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Everything posted by witchglove

  1. I'm going to necro this suggestion since it still hasn't happened. Seriously, Devs... I don't care how you give us access to those items, but please address it somehow. I would pay ANY amount of Cartel Coins for the content you're currently keeping locked behind a retired currency. I especially want the Arcann customisations, since we have no other way to change his look.
  2. I agree completely! With such a vast world and huge roster of companions, more frequent mails would surely be the best and most inexpensive way to keep everything/everyone relevant. I would especially love some friendship mails from old class companions and more frequent love letters from our partners/spouses (especially the ones that haven't had content in years!).
  3. I'm super excited for the livestream! And I'm hopeful we might see Arcann, too πŸ™‚ While he isn't due for another appearance so soon after Old Wounds, I actually think it would make sense for the devs to give him a little more content while his recent role in the story is fresh in everyone's minds. I almost feel like there's a better chance of getting more story content with him in 7.4 than ever getting our hands on those Dark/Light customisations again πŸ˜‚ I am hoping they'll at least comment on it in the Livestream though. It seems ridiculous to have content locked behind obsolete tokens.
  4. I would love to see Arcann making friends, but to be honest I find it hard to imagine him finding many among our original companions. I could see several of them accepting him and having good working relationships with him, though. I think Sana-Rae is his only friend right now (aside from the Commander and Senya, obviously). While I never even thought about Arcann and Vector before, I guess it could work for some of the same reasons Sana-Rae works as his friend: Vector is also an outsider with a unique perspective, he is extremely open-minded (Killik pun not intended), and focused on the good of the group (which Arcann clearly contributes to at this point). Having said that, I can't even begin to imagine what they would talk about πŸ˜„ I could see some potential with Theron. He was there in Dragon's Maw (even extending his hand to Arcann when he boarded the shuttle), Arcann asked the Commander to show Theron mercy in the traitor arc, and they were both with us in Echoes of Oblivion (an emotionally harrowing experience for them both). I don't really see them becoming friends, but I think they probably have a good professional relationship by now (Theron being a workaholic and Arcann being utterly committed to atoning by aiding the Commander/the Alliance). Maybe... Torian? Torian may look like a kid, but he is actually very mature and has a pretty nuanced perspective. He even says in his break-up letter (if you leave him for Arcann) that Torian is also driven to better himself as a result of his father's crimes, and though the circumstances and stakes are completely different, I don't think their attitudes are a million miles apart (Torian's alert in 7.3 made me think about this). I also think they would respect each other as warriors (I think Arcann really did admire the Mandalorians' resistance on Darvannis). No one else comes to mind for now. Fun topic to speculate on! πŸ™‚
  5. I agree with you both; The Voss are extremely interesting to consider in juxtaposition to the Scions with regard to Arcann. Sana-Rae herself points out how extremely similar the Voss and the Scions are (in an old letter), yet the Scions have had such a damaging effect on Arcann (making him feel that nothing he did could ever change their perception of him as destined for failure - this is clearly why he kills them), while the Voss have had the exact opposite effect by healing him, opening his mind, and accepting him. The Voss do consider their visions to be fact (see the "Voss" codex entry), and I think there is a lot of evidence that their system of rules is just as rigid as that of the Scions. The key difference is that Voss accept that while visions are infallible, interpreters can be fallible. The Scions never acknowledge that their own interpretation of visions might be flawed, as far as I recall. I find that interesting. I'm sure they did foresee that Arcann's reign would end in ruin. That came true in the most literal sense. But perhaps they didn't consider the nuances of that vision. I also feel that the Scions' interpretations would have been heavily influenced by Valkorion, whom they also saw as their infallible god (and we know what Valkorion thought of Arcann). I don't think there's a contradiction here, necessarily, but the extent to which your ability to control your own actions would have any meaningful impact would certainly vary greatly depending on the vision. For example: If the vision only shows the coming of the hurricane, then you can choose to how to act based on that knowledge and there might be many different outcomes as a result (like @JakRoanin said in the example above). But what if the vision shows the hurricane destroying the entire village, leaving no one alive? In that case you might still be able to choose to do something (like saving an important item, which in turn might impact some other future event - the butterfly effect might come into play here), but your ability to control events directly through your actions would be much lesser, since nothing you do could ever save the village.
  6. Yes, everything we got in 7.3 was perfection! I wanted to bring something up about some interpretations I've seen (not here, but on other fansites) that kind of bother me. Heavy 7.3. spoilers below, obviously.
  7. Thank you so much! I've really enjoyed this discussion and I would love for it to continue, but I recognize that we are derailing the Arcann thread. Maybe you and I can start a lore discussion elsewhere, @WayOfTheWarriorx? I feel like I've been screaming that the Jedi are warrior-monks and that the Code has to matter for so long, and it's honestly extremely refreshing to find someone who agrees 😊 I would love for you to send me some more quotes! Please feel free to PM me πŸ™‚I came to Star Wars in a roundabout way, so I'm an Old Republic fan first and foremost, but it is Lucas' vision (of the Jedi in particular) that I've come to be truly fascinated by. I'm also lowkey obsessed with the inspiration Lucas' drew from Joseph Campbell's Jungian theories on myths and archetypes. It's what I like to try to depict faithfully in my own fan writing and what I aim to talk about on the SWTOR podcast I cohost with @Siita, sometime down the line - and like I said earlier, the internal conflict I envision for my JK in a romance with Arcann as a result of these things is a major reason why I became invested in the romance with him to begin with (though I would still love him as a character without the romance aspect). I know the thread title says "no haters", and I may be alone among the Arcannites in this, but I actually find it pretty interesting to hear from the occasional outsider who doesn't like him, so long as they are open to discussion and don't call us names πŸ˜‰ To me, Arcann embodies so many of the themes and archetypes I most enjoy in Star Wars that I'm always slightly surprised when other lore geeks dislike him (but perhaps the Eternal Empire arc is just too far from Lucas' Star Wars to appeal to you?). Regardless, thank you for stopping by. May the Force be with you, as well!
  8. No need to feel bad! I don't think you've blasphemed against the Maker or anything (the SWTOR Devs are my Makers, anyway!) πŸ˜‰ I didn't mean to reduce everything bad that happens in the saga to 'Anakin is greedy'. I was talking specifically about attachments and how they affect him. The Jedi make many mistakes, especially in the Prequal era, I just don't think that not allowing attachments is the issue. Yoda says they've grown arrogant, which translates into complacency regarding Anakin and several other events that they really should have been more alert to. I love Force-using cultures with alternative views, including Voss and obviously Zakuul. And Jolee Bindo is one of my favourite KOTOR characters - but correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't he leave the Order after growing disillusioned with it? That's all I want for my JK: the ability to leave the Order, if she can no longer believe in/commit to its doctrines. She does not want to do an Anakin and have a secret romance/try to live in both worlds. All I want for her is the option to choose (or, alternately, see the story develop in a way where the Jedi significantly change to permit attachments, but to be honest, I'm not sure SWTOR is the best medium for telling that story - it wouldn't be very satisfying for someone who doesn't play/care about Jedi). As for Arcann: I agree that "love will save you, not condemn you" holds true for him. My JK would see that, too, and that might be one of the things that would sway her to leave the Order (Arcann being saved by love does not = Jedi should be free and able to form attachments as they please). I don't ever want to see Arcann turning into a Jedi, no matter how much goodness and Light is in him, and this is one of the major reasons why!
  9. This is precisely how I always interpreted it. Anakin's fatal flaw is that he tries to inhabit two worlds. That results in inauthenticity and corruption (which is also evidenced by his secret marriage to Padme - something that tears them both apart). To the Jedi "there is no death; there is the Force": they must be able to apply that belief to the loss of loved ones, too. I don't think anyone would expect someone to be able to be that zen about the death of your wife, which is why you shouldn't have a wife as a Jedi! I believe this pertains to the Jedi and their way of connecting with the Force, specifically. I don't have the impression at all that Lucas felt that attachments are bad in SW in general (the galaxy would soon be a very empty place, if it was so!) or in RL, but again: the Jedi can be viewed as space monks/samurai who live by a code. Deviating from that code tends to end badly. It isn't just about attachment leading to fear and greed, either. It's also about eschewing worldly and carnal desires which keep you grounded in a lifestyle that (to my mind) is not compatible with the life of a Jedi (this is also why I will always feel that casual, frivolous sexual activities make zero sense for the Jedi, the same way I don't think they would overindulge in things like food, drink, and other sensual pleasures - for the exact same reasons that RL monastic orders typically don't). The Lucas quotes are wonderful, @WayOfTheWarriorx - I've very much enjoyed reading all the ones you've posted and bookmarking the sources πŸ™‚I'm also loving this discussion and want to reiterate that I don't at all mind that we don't all completely agree. I agree regarding Arcann, but I think it's important here that he is not a Jedi. Arcann comes from a culture where Force-users don't think in terms of "Dark" and "Light" and where attachments are not considered "a dangerous path". For him, I think a relationship only increases his growing empathy and connection to the Light side. But our Jedi characters would have to connect to the Force in an entirely new way (not as a Jedi who must try to live up to the dispassionate ideal we've discussed, however unattainable it might be). I can see a "secret" romance between Arcann and a Jedi PC turning catastrophic in the same way (for our character) as it did for Anakin, unless she is willing to make a choice. I wouldn't necessarily be angry with a storyline that depicted the Jedi Order changing their approach to the Force. I might accept a romance and marriage for my JK, then. But I would need to see that depicted in game (and hopefully thoroughly explored without resorting to "the Jedi were always hypocrites"-style storytelling) before I can accept that my JK can romance Arcann (or anyone) with no repurcussions.
  10. I'm always open to different and individual interpretations of a story, and I don't think the "author" always gets the final word on the "right" way to understand something (the 'death of the author' and all that), but looking at the quotes by @WayOfTheWarriorx, it's clear that Lucas intended for attachments to lead to Anakin's fall. He fell because he was too full of fear to let go. He didn't accept the will of the Force concerning the deaths of his loved ones. And yes, the Jedi Order failed Anakin in some ways - but blaming them for his actions and saying that no advice/poor advice is on par with Palpatine's manipulation is extreme, in my opinion.
  11. Thank you for all the awesome quotes! This is exactly what I think the interesting conflict is for my JK in a romance (especially with Arcann). When they were enemies, she was obliged to show him compassion as a Jedi. That was exactly as it should be; no problem there. When they become allies and she falls in love with him, she suddenly has a problem. She is very aware that she should not form an attachment, but she can't help it - that, to me, is an interesting dilemma! If the Code doesn't matter and romance is fine, then it all loses its tension and becomes less interesting for me. I guess I'm less inclined to worry about whether the overall message in Star Wars is that attachments are good or bad. I think it depends on the individual story being told. For Anakin, they very clearly DO lead to the Dark Side. For Luke, they led to redemption and reunion. I will say though, that it's nonsensical for Lucas to say that the Jedi are essentially Buddhist/Christian Monks and Knights Templar and then say that they're not celibate, because, well, the monks and knights he just compared them to took vows of chastity! It only makes sense to me that Jedi should also be chaste and that will always be my headcanon, no matter what Lucas said. I, for one, am not going to hate on you for this view πŸ˜‰I adore George Lucas, but like I said above, I don't think everything single thing he said made sense. I still think we have to respect him as the creator and accept that our own headcanons are only that. I don't love the idea of midi-chlorians, for example, but Lucas said they exist, so they do.
  12. Yes, SW is all about love, redemption and people coming together - I absolutely agree with that! But I feel there's a significant difference between what I (as a player and reader) know and believe based on all the lore, books, films, etc., and what my JK and the other Jedi in game believe and how they ought to act on those beliefs. My JK feels that the love between her and Arcann is pure and good, elevating them both as individuals, but she also recognizes that it makes her act differently than she would have before she knew and loved him - sometimes in ways that conflict with the Code. She would choose him over a thousand strangers in a heartbeat - and that's not what a Jedi Master (in this era, at least!) ought to do. Non-attachment, to the Jedi, is just as much about loving dispassionately and universally as it is about fear of falling to the Dark Side.
  13. I can definitely see that! But I still prefer him with my more flawed JK. I also find it interesting that the JK has been groomed to be the Hero of Tython while Arcann has been groomed (by Valkorion) to become a tyrant. Both have been pushed into roles that don't necessarily reflect their true selves. Moreover, the JK has more personal experience with hunting Vitiate which I also think gives her an interesting dynamic with Arcann (although the JC's history with the Children of the Emperor gives her a very interesting angle to approach Arcann from, too). I'm not mad at all! I'm a lore nerd, too! 😊 I believe I've read (and played) everything Old Republic-era, so I know about Exar Kun and the original code. But the fact is that in the current timeline, the Jedi don't allow attachments. If you're in a romance as a Jedi, you are breaking the Code as it stands right now. I don't think that can or should just be ignored. I would need to see a storyline dealing with changes in the Order's beliefs before I could accept that my JK happily goes on romancing Arcann without being (at the very least) reprimanded by the Order. Both Satele and Yuon regard their attachments as mistakes; they didn't do those things because they believed the Order should accept attachments. They weren't expelled because they were willing to sever their attachments and return to the life of a Jedi. The Jedi believe in forgiveness and redemption, so I'm fine with them allowing trespasses followed by remorse, but willfully ignoring a central tenet of the Code, or picking and choosing which ones to follow, should not be tolerated. Edit to add a few more thoughts: Regarding promiscuity vs. emotional attachments - I absolutely hate how that's interpreted in the High Republic era. Now that really does make the Jedi look like awful hypocrites! It turned me off that whole era so much (and I was trying hard to like it) that the Jedi can apparently sleep around, but not have meaningful relationships. I feel it's a massive mistake and misinterpretation of everything they stand for 😬
  14. I am SO happy that Arcann didn't say anything to condemn the Order! That would have been very hard for me to swallow, because I personally consider that view to be pretty silly. I don't see why the Order should be condemned for excluding Darth Nul, Ri'kan or anyone else... I've said this many times before, so bear with me for repeating it, but the whole "the Jedi are hypocrites" thing that we're (sadly) apparently headed towards in the story drives me nuts: The Jedi never promised to embrace everyone with a shred of Force sensitivity. They are a monastic order with a fairly rigid system of beliefs and a moral code, not an open-invitation club with lightsabers. Calling them hypocrites for excluding certain people is like saying the Buddhists are hypocrites for not letting everyone join, regardless of whether you follow any of their doctrines. (Just to clarify, I'm not accusing you of saying that - I'm just ranting in general πŸ˜‰) My JK would absolutely choose to leave the Order of her own volition, if she were given the choice. Because the one thing that would make her feel like a hypocrite is to blatantly ignore a tenet of the Code (romancing Arcann) while claiming to be a leader in the Order. She would never stop trying to be a force of good in the galaxy, but it doesn't really make sense for her to do so as a Jedi if she isn't following the Jedi code. If we're ever given the choice, she would absolutely leave peacefully, too. The JK's voice acting was very good, too! I prefer her (she's more lively and passionate than the JC to my ears), but the JC is a close second. I think the most fitting romance options for Arcann are the JK, the JC and the Light Side SW in that order. Well, all Jedi work towards bringing people together, not just the JC. I personally prefer him with the JK, because I feel it has more potential for character development for them both. The thought of the JC as his 'healer' doesn't quite appeal to me - it's a little too close to being his therapist (although it doesn't have to be that way, of course, depending on head-canon and player choices). I prefer the idea of two Knights (the JK and redeemed Arcann) questing together, both of them with some darkness in their past (the JK was under Vitiate's control at one point and presumably did worse than kill some droids, which is all we see in game), but both dedicated to doing what good they can in the world and to each other. I can see a reformed, remorseful Light Side SW in the same light.
  15. You put this so beautifully it made me go watch the whole scene one more time. It hits just as hard with every re-watch ❀️ Something else I really liked after exploring all of his possible responses...
  16. I'm so unbelievably happy. The moments we had with Arcann gave me everything I hoped to see. I'm almost at a loss for words right now. But this thread needs to stay front page for awhile. We should do what we can to let the Devs know how grateful we are for this gift. They couldn't possibly have done Arcann more justice with these scenes. I'm not going to lie: I cried. Also: thank you, thank you, thank you Devs, for also giving us so much wonderful Sana-Rae content. I love her. Some slightly more coherent thoughts in the spoiler tags (PLEASE don't read if you haven't played 7.3 for yourselves yet!) MASSIVE 7.3 SPOILERS: I missed all the discussion about outfits yesterday (but I appreciate you thinking of me regarding heraldry, @JakRoanin!). So what did you all end up wearing for our big moment?
  17. I'll think of you grinding out content with your non-romanced toons while I REVEL in my dessert πŸ˜‰ I concur. I want to see him return triumphantly, but even if he doesn't, I really want to my JK to tell him again that she is still proud of him. Ideally, I would like whatever he brings back (be it a relic or new information) to have a REAL impact on the plot. I want people who killed him to see that keeping him alive paid off in the end, even if they don't romance him. This is a chance to show how much choices matter.
  18. I can't imagine anything worse than not being able to hear Arcann's voice when he returns tomorrow 😨 Praying to Scyva you're able to get it fixed in time!! πŸ™
  19. We're WAY past slowburn at this point! I vividly remember roasting on the spit for 7.0 when we thought he had gone to Elom, following by the crushing disappointment when it turned out that he hadn't, then watching the months turning into YEARS of waiting, having no idea where exactly he even was, or if he was ever coming back😭 Slowburn? I'm rummaging in the ashes at this point! I've never deserved to skip straight to dessert more! πŸ˜‰ I really hope we learn the name of the place he went tomorrow! Or, if it doesn't have a name, that he tells us more about what it was like there. I need to know!! πŸ™
  20. But I've waited for this dessert for two years 😭 TWO. YEARS. since we last saw Arcann in person (discounting the holocall in Digging Deeper)!! How are the rest of you planning to do this? Romanced or non-romanced toon first?
  21. Yikes, Doc is the only one? I couldn't remember if the JC and Iresso had a ceremony, too. It's forever since I did Iresso's romance (never could bring myself to marry Doc with any of my JKs, but I did watch his on Youtube). I don't expect to ever see a wedding scene with Arcann, which is okay (the ones I'm headcanon-ing with @Siita are way more epic than anything we could ever reasonably expect in-game, anyway!), but I really do feel like it would be in character for Arcann to propose. It would be such a good opportunity for some drama, too, if they had to keep it secret (Anakin and Padme-style) because the rest of the galaxy would disapprove! And imagine how happy Senya would be 😊 Ok, I'm daydreaming again now πŸ˜‚ Thank you so much for your support on YouTube! It means the world to us that other Arcann fans are engaging with our content and (hopefully) enjoying it! 😊
  22. @Siita and I have been having a BLAST recording our most recent episode of the Platform Six Cantina Podcast about our excitement for Arcann's return. We're talking about the recent teaser video, potential upcoming romance scenes (including proposals and weddings - which I personally never thought I'd hear @Siita talking about πŸ˜‚), and his future impact on the galaxy. We wanted to share it with you all, because we hope it'll give you some joy (possibly while you wait for the servers to come back up tomorrow)! 😊
  23. I'm way behind on gearing, too. I never pay enough attention to these things and now I'm wondering if I ought to have stocked up on matrixes before the currency is converted πŸ€” There's a link to my own (Arcann-focused) fanfic in my signature πŸ™‚I'm working on something specifically about his quest to the Dark Planet right now, which I hope to publish very soon. I'll throw a link in this thread when it's finished. I was hoping to share it before 7.3, actually (didn't expect the update to come so soon!).
  24. I don't really have anything to say except that I'm SO STOKED about seeing Arcann again in less than two days from now! πŸ₯³ I can't wait to see everyone's reactions in this thread! How are you all passing the time while we wait? I'm catching up on story missions with all my alts, writing fanfiction and recording podcasts with @Siita πŸ˜„
  25. Vaylin's robes say: LOYALTY - ETERNITY - DESTINY - FAMILY - SACRIFICE. You can read more about it here. It's possible to translate a bunch of text (signs etc.) around Zakuul using that primer, but the writing on Arcann and Thexan seems to be from a different alphabet (it's not Aurebesh either). I figure they probably say something similar to Vaylin's though.
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