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Everything posted by QuiveringPotato

  1. Electronet could use a CD increase if merc is keeping all the other ridiculous toys they got in 5.0.
  2. I love the people acting like Mercs "deserve" this huge buff because they were "so bad" in 4.0. Arsenal was FOTM in 4.0 for regs, of course they sucked in solo ranked, yolos were a crapshoot for most classes. Mercs were not bad in 4.0, arsenal was one of the stronger ranged classes.
  3. Yeah, you something's wrong when a ranged class' main defensive strategy is to facetank. Inb4 mercs reply, "lol just don't attack me, or CC me while I have my DCDs up!" You know, it'd be nice to just ignore you guys when you popped things, but unfortunately, you're also doing the most ranged burst right now. BW dun ****ed up with this class. Merc is now like the unholy spawn of a sorc healer and a skanktank jugg.
  4. I actually feel like we got buffed. With the Ruthless Aggressor and Interloper utilities, Carnage is considerably tanky and all our burst will fit into a beserk ferocity window nicely now. I mostly just use Ravage for the root now though, haha.
  5. I believe they made all mezzes work on all target types, I was able to use my sentinel's Awe on droids.
  6. Carnage Marauder has some nasty burst right now.
  7. Mercs currently are considerably worse than sorcs have ever been since 3.0. Outside of Corruption, at least. I still haven't really seen any merc healers since 5.0, but I imagine they're worse than corruption, too.
  8. That's a good point. Most of Sorceror's survivability relied on built-in slow self heals, kiting, and CC. Currently, merc's is.. facetanking stuff. For a ranged burst class, that is rather dumb.
  9. The proper way to do it would probably just be to remove the 5% healing from the reflect ability, and lower the energy shield healing utility to like 8 stacks instead of 15 or w/e it is now (healing 30-40% of your HP from that would be ok, healing as much as it is now is just retarded). The kolto overload buff is OK and I think mercs should've had that from the start.
  10. Eh, if you're talking about Lethality, I wouldn't say so, no. KP's HoT is actually fairly weak, and KI, even as Leth, isn't a massive difference. It's a part of their survivability, they don't have the immunity roll. You may also want to keep in mind that Lethality has a set-up time of roughly 5 GCDs per target if they can't get a dotspread off and don't have any TA, and they also need to keep up their kolto probes as well. It's not like the classes that can heal are running around instantly healing 30k+ off the GCD.. oh wait, sorcs can do that. Or in the case of mercs, healing 100k+ HP from 1 DCD. Now, if the operative isn't getting focused and he's able to toss that KI out on friendlies for offhealing, then it can be more of a substantial thing.
  11. In a 1v1 against a class without DoTs, the new stuff isn't terrible (like a jugg's DCDs). You can't expect people in regs to notice stuff though, and so getting enough healing to stay in the fight is almost guaranteed. You can do the same thing with a jugg. Plus, this was only 1 DPS, I've survived 1v4's for longer than that on my op without godly heal2full abilities, lol. Of course the people attacking that merc probably -were- terrible, but the AC is still massively overpowered with 5.0 and the new stuff they got needs a severe nerf.
  12. If you know how to stagger your DCDs, that long of a time is definitely possible.
  13. No operative spec has "mad self heals", Curative Agent is horribly bugged and that's accounting for a lot of the crazy HPS you're seeing operatives do right now. I managed to get my 150k healing medal from 1 application of the insta KP from Curative Agent in an arena, lol.
  14. There also doesn't appear to be an ICD on the reflect's healing. Tested with a friend against my mara playing carnage, I had about ~50% alacrity in a beserk window and was spamming massacre on him. He was getting healed from both the initial massacre hit, and the subsequent ataru form dmg, and I was hitting him around 2 times a GCD. Every hit healed him.
  15. How is it hypocritical? I'm saying that their class is so massively buffed now that it makes up for their lack of skill. I'd **** on those people on MY merc in 4.0, too. No other class has this many "haha don't attack me :)" abilities.
  16. I dunno, sorc heals seem just as sturdy as before. That could be because most merc and marauder players are terrible, though.
  17. Busted AF. Mercs are ridiculously OP, quite possibly the most OP thing we've had since Smash maras/juggs. Sorc healers are still overperforming, not really sure about sorc DPS though, I think they got a decent nerf (despite some nice new utilities). On the upside, Marauders and Assassins are also pretty strong right now, but not OP. There's a few bugged utilities/passives with Assassin and Operative, also. Operative DPS has actually gotten "nerfed" (by not getting comparable buffs for PVP), and a good merc or assassin can probably take on most operatives now.
  18. Yeah, Carnage is very strong right now, and even then, I'm still dying to random shi.tter mercs on my mara when in 4.0 I would've steamrolled them. Really not sure what Bioware was thinking. Hell, mercs are an issue atm even for like, concealment and deception in 1v1's lol
  19. Mercs are completely ridiculous. Arsenal was already somewhat OP in regs in 4.0, and they were fine in team ranked (as far as I know. I'm a regstar tho), but now they're like the spawn of a skanktank jugg and a sorc healer.
  20. Personally, the entire Utility feels like it's meant for Lethality. It just reeks of QoL buffs and less GCDs spent on healing stuff, they already have instant, free KI off their rolls, and they struggle with set-up time so the free 2x probes makes sense for them. I would definitely favor Revitalizers and Blow for Blow + Evasive Imperative as a healer.
  21. Yep, made a post about this earlier. It's especially annoying when going against warriors or knights. Their buff icons are hard to distinguish sometimes. With sorcs for instance, they have very distinct buffs/procs, and you can tell what spec you're fighting pretty much immediately.
  22. Which operatives are you guys fighting that make you think that the class is stronger than a merc? I'm still ******** on most operatives on my freaking marauder.
  23. True, but DPS can use this utility as well.
  24. Tbh, I don't think it's really that big of an issue, definitely should get fixed, but it's not crazy OP or anything. The priority for the devs atm should be nerfing the **** out of the stuff they gave to mercs, and also fixing Operative's Curative Agent utility. I got a 150k healing medal in the first 15s of an arena with it once, lol.. as concealment.
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