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Everything posted by witchglove

  1. I want to know this too. I mean, Arcann is the one who is away from home, so it would make sense for him to send us a letter! Doesn't even have to be romantic, I'm just dying to know more about his experiences on the yet-to-be-named planet. As for an I-love-you and marriage proposal in a later update: YES, PLEASE. Does anyone have a list of the companions who did send letters in 7.1? I will dust off unplayed toons and take them through hours of content just to receive a written word from someone they care about.
  2. A livestream is the perfect chance to communicate with the player base, so it's hard not to feel that an opportunity was missed here. Even if you weren't able to answer all the questions asked, it would have been nice to know that you had at least seen them. Knowing that our voices were not heard at all is pretty disheartening. I saw a lot of people asking the same questions that concern me. I didn't necessarily expect answers, but I had hoped that it would at least draw your attention to the fact that many solo players care deeply about story updates and specific characters. I also have to agree with other posters that it would have been in good taste to address the extreme delays we've experienced during the anniversary. In the future, I wish you would let us know if you aren't able to interact with us at all during livestreams. One-way communication is pretty frustrating, especially when you don't even know that you're shouting into the void.
  3. It's not nearly that complicated. You only have to make ONE right choice to get Arcann and Senya as companions. The choice is obvious: help Senya save Arcann when she asks you to. This is the only light-side choice you need to make. There is another way. Auto-complete all of KOTFE and KOTET on a new (possibly boosted) Republic character and you will have both Arcann and Senya as companions. You can also replay the first chapter of KOTET with an Imperial character, make the right (light-side) choice to help Senya and then auto-complete the rest. You will also get them in this case. If you do the above, you will obviously miss out on A LOT of story content with them. It would really be a shame. My advice: just play all of the content again with a Light-Side character. If your last play-through was all dark, you will have plenty of new dialogues and choices to explore. Don't you want to see everything the story has to offer? This is some of the best story content there is in SWTOR, in my opinion. It's not an "issue" It's the obvious consequence of the choices you made. It only affects players who either pay no attention to the story or who somehow believe that Senya will want to be their friend/servant after you refuse her plea for help, threaten her life and execute the son she's trying to save. How anyone can head-canon a version where you kill Arcann and Senya still joins you is beyond me.
  4. GUYS!! I asked Boyd if Arcann went to Elom and HE REPLIED!! That is NOT where he went.
  5. Of course it would have been far better if we could have had class stories throughout KOTFE/KOTET. That would have been a dream come true. I'm not saying it was without its flaws either. Honestly, if they had been able to release it as KOTOR 3 single-player, I might even have preferred that. But if we just look at what we got, nothing changes the fact that I enjoyed it immensely and I'm not the only one. I can't for the life of me understand how anyone who says they like story would prefer the current state of the game. The 1,5 hours (if I'm being generous) of story we just got in 7.0 was pitiful in comparison.
  6. Same! Yeah, I doubt we'll get answers, sadly. I'm not putting on rose-coloured glasses. KOTFE/KOTET were the pinnacle of SWTOR's story for me. I was commenting specifically on story (as that is the topic of this thread). I realise there were gameplay changes back then that people disliked, though I would argue it's nothing like what's going on right now. I'm very unhappy with the UI changes etc. of 7.0. and it seems I'm not alone in it. But as I said, story is what I play for. What might have seemed like "abandoning all aspects of the game not story-related" to you back then seemed like "prioritising story-related content" to me which is precisely what I want. I wish they would do it again. Each to their own - but don't tell me I'm wrong to have enjoyed it as much as I did.
  7. As someone who has also played for story since launch, I would like some answers too. If I'm going to keep paying, I want to know what I'm buying. If no answers are forthcoming soon, I'm done. Specifically, I would like to know: Do they intend to roll out more story over the coming months? If so, how often? How much playtime can we expect from future story updates? If it's significantly less than 7.0 (which I assume it will be), I'm concerned it'll take years for this plot to progress. Can we expect a follow-through on choices made in short story updates, like choosing to send Arcann on a mission in "Whispers of the Force" - or is it mere name-dropping? It seems that was just completely forgotten about in this update. I really hope that isn't how Bioware tells a story now. So glad to see someone else saying this! KOTFE/KOTET were amazing and I wish there was some way to return to that era of SWTOR. The only issues with the storytelling back then at all was that they apparently rushed things because people complained. Look where those complaints brought us...
  8. Since they didn't intend to follow up on Arcann's mission in 7.0, I don't understand why they gave us "Whispers" so soon. The only logical implication of that scene was that he went to Elom. Whatever he did or wherever he went, it's hard to see it having any kind of relevance or impact now. I'm extremely sad to agree completely. I think we will get Arcann's recorded content eventually, but it's just too little, too late at this point. If they would at least communicate when the next story update is coming, maybe I could hold on to some sliver of hope, but that doesn't seem to be in cards either.
  9. Adding my voice to this in support of getting the old inventory back. The new inventory is a massive strain on the eyes. On top of that, it's incredibly ugly. It looks cheap, loud and wastes space. I was on the PTS and never for a moment believed they intended to release it in that state.
  10. This sums it up perfectly and I just wanted to second those specific requests. It's a truly tragic state of affairs when even Space Barbie has been ruined by a supposed upgrade
  11. What crosses the line for me is: 1. If this is a deliberate attempt at inclusivity and diversity, then why would on earth make the beards part of skin selections and not just a separate tab? That's just so sloppy. On top of that, just slapping a beard on a female toon is a really sorry and cheap way to virtue signal. If they wanted to add non-binary or trans customisations, fine. But at least put minimal effort into it. 2. I still can't have more than a pitiful selection of hairstyles for my Zabraks and none of the skin colours I want for my Twi´leks. I can't even have the brand new hairs for my Zabraks. Maybe prioritise cool alien customisations before bearded women in a sci-fi game?
  12. I am immensely disappointed (like everyone else). Can we talk about what we think happened? Most of us assumed that we sent Arcann to Elom and expected to see him there or at least hear about his mission in a letter or something. I was always unsure if he really did go to Elom, because the planet we sent him to is never named in "Whispers of the Force" and Sana-Rae says it's in Wild Space - which Elom is not. 7.0 could make it seem like he went somewhere else entirely. It's just too bizarre that my character who romanced him would go through that entire flashpoint and not at least get one option to mention that he went there (if he in fact did). We know that Dellums said that he has been recording lines for Arcann. My assumption at this point is that we will get whatever was recorded some months from now. I assume they mean to stagger the story updates. The only other explanation is that they recorded lines for Arcann and just scrapped them - but that's too depressing for me to contemplate. If we were mistaken in thinking he went to Elom, then it's honestly due to terrible writing. There shouldn't have been any confusion about that. If he did go there and the writers just forgot or decided to pretend it never happened, then I'm simply lost for words.
  13. This HAS to be confirmation that Arcann is in 7.0 and we'll see him tomorrow. I'm beyond stoked!!
  14. I'm determined to stay hopeful that we'll see Arcann tomorrow! I had a look at the timeline posted by Boyd below. Assuming we began our romance with Arcann at the end of KOTET, they've been together for about 4-5 years... Even if we count from around game update 5.8, it's been at least a few years. Boyd has said before that time is subjective in Star Wars and I think that's definitely the case here, as it doesn't feel like they've been together nearly that long to me. Where is the relationship right now in your mind/head-canon? Are they still just starting out or does it feel like it could have been years to you? What do you imagine has happened between them 'behind the scenes' that we haven't (and likely won't) see in game? I really do hope we get a voiced 'I love you' - that's one thing I don't want to miss seeing in game!
  15. 100% Arcann. I can't believe more people haven't mentioned him yet. I know it happens late in the game and there isn't nearly enough content for him, but I still prefer him to everyone else because: 1. He has more personal history than any other companion in the game. Obviously, it's a completely messed up history, but what's important is that he was someone before we met him. I know things about his childhood, his family, the trauma he carries, how it still shapes him and what he's done to overcome it. That makes him feel real. For many other companions, their history is at best referenced in a way that has no direct impact on their current life, or at worst it's a blank slate. I typically have no idea about basics such as their family life and upbringing. Lana is the worst example of this, imo. I honestly struggle to figure out who she even is beyond her total devotion to our character. Theron is one of the few good exceptions, along with Arcann. Theron had a career, family issues and struggles of his own that shaped him independently of his relationship with our character and continue to play an active role in his life (such as running into his parents, who also have independent, believable existences). Sure, Arcann has a ton of issues, but that's what makes him interesting. Nice but bland characters like Iresso (whose only issue is something that just happened to him because he was unfortunate, not a result of his own actions) bore me to sleep. 2. He has a long and complicated history with our character. If you're in love with Arcann, then you're in love with him for a reason and despite all odds. It's something that grew slowly out of anger, fear, even hate (possibly on both sides) into mutual forgiveness, respect and affection. Arcann's romance is a prime example of slowly coming to see another person for who they really are - and realising how much you respect that person. That's a beautiful conclusion to your long history as enemies and eventual allies, I think. His romance is very heavy on actual romance and very light on flirting. He only ever speaks about the emotional connection he feels to you and the respect he has for you, not his physical attraction to you. There is a sense of old-fashioned courtship to his romantic dialogue which I really enjoy and find unique compared to the other options. He's the polar opposite of a perv like Doc and a hypocrite like Corso (who claims to respect you but blatantly doesn't). I could write stuff about how he looks cool, writes beautiful letters, etc., but really - those are the two main reasons he is several tiers above everyone else for me. I like Aric, Quinn and Vector, too. I wish I liked Theron as a romance, but it just feels like all my characters view him as a good friend. I can't really say why. Haven't romanced many female companions, but Kira was fun and independent. Nadia was just uncomfortable.
  16. I don't think respect is the right word. The emperor has a central role in Zakuul's culture and society. Arcann would definitely have been used to commanding respect because of that fact alone. But more than that, I think he commands respect as a result of being an extremely powerful Force-user and highly skilled warrior. While he is a tyrant during his reign, he is not an ineffectual ruler; he accomplishes a great deal in just five years. He vastly expands his empire and that can't just be boiled down to having the Fleet at his disposal. A poor leader or strategist couldn't have accomplished that. I think the first romance scene might very well be the first time he experiences someone truly caring for him, not because of what he is, but because of who he is. And I definitely think it's the first time he has ever been in love. But I feel that those emotions grow out of a long and complicated history with our character and saying that he just latches onto the first person who respects him sells that short.
  17. I think that is definitely the case! In the "Brothers" short story, Thexan states that "Father changed our guards regularly to prevent attachment. The Knights of Zakuul were our servants, but his followers and subjects. He was their god, we only represented an extension of his will." This makes me think that Arcann and Thexan had a really weird upbringing where they were surrounded by servants, but no one really viewed them as children or treated them with affection - except for Senya, of course, when she was still around (and we know that they rejected her for whatever reasons - I personally think they did it because they felt pressured to do so by Valky). I believe they only had each other. I'm sure Valkorion wouldn't have allowed them to do normal stuff like socialising with other kids. Growing up with a twin brother who was clearly his best (and only) friend, I doubt Arcann ever really learned to be alone. The shock of losing Thexan (even if you discount the guilt of killing him) must have been immense. I don't see him making friends as an adult either (before he is redeemed). Once he is emperor, he is even more removed from other people. I think the way Zakuul views their emperor can be compared to the way the ancient Egyptians viewed the pharaohs - more god than man. Certainly not someone you could socialise with. I also doubt Arcann had much trust in many of the people who surrouned him at court, given that all or most must have been extremely devoted to Valkorion. I think he must really have felt deeply alone.
  18. We have guilds on both sides, so that's no problem! I'll send you a Discord invite via PM and we can talk more about playing together there
  19. Elom is gorgeous and I'm looking forward to seeing it live. I'm hopeful that Malgus' story will now move forward (and not just with another mysterious hint about what he's doing next). I like Malgus and his VA. I'm not for resurrecting dead characters in general, but given how few resources they seem to have for story I'd rather they bring back a developed existing character than make a new, underdeveloped one. Not remotely surprised but still pretty depressed to see yet more Lana and no sign of any other LIs. Lana isn't my bestie on any character. She's like a secretary I can't fire who stalks me everywhere. I liked her when she was first introduced, but it's just too boring and predictable now. She was a much better character when she was more reserved and not always in our faces. Imagine how refreshing it would be if that had been one of our old class companions with us in the new flashpoint instead. I don't care about screentime being evenly distributed between all companions. That's impossible now. I just want someone there who makes sense for the story and preferably someone I'm surprised to see for a change.
  20. Don't worry Those of us on the Discord server have agreed never to abandon this thread. We definitely want to keep it alive and keep showing our support for Arcann! If something really interesting comes up on Discord, we often repost it here.
  21. Hi laonglalan! Great to see a new/returning face in here! Some of us do have an Eternal Empire Discord dedicated to fangirling over Arcann and discussing everything that pertains to him. We like to keep it pretty small and private to avoid haters, but we would LOVE to have you! I'll PM you If anyone else would like to join, just PM me or Siita. I agree. I want to see Arcann so badly in 7.0 that I'll take anything, but if anyone is rescuing anyone, I think it would be more appropriate for him to come to our rescue. I've always felt the writers gave him far too few chances to really show what an incredibly powerful ally and asset he is. It's an important part of a redemption arc that I would love to see fleshed out more. I'm just going to point back to this earlier post on the topic by Siita, because what she envisioned would be a dream come true for me:
  22. Thanks both! Do you have any creative projects, Rose? My other one is writing. I enjoy it a lot, but it's much harder work for me than crafting figures. I wish more people wrote stories about Arcann - right now I'm almost too exhausted to create any myself and I just want to consume. Hopefully 7.0 and the coming story updates will inspire more people to write some. I hope you'll share a link with us here when/if you do write one! And best wishes, hope you're feeling better. I completely agree! Arcann's anger is definitely a coping mechanism while Vaylin's sadism seems more like an actual disorder. Vaylin is a tragic figure to me in that it's very difficult to envision a happy ending for her. She 's so inherently destructive that I can't see her establish any healthy relationships with anyone (and, like you said, she doesn't seem to want to - unlike Arcann who speaks wistfully of Senya and tries to reach out to Vaylin even during his darkest times, and eventually comes to see The Alliance/The Outlander as found family). Try to change Vaylin against her will, and you just compound the abuse she has already suffered. Great post btw, I really enjoyed reading that
  23. Happy New Year everyone! That looks amazing! The wispy shadows make the leap look even more dramatic. I love that you chose this pose which is so iconic for Arcann. I'm working on a Funko Pop Arcann, frankensteined together from an Obi Wan and The Will (from the Saga comics). I posted the first one I made in this thread ages back. This time I'm going to experiment with painting more of the gold details on the robe. Here's a picture of the old one next to one I made of my JK: https://imgur.com/a/fjumMuk
  24. I'm here for long and detailed discussion. It's what I'm interested in, personally. 1. Arcann is a complex, flawed character. That's what I love about him. I'd rather examine and discuss his darkness than minimize it. That's my only reason for objecting if I feel excuses are being made for him. 2. This is precisely what I said. Not knowing something is also a reason for being an unreliable narrator or witness. While this is a common view, you can't claim as an objective fact that Arcann deserves death. It's not a fact; it's a philosophical and moral position. Philosophers talk about this as the concept of desert and the view that criminals deserve punishment is called retributivism. There are plenty of epistomelogical, practical and metaphysical arguments to the contrary. I'm not interested in going into them here myself - firstly because it'll take the thread off-topic and invite further trolling, and secondly because there are so many more interesting things to discuss about our favourite character than passing moral judgment on him. Finally, I tend to romance him with Jedi characters to whom the idea of retributivism would be morally and ethically reprehensible. Jedi aren't judges, they are protectors of life. A Jedi would never think that redemption is only meaningful because someone is aware that they don't deserve life. They would argue that everyone deserves life - or even question the concept of desert itself. Here's an unsubtle attempt at changing the topic: I often see Youtube comments to the "Sacrifice" trailer saying I wish this had been a movie. Do you all think Arcann's story could possibly have been told well as a movie - or does it fit the game format better? And if so, who should play him in your opinion? Is there any actor worthy of the role?
  25. I always wondered about that line, too! The only explanations I can see are either, like you said, that Valkorion did something to make the boys ignore their mother - or that Senya is misinterpreting something. What she describes sounds like infants with deeply insecure attachment styles, specifically avoidant-insecure children. I do wonder how emotionally available Senya really was back then - or, perhaps, was allowed to be. In the "Brothers" story, Thexan mentions that Valkorion changed his and Arcann's Knights constantly to prevent attachment. If Valkorion enforced similar practices when they were children (constantly changing caregivers whose faces are hidden behind helmets, etc.) and perhaps extended those to Senya, he probably wouldn't even have needed to misuse the Force to mess them up. I can't help but notice that we never see Senya interact with Arcann and Thexan as children the way we see her being very close with young Vaylin. Senya's choices regarding her children makes me think that she might not be the most reliable or objective narrator (not through any deliberate deceit on her part, but because she may not see things clearly - I get the feeling it takes her a long time to really grasp how much of a monster Valkorion is, even long after leaving him).
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