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Posts posted by Proppa

  1. I had the best agme the other day, 1 either side of the end fire pit. I had the guy on our goal side on target. As soon as I saw the guy try to throw the ball I harpooned the guy on the other side and the ball reset. I wish I frapsed that!


    But it really is all about having a good understanding of the game. Like the friendly caster who will stay on our side somewhere trying to just AE everything down, giving the Charge classes a free pass.


    Everything has a counter measure in the game, just people don't really know their class or other's classes especially well so not sure what to expect all the time I think.

  2. I've finished a game in about 3 minutes, I camp at the ball spawn, guildy camps on top ledge, 1 over the flames, 1 stealth at the goal line. Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass Score.


    Most players are too frantic and charge me to start with, so I pass, then harpoon 1 who charges away to my friend uptop etc.


    Or I will fall into the pit hten charge up.


    People just need to pay attention. I've Harpooned people as they were about 3m from scoring. Jump into the pit area, but just as I just hit the harpoon and he comes flying back with me.


    Let me guess, you're team also filled his resolve bar, before anyone was near to do anything? As if chain CC'ing him without DPS is going to help.


    Learn to play?

  3. no, if you suck at vanguard you're either an inexperienced player or a bad player. your damage or damage+protection should be tops (adjusted for gear).


    if you are bad at spacing or judging risk then you're going to experience horrible pain with a vanguard in pvp. vanguard requires as many buttons as a sorc and much better judgement of risk & target selection. you have to understand 0-4 meter range, 4-10 meter range, and 11+ range, interrupts, and spacing with other players to play a vanguard properly


    basically, with your listed posts and complaints for the AWESOME vanguard class -- you are saying you cannot judge risk & target selection. you can try to improve that or you can go back to your sorc. sorc is op and much easier to play than vanguard.


    just so you don't think I'm completely a troll and only posting to annoy you... get out of the tactics spec. tactics requires the most experience and proper positioning.


    specs to try:

    21/2/18 (parakeet)

    4/6/31 (standard pvp rdps/assault. watch your ammo, interleave hammer shot a lot.)


    I don't think I'm a bad player, I was as prepared for 50 as I could be (Had 5 PvP weapons, which I stripped the Enhancements off) so I could have 90 (3%~ expertise) to start with, aswell as 6 Champion Bags to open immidiately, giving me enough to buy a couple of pieces of champ gear. I crafted lvl 49/50 Prototype implants which had Augment slots, I bought a prototype earpiece with augment slot. My gear was all Orange with 49+ Mods etc, or purple with augment etc.


    I also don't push into the middle of a battle, I will Harpoon players onto the fire in huttball the ball carrier or whomever. I will float guard on any one I see healing. I will throw out Taunt/AE taunt on several targets too. I had a game where I had a good healer, which really made the difference, I ended with 75k protection, 0 deaths (Sage also had 0 deaths). We held the right Node against many players.


    Whereas, on my Sorc I had the ability to heal myself up for 5k every 2.5s roughly, which was just under a 1/3rd of his hps with Bubble too the surviviability seemed much better. I got bored of the sorc because if was too easy and there were too many of them. And I was bored with the Imps in general due to the over-pop.


    But it's the times you get caught out, it just seem's that for sacrifice in DPS for the Tactics spec, that you didn't really yield enough Defence to compensate for the loss. It's easier to be able to do better DPS and drop the target than to stand and get beat down.


    I just guess I'm venting, the server I play on seem's pretty bad with hardly any healers who know what to do. Yet the Imp's always seem to have plenty of healers.


    The numbers I see on this server also seem much lower than what I saw on Scepter of Ragnos as imps, I could get 500k combo of DPS/Heals on my sorc, with Marauders pushing 500k. On the Shadow Runner, I don't think I've been in a warzone where anyone has came close to 300k, let alone higher.


    The difference between servers seem's to be huge.


    Also, I've been trying depserately to get on HM Flashpoints so I can get Biometric Crystal Alloy so that I can get my Rakata pots, but no one seem's to do them.

  4. I may have to respec and try the Assault spec, although I have supercommando gear. Regret that choice now! lol.


    I think it's that I'm used to DAOC. Where 1 template would suit the class down to whatever spec you decide.


    Whereas, I want to experiment with specs, but my gear choice has crippled that. I intented on running with friends, who were leveling before me talking about leveling quickly to 50.... I'm 50 they are now early 20's..... Was going to be doing Sage, Commando, Vanguard and Smuggler/Shadow.


    But I rarely get any heals on the server I play, I'll guard someone and they'll focus healing themselves after I clearly say I have guard on them and wouldn't mind a heal or 2.


    It's not just about the DPS, I was just expecting to have more survivability than I do, I see Sentinels pop their immunity and survive longer than I do. Considering their DPS is much higher than mine I was expecting to be stronger.


    Granted I don't have my heal pots yet which hurt me alot I think. But no one on The Shadow Runner seem's to run Hardmode Flashpoints. But I pop the 1500 Armor Adrenals to try and help, with my Heal/Barrier to try and survive, but it's like I didn't pop a thing.


    It's worrying to me, that my sorc has better survivability (and could stand up against multiples) better than my Vanguard with 18000~ hps can.

  5. I tried going the 25/14/2 spec but my DPS even with High Energy Cell or Plasma Cell seem's to be around the same as with my high Tactics spec. I found that I was able to sustain DPS in Tactics constantly without running out Ammo. Whereas with the spec I seemed to run low on Ammo pretty quickly. Averaging about 180k per warzone. I also died about the same as other players in the warzone. But they got close to double the damage I did.


    I'm just getting quite disappointed with the Vanguard now, maybe it's the game in general, lack of healers etc. Along with how imps just way out-pop reps etc.


    I just find that, I don't have Stealth/Vanish, I don't have incredible survivability and my DPS is mediocre. My sorc hybrid spec, I could out-dps my Vanguard and out-survive my Vanguard. I just feel like a sponge, roaming around/holding doors to just take damage lol.


    Are other people enjoying the Vanguard?

  6. I'll sum it up.


    I'm Rank 50 since Monday (Valor 44 at the time), I'm now Valor 51/52. I have full PvP (3/4 Champ pieces rest centurion at the moment). I went Super-commando which I'm heavily regretting.


    I'm also trying out Full Tactics spec, but considering I have ~3k additional armour from Ion Cell, +8% Armor Rating, 3% additional absorb. I feel unbelievably squishy and low-dps. I kinda expected it in non PvP gear. But considering I should, in theory have considerably more defence/absorb etc than other classes it really doesn't seem to work.


    On the flipside, I'm intrested to know what non-Tactics spec players are finding out? I get around 120/180k DPS in a typical warzone.


    Are there many abilities on other classes which "ignore" the armour of a class? Like Focused Impact causes high impact bolt to ignore 60%?


    I'm used to playing a Sorcerer Valor 57/ 95% Champion Gear. I was able to keep myself alive far, far easier on that toon than I can on this toon.


    I'm currently waiting to get Biometric Crystal Alloy (400 Biochem) so that I can make my Stims/Adrenal and Medpacs but I'm just finding it very dull, especially considering the lack of healing classes I'm coming up against.


    On my Sorc, with an Assassin "Tank" friend, on Alderaan, he managed to get 200k protection on me and I managed to keep us both alive. Maybe I'm just having very very bad experienced.


    Is it worth going DPS, is the DPS that solid?

  7. I have a Valor 57 Rank 50 Sorcerer in allbut full Champion gear on Scepter of Ragnos. I now also have a Vanguard Valor 50 Rank 50 on the Shadow Runner.


    It amazes me how republic manages to have any fun. Travel to Ilum, to be told and you get "Central Safe" etc from Rep players (spies) then get battered by 20+ Imperials.


    The Imperials just stay Central 24/7 and will not move (only to cap the objectives). Unlike Scepter of Ragnos, where imps would camp the Rep base, atleast giving the reps a relatively safe place to shelter.


    I know there are regular posts about this subject, but I think something really needs to be done to improve Republics chances of completing the ilum daily to be competative with the PvP gear.

  8. I've just re-rolled on The Shadow Runner as Republic. Had a 50 sorc on Scepter of Ragnos.


    We are hugely outnumbered on Shadow Runner and that's not an exageration. But the imps there just stay at the central base and thats it. They wont move from there.


    The weekly is nigh on impossible on repub. Thinking of going back to the sorc, atleast it feels like I can get stuff done.

  9. On my Vanguard, I go for both the Objectives and often come top on the leaderboard. I've come away with 12~ Medals by scoring goals. But I will use tactics, I will ask my guildy to go to the end zone, I will pop immunity/damage reduction etc and move along the lower levels, pulling anyone who is near the stealther guildy down, then throw the ball to him. Various other things too.
  10. Why penalize people, I've joined games where a friend didn't make it in so I leave, I join where 2/3 people on the team just AFK, so I leave. I join where my team just want to medal hunt and leave the objectievs, so I leave.


    Penalize me for that and I'll be out of this game pretty quickly.

  11. You realise that a Heal Specced sorc will normally get around 3/5 medals in the average warzone? Their DPS isn't enough to drop anything. Whilst they can get more if well played (focus on damaging etc) just insta'ing every target they see and aoe'ing clumps for 300 damage just to get dps on them for the kill count etc.


    If you did some research, you would also find out that you can get 2.5k and 5k heal medals on a Marauder or on any class......

  12. My Vanguard destroy's Sorcerer's (in the sub 49 Bracket) at Rank 36, Valor 34 I've yet to not be able to kill a sorc, double bubble or not. They have bubble, I have 25% damage reduction, they have various CC I have 8 sec CC immunity, they speed burst away, I harpoon them right back in again.


    A Sorcerer's best ability, is making the most of the terrain, circling around the pillars in voidstar, gaining height advantages in huttball etc. You get that Sorcerer face on and he should drop easily. Just people don't want to work for their kills.


    Survivability on my Vanguard is atleast 3x better than that of my Sorc. I regularly pull in 10+ medals on my Vanguard, whereas 5/8 is normal on the Sorc.

  13. I think the trouble is, people can't differentiate between the various specs of the sorc. They see a Sorc who is full corruption and heals himself up and others and see 300k+ Warzones. Then, they come across a madness/lightning Hybrid who gets 300k+ DPS. They get killed by large DPS etc.
  14. I have no troubles killing any of the Inquisitors on my Vanguard (ok its only level 34 so sub 49 bracket), but I drop every sorc I see. Hammer Shot, Explosive Round until I get in range, then cycle my abilities to DPS them, they try to heal/WW me I interupt, they try again I cryo grenade to interupt/cc, they try to run I harpoon them right back to me. With 25% damage reduction, 8 sec CC immunity, purge, a 4 second interupt/lockout with a 5 sec rut..... Yeah, Sorc's are dropping easy. My main is a sorc, so I know what abilities to interupt. Then again, I also have 50%+ Absorb, so they hit me for very little damage.


    Deffinate learn to place issues, learn to gear issues too I guess.

  15. Yup, so many players with horrendous gear. At level 34, I have a full orange set besides bracer/belt, all with ~3 levels difference of my actual level so 31/34 mods. Just use the Commendations on each planet to buy them. Have blue+ Implants from Biochem etc. Most people just think because they are bolstered, that stats on armor doesnt mean a thing.
  16. I like the sound of that, I'm rank 34 and have Full 20 PvP set, Full 40 PvP set, 780 Merc Comms so I'll need something to spend my WZ Commendations on soon. Guess I can blow it on PvP weapons and get the enhancements off :D. Thanks for the tip!
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