In the class stories, it's pretty clear that romance and marriage are disallowed for Jedi in this era. But arguably, our character no longer consider her/himself a Jedi at this point and the Order barely exists to support those rules. I could see all of them saying those things What I wouldn't give to see that in game! Arcann does indicate in his letters that he has experienced something of a 'found family' in the Alliance (though again, we never actually see it). I also think many of the consular companions could show support because they've been on a journey that involved healing so many broken people. Truth
  14. Thanks! I had to unsubscribe for awhile, but I'm back in anticipation of 7.0 and (I expect) a good while after! I hope we can keep the thread alive, too. It always had a really good vibe. I feel like the people posting here are always interested in quite deep conversations about Arcann's character, also beyond the romance (as Jak just pointed out). Arcann's fans are the best! I just love seeing people's creations I can't remember if I've shared it here before, but I made a little Arcann Funko pop and 3D printed his mask ages ago Regarding Senya's letter (which I've also bookmarked - a shame we're not allowed to share it here), I'm really curious about why it never made it into the game. It seems like such a waste, especially as it also gives more insight into his character. Not only would I also love to see Senya acknowledge our relationship with Arcann and give us her blessing, but I would love to see her interact more with him as well. As far as I recall, we never actually see the two of them speaking directly to each other (though we do see them supporting each other silently). I guess we're supposed to infer that they talked about Thexan, Vaylin, Valkorion and everything Arcann did as emperor, but I would really have liked to see just a glimpse of those conversations. Senya does send that letter post-Echoes of Oblivion which indicates that she is not comfortable speaking to Arcann about Vaylin. I think her phrasing is that "he is carrying so much guilt already." That makes me wonder if they are able to talk about Vaylin at all, or even Thexan. I completely agree with Jak. We need to see more of Arcann actually dealing with his past. It's pretty integral to believing that he would even be capable of a functional romantic relationship (or any kind of life, really). I felt like Echoes of Oblivion was a step in the right direction, but it also gives me the distinct impression that he (still) relies heavily on our character for emotional support. I'm not against that at all, but I want to see more difficult topics discussed between them. Maybe
  15. It's so nice to see this thread resurrected! It's making me feel quite nostalgic Your video is wonderful! It got a bunch of clicks and a like from me I really like how seamlessly the soundtracks you selected blend into each other. And the scene where your Outlander wakes up from a nightmare about fighting him (5:12-5:14) is so sweet and well-made. Thank you soooo much for letting us know that there's more Arcann content coming soon! I am also beyond stoked Also, what magic powers do you possess to get Dellums to give you these personal updates? I'm jealous, lol
  16. Just wanted to add my voice to this request. Musco and Boyd said some time ago in a livestream (can't remember which one) that new customisations for Arcann were on the list of things they might do in the future, although it didn't have high priority at the time. Please consider making it a priority! I use him constantly and really want to see some new looks for him. I see many other players who use him as well - and this request appears regularly on the forums and in livestream chat. Personally, I would like to see full body customisations (like his current light/dark tokens customisations). I'm fine with reskins and recolours. Individual pieces of gear would be great, but not at the expense of changing his unique model. Exactly! I like to imagine/roleplay adventures for my toons and their companions when I run around doing conquest. It really would help my immersion to see Arcann wearing something that doesn't scream 'here comes the former tyrant' on those adventures
  17. Hi! Nice to see you're still around. Are you still writing, too? I disagree completely! (explanation in the spoiler tags).
  18. I know! If I felt that Lana was the BFF she seems to think she is, it might be okay. My Knight wanted Arcann in that scene, obviously - but failing that, she wanted Kira who is actually her BFF. Lana just comes across as so weird for characters who aren't in a romance with her or view her as a very close friend. To my Knight, she comes across as someone with an obsessive, unhealthy and unrequited crush... AHHHH! I only just
  19. So, how did everyone like the content we got in Echoes? My take (full of spoilers): This! This is everything I want.
  20. I felt that Echoes did what it was supposed to as an epilogue to KOTFE and KOTET - and mostly did it really well. That said, I'm probably unsubbing now that I've experienced it. I've stayed subbed since Onslaught purely because I wanted to support the continued story and character development - and I have to face the fact that not enough of the budget gets spent on what I want to justify the cost of a monthly subscription. So, I really enjoyed it - but it also left some things to be desired. My list of things I liked and disliked:
  21. That would be amazing! Please, Mr. Boyd, may we have some stories? Personally I would prefer to read about the main characters/companions, but anything would be a treat! In-game mail from companions and other characters would also be a huge comfort to those of us starved for more story.
  22. Thanks for clearing that up about Scourge as well as hinting at more companion interactions to look forward to! I'll spend the time until the patch praying that one of those might be with Arcann. Probably not, I know, but please don't forget about him and Senya. It would be so weird if they had nothing to say about
  23. Has there been an update on the Scourge bug yet? If this isn't fixed soon, what will it mean in upcoming story segments for anyone who wanted to be in a relationship with Scourge?
  24. /Signed! Receiving those letters we used to get would be a good start.
  25. This is game-breaking. I really hope they put it at the top of their list. I recently got a number of friends and family members to subscribe, but it'll be hard to convince them to stay if this isn't fixed by the time they get to those chapters or very soon after.
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