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Posts posted by Proppa

  1. DAoC is so great that I had to google it just to figure out what it stands for. Lets copy that game!


    It is a 10 year old game, so not surprising some people haven't heard of it.


    But anyone who enjoys competative non-instanced gaming knows that it's superb PvP.


    From what I hear of WoW (Never played it), is that all you get is "instances" with the same op'd combination vs the same op'd combinations?


    DAOC you had variety, you would get fights 8v1, 8v4, 8v8, 8v16, 8v100. Some of the best fights I had in DAOC, were my group taking out 2/3 times our numbers of people who had no idea what to do. Just watching them all charge in, without a thought of where healers were etc.

  2. The trouble was, prior to WAR and DAOC being Mythic's only real money maker alot of the original staff had left. Not sure if anyone remembers Sanya, the community support lady? She is working on http://www.dominusthegame.com/game/faq/ and apparently plans to bring DAOC's PvP into a new age.


    There are other dev's who were the main designers into PvP have probably parted ways, now I would imagine that most of Mythic are just tweakers so to speak.


    So whilst Mythic and DAOC were great, I don't think that the original creater's of daoc still work for EA/Mythic etc.


    But yes, PvP DAOC win's hands down. But not just the PvP, the Character Progression being the main focus and there not being any need to do the gear grinding (well, for about 6 months after TOA there was a gear grind), but in recent years they realised people aren't interested in that so the main Focus is turning into PvP / Player Progression, Realm Ranks / Skills etc.


    SWTOR's system, I'm bored of after just 1 month~ of playing and I've cancelled my sub. The focus on the gear is something I really don't understand. There are so many thigns which could be improved.

  3. I don't always queue with friends, but when I do 9/10 people just let me die. They are happy all the while I heal them, but as soon as it comes to Guarding me, or peeling off me no one is to ever be seen.
  4. For every person who I have heard say it was easy, I have heard five to ten who have pointed out that it's frustrating enough that they quit.


    You have 19 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code........

  5. You have 19 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.......


    The game isn't fun, I find myself logging in less and less each day. By the time the billing cycle comes up, I doubt I will be logging on at all.

  6. Give me the ability to change factions with my sorcerer and I would happily do so.


    Release population figures, had I of known my server was so Imperial based when I started playing I would have switched to Republic.


    But yet, the Ilum daily is pointless. The rep's on Scepter of Ragnos wait for people to become impatient and just force pull/grapple them into their cannon.


    My play time has gone from 5+ hours a day, to probably an hour a day since the change. The realisation that the game is so far out of whack makes it not desierable to nplay.

  7. melee have the inherit downside of needing to be close when attacking enemies. this is usually made up for by them being more punishing on people when they do get close. with such a lame interrupt that isn't the case


    Melee also gain from heals, bubble etc to you know?


    Or did you annoy all the healers in the Warzones that they don't bother to actually help you any more?


    I group with a Marauder and a Mercenary quite often, I'll always position myself to be able to heal the Marauder and he can often survive 2/3 people beating on him whilst he rips the healers etc apart. If he gets into trouble I force pull him out. But most people, are probably to ignorant to realise that Healers actually heal them too.


    Unless your one of the melee's who put's themselves smack back in the middle of the enemy team, without considering the positioning of your healer.


    I'm also normally in Team speak with these people, or failing that I call out in /ops that they are out of range etc.


    Good communication and team work can set the good from the bad.


    If I get my main heal interupted, then it's more often than not game over.

  8. Yeah, you always have time to "fake cast". If you interupt the main heal on my sorcerer, your dps will greatly outweight my healing and it's not like I can interupt your melee to lock you out. If you then see my cast, you can knock me back or stun me to completely cripple me.


    The trouble is, I think Ranged are more aware of their positioning and whats going on around them. Whereas Melee will just charge right in most of the time without looking around, then get focus fired.


    I try my hardest to heal my entire group up, if I see someone taking DPS, especially Melee I will try and get them either out of the way (force pull), or healed up.


    I think people act way to singularly in this game. They often don't realise that these "oober healers" are actually healing more than just themselves in warzones. So realistically everyone is on an even playing field, the biggest problem is often that there isn't a balanced number of specs/classes put into warzones.


    There was a guy, with exactly the same thread of this, complaining because he joined a WZ with 5 Commando's and 3 Sages. Saying how they couldn't kill them. But at the same time, they wasn't dying either.

  9. People who say they can pull 350k EVERY Warzone exagerate. Unless your server is completely different to mine.


    Some matches, my team will dominate and score 6-0 in 2 minutes. So, there is rarely any time to heal.


    Other matches, I'm being focus fired and don't have guard so normally spend most of the match running back to try and help with the warzone.


    Other matches, I'm left alone and guarded and can exceed 400, and had some of 500k.


    But my "average" is probably 250k.


    You need to kind of get used to a rotation, I forget all the abilities names.


    But I normally Bubble - > Insta Hot - > Channel Heal -> Consumption. Then use Dark Heal if really necessary. Although sometimes I'll juse re-fire the Insta Hot - > Channel Heal -> Consumption. Obviously if people are huddled up, like on Huttball, your 5-0 up and all just huddlign around the ball, throw out AE's etc.


    The insta hot, grants a 500 armor boost (or there abouts) and the Channel Heal grants a "free" corruption. So you can gain force back.

  10. You level way to fast in this game.


    REALLY? I thought it was slow, tedious and boring.


    I don't want to level, it's why in DAOC I could pay certain people game currency to level me to 50 in around 6 hours. The focus of these games for me, isn't the grind to 50, but the PvP content when I get there.


    The quests in this game, are all pretty much the same. I have no interest running for 5 minutes on Belsavis to reach the quest way point etc :p.

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