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Everything posted by snaplemouton

  1. Slinger/sniper got some of the best... if not the best... passive and active defense in the game. My goodness... if you find it hard now that they made Slinger/Sniper so brain dead, I just can't imagine how you would fare pre 2.0 I suggest you read some guides or watch streams or something.
  2. Oh poor little you, you have been nerfed over and over again and all the tears shed by the sage/sorc community as done nothing but fed bioware evil staff. Ask scoundrel how they feel about letting off sawbones to go play scrapper. They barely ever nerfed sage/sorc. And that bug you are talking about, I never ever heard of it and I never ever had this bug on my sage. Not saying it's not true, but it's probably happens very rarely. That or you are being completely paranoiac.
  3. About 90-120 degrees huge. It take but a slight movement to get all those melees in front of you. If you have 3 melees on you, a single knockback should never be the sole thing you'd need to get them all off your tail. I use it at range. To stop multiple cap instantly, to stop a cast, to peel from people, to heal with the talent that make it heal, to use it effectively while under force speed. Wave should first and foremost require a brain to use. If you think leapers have such are so godlike, then go play them and leave the sage/sorc to those who have a clue how to play it right.
  4. You forgot to mention it doesn't cost any force, deal fairly good damage, have a very short cooldown (20 seconds) barely even give any resolve and also is 15 meters. The cone is pretty huge too. Changing it back to a short range 360 knockback would be a nerf to good sage/sorc, not a buff.
  5. ... Yes. And natural selection is the reason why we don't pee from our fingertips. It's entirely bioware fault if the game doesn't support world PvP. Simply because they didn't spend enough money on servers making it impossible to handle a high amount of players in the same area and making cross-server not doable.
  6. It would be a dumb move to listen to cry babies asking for the wrong changes. Sage/sorc doesn't need bubble stun or 360noSkillKnockback. They already have backpedal force speed to spend all their lack of talent on. Sage need passive damage reduction so their health doesn't drop by 80% from one aimed shot + trickshot + sabo charge. That or they need to be given a passive oh**** bubble that automatically proc when reaching 35% health.
  7. Do you even read what you are writing? What in the world give 75% movespeed? Scamper? If you meant scamper, then go read the bazillions threads about it and how scamper is completely useless in combat.
  8. And this is why you shouldn't play a sage/sorc. I won't bother explaining you why.
  9. Yeah... PvP shouldn't require skills at all. Everything should be auto-target and put all the debuff automatically and you should only have to press one button and not move the entire time... The cone knockback was an amazing great change. I am not sad for those who hate it. With the quality of sage/sorc there is in this game and with how many of them backpedal force speed, keyboard turn, waste their force speed on roots and the terribad that cast chain lightning... They can burn in hell and go play their easy mode smash monkeys.
  10. I never have any such issues and I can usually get 5 to 10 kills average from fire pushback with overload on my sage or sorc. Because that pushback is so god damn easy to aim.
  11. 1) You either never played a Scoup and have not the slightest clue how to play the class, or 2) You are plain bad and need to L2play.
  12. Then that is definitely a L2P issue on your part. If you can't put pressure on a operative healer as a vengeance you should try to play something else entirely... The only reason why there is only scoundrel/operative healers is because the other 2 healing classes are underpowered. Scoundrel/operative are perfectly balanced. You can kill a scoundrel/operative under guard with only 2 DPS in the duration of a stun. And unlike popular belief, scoundrel/operative can only break CC once like everyone but sage/sorc.
  13. Who's immune to it? trooper on hold the line, shadow on resilience and vigilance guardian on unremitting? And don't tell me their resolve bar is full because that nearly never happens.
  14. 360 knockback is more of a L2P issue. The difference for a good player is barely noticeable as AIMING a spell is pretty easy to do. What sorc really need is more passive damage reduction.
  15. What is this season 1 you are talking about? Pretty sure we'll get pre-season 2 before we get an actual season.
  16. Just so you know, cross servers will never come to SWTOR. And I dare Bioware to prove me wrong on that. They spent all their money on voice-over and forgot everything that made an MMOrpg a success. Voice-over, story and beautiful planets you only visit once per character are best made for Single player games. With all that money wasted, servers, end game content and PvP suffered greatly. Everything an MMOrpg is about... We're not gonna be doing that story for years, after reaching 50 what was left to be done in PvP? Warzones and ilum. Ilum was a fail due to servers and only warzones was left. The best PvP came from players holding tournaments, 4v4s, duel nights on tatooine and ilum. Ranked warzones was a fail due to servers not allowing cross server. Now what will happen with arenas? Is it gonna be another ranked warzones with too few people to queue for it? In the end, the real problem come from how servers doesn't allow for deep PvP content. That and the lack of things to do on launch that severely dropped the players count from the get-go. Only thing keeping me in this game is that it's the only game that use the WoW gameplay I loved so much (Holy trinity, talent trees and tons of hotkeys and ability bars). Edit: Hell they don't even make a duel area on the fleet because of how their servers can't handle it...
  17. Except that frame rate lag and server latency isn't the same thing at all. No matter how good your internet connection is, if their server suck (Which they obviously do), you'll get server latency issues, such as your camera moving from start to end in one frame after using leap. That's due to server latency not computer lag. Ilum was making servers crashs because they couldn't handle the load of having an hundred players in the same place at the same time. Their servers can't handle Cross-Server because they are plain crap. All the money spent on voice-over should have been spent on better servers to allow for epic battles and cross server.
  18. A focus can't kill a good operative healer either. Knight/Warrior is the only class which DPS spec doesn't have a non-channeled hard stun. Hence all the massive QQ about operatives since the majority of players plays knights/warriors and none of them think about choking/stasis under 30% health for someone else to get the killing blow. Personally, I'm having such an easy time violating healers in vigilance/vengeance even with my channel hard stun I simply can't stop laughing at how much QQ there is about thoses crappy heals.
  19. This thread is so full of crap. Switching to Soresu as a vigilance/vengeance is worthless as you will: 1. Remove any kind of pressure you put on people with your damage. 2. Have litteraly no focus/rage to do anything at all. 3. You can save your healer with awe/intimidating roar and/or taunts and/or intercede and/or AE slow, which can all be done in Shien form. 4. You loose all your focus/rage. 5. The mitigation it gives you is near to none. 6. You lose unstoppable making any non retarded opponent laugh at you while you are perma CCed. 7. You have to not only switch form but also guard the healer, loosing so much time it's useless to do it and you would help a good healer in a much more efficient way by simply using anything mentioned in #3. The only positive point about switching to Soresu is to guard to spread the damage but the negative points mentioned above will hurt both you and your team much more. And 500k damage in a warzone where you did 180k healing? That's extremely low for a DPS spec. Without switching to Soresu, you should be able to aim for 100k protection just from taunts and guardian leap/intervene. And the best way to protect your team is by having dead enemies. 0 health enemies = 0 damage/ 0 healing from them. Leave the defense job to full specced tanks who got all the tools to fulfill that job. And that is exactly why everyone complains about healers. Because nobody understand what DPSING means.
  20. Or actually tone down the tank/healer combo into something reasonable? An healer alone can get killed by a single DPS. A guarded healer can easily survive 2 DPS.
  21. Yes, let's point at the operative again and how every spell in it's spell book is so much OPness while every other spell is crap. I mean 10 seconds invulnerability isn't good cause you can't act even tho you can get healed.
  22. Because DPS is too damn high. But heals are too high. But tank make people unkillable.
  23. Yes this is PvP, not PvE. Which is why a MISS is like pooping in your own bowl of cereals. This isn't PvE. Rotation and DPS chart is for PvE. A miss WILL screw up your arena when you need that ability to hit.
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