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Everything posted by snaplemouton

  1. That doesn't make the root any less a main hand attack. The root can be dodged. And I also said that 105% is the safe bet and 110% is counter productive because it cost too much of other stats. And the quote you linked on your article doesn't show anything. There is no actual way to know how accuracy is calculated without checking the code itself or a Bioware dev to tell us directly the formula. There is several ways it can be done. And the most logical and less retarded way would be: Or if you prefer, Accuracy% chance to hit. If you hit, then % chance to get a dodge from defense rating.
  2. Educate myself? There is nowhere in that article saying what you claim. Show me the quote where it says accuracy under 100% reduce defense chance.
  3. Again, post link to prove your claims. 95% accuracy means you have 5% chance to miss your attacks against a 0% defense chance and 5% chance to miss and 5% chance to get dodged on a 5% defense chance.
  4. Force leap isn't a force attack. It is a main hand weapon attack. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=469116 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=220135 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=578104 Need more links? Just go read force leap description. It's a main hand attack. As for accuracy, it is 90% base accuracy on main hand attacks and around 50-60% chance on off hand attacks. Special attacks is yellow damage. A combat sentinel is mostly white damage therefor having below 105% chance is risking to miss. Especially since force leap IS a main hand attack. Obviously number crunching are needed to see the exact amount you should get to get a maximum output. But like I said, missing in PvP is a huge factor and should never be taken lightly. No 95% isn't 100% chance to hit. 100% accuracy is 100% chance to hit. Anything above 100% is a reduction in defense chance for the enemy. And again, I ask you to show me any link that prove otherwise because there is nothing but misinformation everywhere on the web about accuracy.
  5. Care to link where you read that? Because from everywhere I saw accuracy only reduce defense chance above 100% and below 100% it's chance to miss. Force leap is a white attack. It isn't considered force. Meaning it's going to miss or get dodged.
  6. This what? My point is perfectly valid. Force leap can be dodged. Getting dodged on force leap is a far bigger DPS lost then any amount of surge. No wonder every freaking knight/warrior complains about scoundrel/operative healers. They play the only class without a non-channeled hard stun and don't get the accuracy needed to root their target.
  7. What do you mean no? Force leap can be dodged.
  8. You seems to forget accuracy doesn't only affect damage but the effect the abilities got. And force leap root is part of this. Missing it is not an option.
  9. 95% is 5% miss + 5% or higher chance to get dodged. It's not a small chance. If you play a knight/warrior, you should have seen more then often your leap not root a non-immune to root target if you arn't at at least 105% accuracy. And missing a leap root is more then just a slight DPS decrease. No amount of surge can counter the time lost on running after your target because he is out of range for your slow since you didn't root him on the leap.
  10. I mixed up my numbers anyways. You start with 90% accuracy against 5% base defense chance and 10% chance for sage/sorc. You can get up to 6% accuracy from talents with an additional 1% from companion like the other poster said. That's 97%. You want at least 105% accuracy and at most 110% accuracy. 105% being 100% chance to hit against target without defense chance increase that arn't sage/sorc and no accuracy debuff on you. 110% being 100% chance to hit against target with either 10% defense chance or 5% defense chance and an accuracy debuff on you. I'd say staying between 105 and 110% for combat is always the best. And I personally prefer 105% on a near pure white damage class just because of how missing an ability can severely cripple you and 105% is the safe bet without asking for too much lost on other stats. So at most you get 97%. You got 3% chance to miss and 5% chance to be dodged. That's a very high chance to loose an entire attack. You need some accuracy to get at least 105%.
  11. I don't know why you talk about slinger/sniper... but the devs said the same for slinger and sniper as they said for sentinel/marauder. They have too powerful defensive for the amount of damage they have. And it doesn't matter the tree... sentinel/marauder DCD are too strong for the amount of pressure they can make. They shouldn't be harder to kill then a Vengeance Jugg since are meant to do more damage.
  12. If you don't carry at least 105% accuracy and I would even say 110% since sage/sorc got 10% base defense and most of the class got a 5% accuracy debuff, you are the one doing it wrong as a near 100% white damage spec... You can get at max 6% increased accuracy from talents and you are forced to get 4% in order to progress in combat spec. That means you get between 99 and 101% accuracy. You are missing between 4 and 11% accuracy to be at maximum capability. You are the one being wrong and idiotic here. To stay on topic, sentinel/marauder will be getting their DCD nerf they deserved. As for smash dps, they don't need to nerf it. Simply to revamp it to spread the damage around other abilities rather then being one huge AE auto crit.
  13. Yes because star wars make Print screen => Ctrl+V in paint bug. Guess it's too hard to Alt + Tab to open paint. Just like it's too hard to ask for someone to take a photo of you rather then duckface the mirror.
  14. Your face is the minority
  15. Because bolster make that level 30 sniper hit harder then a level 54 sniper to compensate the missing talents and skills... And 55s have their own bracket they arn't queued with 30-54. Also, valor rank doesn't change anything at all.
  16. So much hatred for those who keep you alive. You would be the first to go complain that no one is healing you and that you die too quickly in PvP if they nerfed healers. But when it's an enemy health bar that goes up, you QQ and cry about how OP heals are... Heals arn't OP. Healers could hardly be easier to kill in Stun Burst: The Old Republic. I can kill a pair of healer all by myself if they arn't being babysit by a tank. And I do it as vengeance. Don't even get me started on how I can burst down an healer on my slinger... Heal are fine. Actually, mando/merc healers needs buffs and sage/sorc healers need a slight buff. Not the other way around.
  17. Then I don't know why your saber throw hit the cover. Probably the scoundrel hacking or something. The only thing that make ranged attack hit cover is being bad.
  18. The problem is... people want an healer in arenas, but... they also want to see the only viable healer nerfed. Seems like we are in a pretty delicate situation here... If you get queue that force to have an healer per team, they can't nerf the almighty operative/scoundrel without completely killing the queue time.
  19. Because CC breaker got 45 seconds CD like flashbang and dirty kick... It's pretty easy to find someone without CC breaker in stun wars.
  20. Flashbang + dirty kick. Pretty easy to do.
  21. Like 5 in the game actually running around or 5 on the scoreboard? Because the scoreboard show leavers too.
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