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Posts posted by Proppa

  1. All I ever see Operatives do, is Stab, Stab, Stab and they never seem to run out.


    I'm not saying this just to be a troll or anything, but literally every time I run into an op at 50, that's all he does. 2 Days ago when I last bothered to PvP, I had a 30s fight with an op and that was all he did the entire fight was Stab/Backstab.

  2. What are you talking about ? From valor rank 0 to valor rank 60 took me 4 days of doing ilum. Getting 3 pieces of BM gear for 600 WZ tokens + 600 Merc tokens while I did ilum. a week to get my BM light saber and 3 other pieces of BM gear. How much more easy do you want it to be ?




    So its been about 10 days since I got to 50 and I am 3 pieces off full Battle Master. Easiest pvp grind EVER!!


    I call BS.

  3. On the server I play my Vanguard on, the Imps do NEVER leave the central objective. They just sit there collecting armaments. The reps have to get 15+, then go up, harpoon 1 kill him fast, then maybe a couple more before generally getting wiped. The only good thing, is after so many imps get their 30 kills, it strarts to thin them out.
  4. I love how both these systems just support giving people with no life an unfair advantage, guild wars two skill based pvp system better nail it.


    I'm hearing alot about GW2 and it's something I can't wait to try! Let's get some of the people who think SWTOR is casual over there, see how competative they are then when all thing's are equal but skill ;).

  5. Are you crazy with your 400 matches number?


    I played about 20 matches yesterday, and made over 3000 warzone commendations. Bought 1000 merc commendations with all of those, and am saving up again to get 1000 warzone commendations so I can buy the big speeder.


    OK, I fubar'd my math there. I put the decimal in the wrong place. So more like 40/50 WZ matches. To me, that's still a hell of a lot of Warzones for 1 piece of armour. Whilst as I said, some people enjoy it and thinks that's casual. To me it isn't, I'd much rather have the gear at 50, then have things based on skill not gear.

  6. Also, 4000 Commendations is roughly 400 Warzone matches. At 10 minutes a pop that's 66hours playtime. That number to me seem's ridiculously high.


    I couldn't play 400 matches in the hope to get 1 piece at best. Whilst it may seem to some of you players that I'm just QQ Boohooing as someone above me put it. I WANT to be competative, I play CoD, Battlefield, DAOC for competative PvP. None of those games, you have to worry about "gear", if you're good it shows. I was in the top .5% on the COD Leaderboards, with fast reactions etc I would get Tactical Nukes with nothing more than my gun and the guns I pick up.


    But in SWTOR, the gear just almost gaurantees you the win. But then again, I also don't get the appeal for continuous PvE Flashpoints, to get items. After I've done them once, they lose interest as the reactions are identical every time you participate.


    To me, there is no thrill in that. The reason I play these games is because when you do well, it's exciting. So far SWTOR completely lacks the excitement for me. Mostly due to the need to grind for gear.


    In comparison, DAOC you could have the "best" gear, ready for when you reached level 50. So when you went to RvR, all gear was equal. Then the skill was what set players apart.

  7. I hate this system, it isn't skill based at all (PvP as a whole), it mostly boils down to who had their foot in the door first or the best luck with the RnG to get the best gear.


    A talentless player, with BM gear will 9/10 drop a skillful player with Centurion gear.


    Atleast in the MMO's like DAOC, all things template were equal on the battlefield, so player skill / tactics were a much more important feature. You could really shine if you knew what you were doing.


    But the grind in this game, does nothing but put me off. I've opened 50~ Champion Bags on my Vanguard and I find myself not even bothering to logon to get more.


    I'm not trying to be a QQ'er, I personally find it completely bizarre that people ENJOY focusing on Gear. I've never focussed on gear, but about skill. Whilst this game passes the time for me at the moment, I don't see myself playing it for long with this system. I've leveled 2 50's, both near Battlemaster with my Vanguard now at Valor 56, but I've just lost interest now pretty much.

  8. I much prefered DAOC's route, where the focus was on player skill and not the Gear. Everyone could be fully templated when they hit 50, so were ready and able upon PvPing.


    I'm upto 45 bags since dinging 50 and still only have around 5 champion pieces. I'm at Valor 55 aswell.


    I hate that I don't have all my "champion" PvP gear atleast, I never feel as good especially as I rolled my alt 2 months in, so there are Battlemasters/War Hero's in full gear tearing it up.


    I was in a match earlier, where we had atleast 5 battlemasters, 4 of which were a premade.

  9. It wasn't just the melee that excelled. It was the casting system too. Casters had the best DPS, but if didn't carefully position/pre-kite they couldn't do jack.


    Kiting, Extending, Pre-Kiting, Looping, Pushing etc... so many tactics and abilities you could use.


    Paladin, bodyguard... Switch BG, Slam->Doubler move onto next target, Slam->Doubler to peel them off etc.


    Had such a great depth, and very few "cooldowns" like in this game.

  10. I would say otherwise, the 250k protection in my warzone prevented plenty of deaths. So me and a healer was able to hold either door vs the majority whilst the other players could pick them off. It was me, 3 healer/hybrid and 4 dps iirc. Their team had no healers and would drop like flies when focus fired. They couldn't drop anyone on my team due to me switching guard. We managed to push hard enough and focus them when the DPS was necessary.


    There is lots of stuff which doesn't show up on the leaderboard, but 250k protection and no deaths was a good result.


    Every stat has its place, DPS is only good, if you follow it up with kills. But if you aren't getting kills, and just floating on the outside trying to get kills, you may also not have put much into the warzone.

  11. With a 2 to 1 empire to republic odds (atleast) you don't expect to get huttball? As its the only same faction warzone.


    I re-rolled Republic, and don't get enough huttball now!! lol.

  12. It's all about the players in that warzone and how well they gell.




    This was one of the best matches I've played and it was a complete pug, with no battlemasters vs imps with atleast 2 battlemasters.


    I got 250k protection, we destroyed them. We had great communication via chat and good players.


    I don't mean to sound like a stuck up ***, but bad players will be bad regardless. Good players can work well together and still be successful.


    Whilst it wasn't against a premade, the only match where a Pre-made really benefits is huttball, the other's it doesn't realy matter providing the players know who and what to target. Leaving that Sorc in the background free healing will obviously cause problems. etc

  13. Another thing to consider is to buy gear tactically. When I hit 50, I got my 6 bags (right after the bag change too so got the 15 and 7 comms in them) and use those comms to buy the ear piece, implants and a shield generator (tanking shadow) to add to my expertise, which between orange gear with lvl 50 purple mods (I saved up and made my own from cybertech) and tearing 25 expertise enhancements out of the lvl 46 weapons, I was sitting at around 14.5k hp, and 250 expertiese before I ever even entered my first lvl 50 match.


    And this, I had the expertise enhacements taken from the lvl 46 weapon and put onto my orange gear. Was valor 44 when I dinged 50, so I had more than enough comms lol.

  14. You need to buy/craft purple items for yourself.


    Since hitting 50 monday, I've opened 38 Champ bags. When I hit 50, I had 6 bags ready to open, I crafted myself 2 purple prototype implants, I bought a prototype earpiece with a augment slot. I had 48+ mods etc on my orange gear and I bought a purple belt/bracer and had the relics.


    After 2 days, I all daily/weeklys done twice giving me ~24 bags in 2 days. Which gave me enough to buy 3 champion items and the rest centurion.

  15. http://i.imgur.com/RbrX6.jpg


    Best protection so far.


    Against 4 Marauders etc on Voidstar. I was switching guard like a mofo, dropping taunts as soon as they were up aswell as the debuff. As you can see, they had no chance with the heals from Caridin, Elael and Ragorl.... I had 0 deaths.... Was addrenaline pumping.


    Total, 239499 protection, 33 kills, 196531 damage. 3 pocket healers... Their tanks must have been HELLA annoyed to not be able to kill anything.


    Killzo is a Battlemaster Marauder and he only managed 300k dps and 14 kills.... Ouch!

  16. 0/34 and counting. I don't like the old system or the new system. I wish there was a server where I could attain the gear quicker if I put my efforts into PvP. Yes I could Warzone grind, but your talking atleast 10 warzones to get a bag. There are like 10+ Flashpoinst for PvE gear/commendations w/e, so give me more ways to get Champ gear please!
  17. Losing isn't tied to your expertise rating, it's tied to your knowledge of the class you're playing. If you know what you're doing over time your win/loss rate will sit around 50% at the very least, assuming you're queuing with PUGs. Queuing with a team should boost your win rating significantly.


    I dont think thats the case in this game, the gear really does make a big difference. Less about player skill more about gear.

  18. Centurion gear sucks, but it sure is better than the old system if you weren't lucky.


    My alt is currently sitting at 0/33 for Champ Bags. Weeeeee!


    I have you beat!


    I wish they would just remove the ability to get items altogether from them and up the rewards more. Annoying when you hear some people get lots and others get nothing.

  19. Agreed. I hit 50 on my alt a few days back. It was far far easier and quicker to get it up to a 'competent' level of gear than it did on my main. Getting full champ and moving onto BM will still take a while (as it should), but getting up to a level where you can compete is pretty painless.


    I guess we have different gaming backgrounds, I hate the fact it takes so long to get gear and would much rather the focus be on player abilities than gear. I would much rather grind a couple of days and get everything, than spread it out over a month. I'm used to playing DAOC, where by the time you hit 50 you were full geared out, then you focused on realm ranks. Player skill had a much larger part in the outcome, opposed to gear.

  20. I've opened : 6 On dinging 50, 10 atleast upon doing first set of daily/weeklies on monday. Then another 10 atleast on tuesday. Then 6 more bags minimum monday to friday, in total I've opened atleast 30 bags and haven't recieved a single item just comms. Just checked, its 34 bags and no items. I'm Valor 53 and I'm starting to hit the wall. I wish there were more ways to get the bags, only 3 warzones get tiresome very quickly. Also theres like no PvE groups on my server, so I find myself playing less and less lol. I had teh stupid RNG system in this game, not had luck on any class so far.
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