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Posts posted by Proppa

  1. My group are normally organised too. Sage/Vanguard/Commando/Assassin aswell as the other players. We can co-ordinate well enough between us to deal with anything we can SEE coming. But even with guard up, they will drop the sage before I see them coming.


    The element of surprise gives Operatives a huge advantage.

  2. I never claimed to be the best at anything. Just what I see from experience. If I see 4 Marauders, I can harpoon, taunt, smoke grenade an unlimited number of things. I do the same to Operatives / Shadows but you can't see them coming.


    Stealthing is a bad thing in every game.


    I can deal with classes I can see, I can't with those I don't.

  3. So are you dumb enough, to think that I can't see 4 mercs or 4 sorcs coming at me? Stealth is a much larger advantage than you seem to give it credit.


    They are also able to drop most any target 1v1, if you go to the Shadow Runner and look up Lafi etc, I don't think I've ever seen him take more than 10 seconds to kill anyone.


    My point is, you don't have any time to react or plan ahead when there are 4 stealth characters sneaking up on you then just stabstabstabdead. It's easy enough to avoid 4 of any other class as you can see them coming, only one you can't are Shadows/Assassins.

  4. LOL, Operatives are still one of the most powerful classes I see in PvP. On my server, there are a group of 4 of them all Battlemaster, who will insta-drop ANY target what so ever then just stealth away. Rinse and repeat. Watching them is so boring, stab stab stab. I wish they would add a few more effects/abilities and tone the others down.
  5. I'm confused, so we take part in RANKED warzones where there is still a gear advantage for many? What is the point in a ranking system, if it isn't skill based?


    Am I missing the point?


    Also, people say about Character Progression, did anyone play DAOC? It came through Realm Ranks not Gear. They also gave relatively small differences aswell as new titles etc. Think of thing's like reducing the cool-down on your CC breaker etc.


    It's not that I'm lazy, it's just a different system to what I enjoy. I never played WoW, because honestly I couldn't get the concept of playing, to get gear, to play, to get gear. I can spend hours upon hours a day playing games and it's not that I can't grind for the gear. I just don't find it anywhere near as fun or exciting.

  6. I played DAOC, with about 10 RR6/10 toons, all ML10/CL10 etc. I prefered being in equal gear and having skill the deciding factor in most fights. Open PvP was FAR more fun there.


    Atleast in DAOC, the gear/stats never created as much of a difference as the gear in this game seems to have.


    Good to know you play Rep, seems you are in a similar boat.


    I re-rolled like I said. My Sorc was EASYYYY as hell, as there were no battlemasters, I was in the first wave of 50's and often ran in premades. So I was nearly battlemaster after about 3/4 weeks of playing. But got bored of being the over-pop, fancied playing the underdog. But since re-rolling, there are War Hero's a plenty, so trying to get thing's done is much harder now, than it was for those who are BM/War hero currently.


    Atleats if gear is equal and there were other benefits, fresh 50's wouldn't feel as useless.


    People hurl abuse at people with less than 15k hps in most of the warzones I join. Often quite bad to watch, but everyone has to start somewhere.

  7. I would much rather rewards be superficial things. Not something which gives you a clear advantage.


    To me, it wouldn't be any fun if I was in full BM gear spanking everyone below me. I'd much rather be all in the same gear then get Titles, pets, valor ranks etc. Stat-based websites showing the top classes/players. Knowing I am better than other players, or worse than other players if the case may be, but we were all in equal gear is what I enjoy to be honest.


    I have no interest in the gear grind. It honestly does nothing for me, not because I'm lazy or don't want to put effort in. At the moment, I've probably played 10+hours a day since I lost my job (although I have a second interview for another job early next week). But for most of that time, there is NO action at all so since my sentinel dinged 50 it's probably 3/4 hours a day. Playing between 5/10 GMT or there abouts anything out of those hours and action goes to null.


    It's just that nothing feel's skill based, and it's always easy to blame the gear disparity, or use it as a crutch to how good you "feel" you are.

  8. Incendergel do you play Imperial or Republic? What server do you play on?


    Honestly, on my server at the moment, getting the Warzone wins often only comes from Huttball of Rep vs Rep. There are SO many more BM+ Imps than Reps it seems on my server.


    A friend of mine, in 3hrs of playtime on my server got 1 warzone win all night.


    So that Daily turned into a 2 daily. Although he did get about 24 armaments from the warzones. The queues were about 15mins+ apart.


    So generally it can be "easy" to get the gear, I think server by server is having very different experiences.

  9. I was probably playing Watchmen wrong, but I'd always do Force Leap, Overload Saber, then the one which gen's 6focus -> cauterize -> merciless slash or w/e.


    I just found I couldn't DPS single targets down at all quick enough. Now, the same players I seem to be able to kill as the first rotation of force sweep normally drops them down by 6k+, then I build back upto it and do it again.


    My highest crit was around 4200 on my mostly centurion sentinel. I just find that I can kill players now, whereas the DoT's where better sustained DPS but didn't often kill people. Also the second leap is helping massively, leap to a target if need be, get knock backed, used second leap then slow them etc.


    I'll probably try watchmen again, maybe it's just where I'm getting more heals I dunno.

  10. I re-rolled from my nearly Battlemaster full Champ Sorc due to getting bored with continuous Huttball, and outnumbering the reps on that server by 3/1 ratio atleast.


    My Vanguard I was able to get nearly full champ gear pretty quickly and with a pocket healer I can easily stand up against a Battlemaster.


    But, my Sentinel who was a fresh 50, going up against War Hero's in Full Battlemaster gear I was getting slaughtered. I started with around 200 expertise (41 from each of the Colour Crystals you can buy) then 2 or 3 pieces of centurion gear from opening the 6 champ bags upon dinging.


    Trying to join a warzone, where the Imperials have been playing since release and there are full premades of War Hero's, the gear makes it almost unplayable to be honest. The more days go by I find myself player for fewer and fewer hours a day.


    I rolled republic, because I wanted to try and "even" the odds a bit. Also, hoped to have a better mix in PvP. But travel to Ilum and your outnumbered 2/1 atleast. The imps on my server will just cap the central alllll the time. So I travel with the op reps on the server then we just kill a few but get over-run quickly. Making the Ilum daily, turn into a multiple day quest, whereas the Imps would get their 30/150 kills within a few minutes then be off back to the Warzones.


    Ilum "Armaments" was probably the worst thing added to the game, so few has made people lie and try to "steal" them frmo other people etc. I logged on and asked in general what central was like, a player replied with "overrun by imps" I travel there needing 2 armaments for daily, turns out it was just 2 reps capping.


    But sorry I'm straying from the point. I dislike the fact that the strong just get stronger and stronger and the weak just give up trying. There is almost no skill involved in it. You get over 20% (10%+ reduction 10%+ damage), aswell as battlemaster having slightly better stats over-all.


    So yes, Full Champ to Full BM isn't that big a difference, but Full BM to basic gear is huge. Trying to compete as a fresh 50 is nigh on impossible now. Thats what I'm trying to get at.

  11. I play to get a buzz, killing people on an equal playing field gives that. Fighting full battlemaster war hero's, on a fresh 50 is just like lambs to the slaughter. No ammount of skill can overcome the stat/expertise difference.


    Whilst some players have marginally better standard gear via datacrons etc, Expertise alone provides a 20% or higher bonus to battlemasters vs fresh 50's, let alone the stat discrepencies listed.


    So this gives the teams with the most / highest gear the largest advantage. Making it easier for them to complete dailies and harder for normal people to do them.

  12. I think the biochem "standard" re-usables should be useable by everyone, not just those with biochem spec. Then make the Rakata require biochem. Like other crafts, Cybertech etc all the mods/armouring are tradeable apart from the Rakata style bits.
  13. Just curious how other player's find each of these specs? I'm valor 49 with nearly all cent gear and 3 pieces of champ so far. So I'm not oober geared atm. But I was watchmen for a long time, but I tried respeccing to Focus and I have to say it seem's like a much easier/more noticeable damage?


    I've been getting 3/4k hits from Force Sweep, so between the force sweep rotation, heal debuff and such, I find that I have a far easier "rotation". Whereas with watchmen, it felt like I never really had any high DPS. My DPS across the warzone seem's better and my death's seem to drop as I'm more capable of killing people now, whereas before the dot damage alone wasn't enough to kill most players it seemed.


    Curious how other people find it, do you find yourself with more DPS being watchmen, is it better at higher geared levels?

  14. Why would you play a game that isn't skill based? I guess you just like to win, like playing GOD MODE in DOOM. No skill makes me lose interest.


    Most of my guild mates are thinking of quiting this game as they aren't interested in the gear grind. See lots of chat saying the same thing in general.


    They need to make 2 different server types, 1 for gear-grinders and 1 for skill based players who want equal gear. Please everyone that way!

  15. They should make the champ pieces you can get in the bags as a token to buy any champ piece. I was 0/60 on champ bags, but I'm only missing champ belt/bracer and gun now I think, maybe implant too. But yesterday on my sentinel, completed the first weeklies/dailies on him etc. Opened about 8 bags and got a champ drop straight away. Then I relogged to my vanguard and completed the quests opened the bag and got champ legs (which I already had). Would have been nice if I had a token, so that I could just buy the other pieces I need rather than spare legs lol.
  16. I guess I'll be joining the "see you in GW2" part lol.


    I never played WoW, it started off with only PvE which had no appeal to me what so ever. Since I didn't get into it from the start, I never did. I played DAOC and console games like COD and BF. DAOC had Realm Rank/Titles and a website to show the top earners. All of these games, asside from latency skill often plays a large part. Coming top on the leaderboards was what I played for. I could care less about the gear, the fact that time played is meant to show skill...


    Sure I can spend 12 hours a day, doing warzones, losing but still get the commendations to buy champ bags. But there is no skill in that. And like I said, those who played 1 toon for a long period are at an advantage. I decided to re-roll from Empire to Republic, as on my server it was probably a 3/1 ratio atleast. So we'd roll up to the Rep gates and just pull people down and kill them in seconds, get our dailys/weeklies down then leave.


    At the moment, this game does nothing to help fresh 50's. For those of you who have been 50 for 2months, the game is FAR easier for you than it is fresh 50's. As the game progresses, the more full BM opponents there become. The more BM opponents you face, the higher chance of them winning. On Ilum, the Empire on my server will just camp central all the time with 2x the Rep numbers. So the Republic stood almost no chance of completing the ilum challenges. Whilst the empire were completing it and getting gear faster.


    Now, 3 months into the game. That imbalance has come to light. It's much harder to be competative with a 20%+ advantage via expertise. If you think any ammount of skill can make up for that your kidding yourself.


    I wonder, how many of these "I like the gear grind" actually play Empire?

  17. I would much rather see a ranking system, like what DAOC had. You get a website with "top" earners so you can compare yourself with other players.


    The excitement is in the great fights, it's the excitement which keeps me playing games.


    Like in Call of Duty, getting a Tactical Nuke with nothing but a gun (no harriers/chopper gunner), simply by shooting people. This was amazingly exciting.


    So far, SWTOR doesn't have that excitement for me. It's all about how long you can play and focus on one toon in the hope to get the best gear so you can just facemash your face on the keyboard to win.


    I would much rather be on equal footings as said, so that way when I win it's exciting. I don't want to be in full BM Gear against a fresh 50 as there is no challenge in that.


    But it seems lots of players see time played as hardcore/skilled, the fact they have full BM gear makes them the best. How on earth people don't get bored after a week is beyond me. I really don't understand the mindset of the people who think like that.


    Give me ranked warzones on an even playing field, where the ranking is showed so that I get the excitement back in an MMO!

  18. Well now that BW doubled the valor gain in wzs, even a loss is amazing valor. People care even less now. Lots more afkers/node sitters. That's what you get when you cater to casuals. qq we want less of a grind, derrrrr ok here, oh thanks now I dont evne have to try!


    gg bw


    It always amazes me that people say this, how does time played = skill/hardcore?


    I can't wait to see half of you "hardcore grinders" in Guild Wars 2, to see how skilled you actually are. Compared to how much you need a gear advantage from playing 14hours a day.


    I've been playing 3 different toons, my Sorc from release who's nearly BM and was incredibly easy as when I hit 50 and was in the warzones, there were 10/49's in there too and there was very few high rank players, I doubt any had BM gear at the time. This was so easy to level up and get gear.


    Then I leveled my Vanguard, who was quite a bit harder as there were Battlemasters but I had a slight advantage for Voidstar/Alderaan that the Vanguard is probably the most mobile tank there is. So I could just range interupt anything at all.


    Now I have my Sentinel, where atleast 4/8 are Battlemasters in full BM gear. As soon as I pick any target, I get annihilated where I don't have enough PvP gear.


    The further into the game we get, the harder it is for fresh 50's to compete. So grats to those who've "grinded" 1 toon and now think they are skillful because they can destroy players with only 1 button.


    I think the changes were needed, to try and help those who are gradually reaching 50. Try and roll an alt and see how well you do to start with. The grind is far harder now than it was when you started.

  19. I do this, I play republic atm and more often than not it's Republic "scrubs" vs Imperial War Hero's/Battlemasters. On civil war, there's a point where you need to get all 3 nodes. If we reach that point after getting smashed there is no point in trying.


    This game is rewarding the players who focused on 1 character since release in PvP. Those who got the good gear now dominate. Those fresh 50's are getting hammered, making daily's harder to achieve etc. I'd rather just huddle together with the rest of my team in hopes to get a few more kills to see if any medals are possible. Get the defender node ones etc.

  20. It really depends. If the operations etc are to gain GEAR. Then how do you balance them for someone in no real gear, to those in full rakata? You can't quite simply. You make it hard for those with gear, then those without will fail miserably.


    I find the games which require you to grind for gear, generally don't hold my interest. Games where I can buy all my gear ready for when I hit 50, so the rest is down to skill is what draws me in. DAOC's open world PvP, where you would have fights of varying sizes and skill would be the decider 9/10 as everyone had similar gear. It was much more exciting knowing that you beat someone higher realm rank than you by being more skilled.


    Whereas in SWTOR, your chances of success without the top tier items is drastically different. Compare the stats of a BM/Full Rakata to a player who's fresh 50 and the chances of being competative are much lower regardless of skill.


    If you could buy/craft all of the gear, then I would say crank it right up. PvP would be better based on Skill and operations would be equal for everyone.

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