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Posts posted by Proppa


    1.) Makes Crafting (except bio chem) to level 50 irrelevant- You can easily get to level 50 on drops and reward gear, the only reason to tweak your gear is to stay competitive in PVP from level 1-49.



    Today, I dropped 400 Synthweaving, 400 Underworld Trading and 400 of the other skill, to start leveling Biochem. I have the 2 Rakata pieces (bracer/waist), but the item's just aren't worth it.

  2. And Vindianajones hit the nail on the head.


    PvE content is static, you know exactly what every encounter will do and what you need to do to counter it or to win. How anyone can find this fun for more than 3 attempts is beyond me.


    PvP is dynamic, it's rare that any 2 fights are the same, or any 2 players react the same. DAOC excelled at this, with the 3 realm, 45 classes. But I was hoping that PvP would be better than it is.


    The Ilum change to me, put doubt into my head about the competancy of the PvP team. Knowing the imbalances between the factions how 30 kills was even a good idea, or the Armaments, which are like 2 spawns at a time which are player only not ops/group counting?


    Ilum itself, shouldn't have been changed at all, until the population imbalances were addressed.

  3. I got it out of curiosity, I saw it had a bit of PvP and I wanted to try it. So far the PvP has been a bit of a let down and the mechanics in the game aren't really designed to work on PvP combat, atleast now what I'm used to (DAOC).


    I haven't cancelled yet, although my subscription runs out on the 20th of feb (I missed the Jan cut off point), so if it doesn't catch my interest I will be cancelling by then.


    I have no interest in leveling, 7 days /played it took me to level my sorc spacebaring most of it. I should have looked into the game and seen what it was about, but I enjoy Star Wars and thought it's worth a shot.

  4. I'm an IA Medic, full heal spec, and I can get 400+ healing and 100k + dmg easily in ANY WZ, including Huttball, although Huttball is considerably more difficult to achieve this.


    I don't know what you're talking about 'but nothing more.'


    Also, AOE dmg hurts in this game, even more so if you're dumb enough to stand in it for the full duration.


    WTB screenshots of your next 20 wz matches to see you get 400k heal + 100k damage.

  5. As I said in the last duplicate post like this.


    Someone hitting a target who is guarded in weaker armor, will likely yield better DPS. I'm sure people hit my Sorc much harder than a Powertech for example. So your DPS'ing down 2 people for and doing the same DPS. With Focus Fire you can drop 2 players easier, if you learn to use interupts and everything properly.


    I never really found guard to be a problem for/against.

  6. I had a game with 5 sith juggernauts....


    But given the choice to change my Sith Sorcerer to any other class, I would probably happily accept it. I rolled it, so I could be a healer, healing in this game is cleary unappreciated so give me a DPS/Tank any day :p.

  7. Not really, a Ops hits you for 15% more than he would hit the juggernaut. So example, an operative hits Juggernaut for 5k, but hits you for 5750, his "dps" output is higher and the juggernaut absorbs half of that. So the juggernaut, will take more indirect damage long term.


    I've stood up with a Tank spec assassin and my heal spec sorc for long enough to get reinforcements (seemingly longer than in your vid). But that was both of us, focusing on keeping each other alive and preventing anyone from capping. We did very little damage during this time. But we are both in full PvP gear, 90% champ each only missin 1 or 2 items which are centurion. We were up against seemingly bad players with less HP's than my Sorc.


    Obviously, I eventually ran out of force, but long enough to get reinforcements. If 2 classes, focusing on nothing but DPS, stand upto 6/7 enemies, when however many of those may not be DPS specced etc. I know if there was 7 heal spec sages, they probably wouldn't kill us at all.

  8. Nope, players usually take the underdog classes and not the alpha classes. I mean who wants to be a winner and go Rambo! Therefore I totally agree with you


    For many, people don't have enough depth/understanding of the game to be able to make that kind of judgement of the first month of release.


    As I said above, give me the option to class respec and I would. I just don't want to PvE for another 7/8 days just to PvP again.

  9. Given the chance, I would happily re-roll after seeing how well my guildees/friends play on their chacters, Marauders, Powertechs and Merc's look fun as hell.


    But to be honest, leveling in this game bores me to death and the thought of having to redo Hoth and Belsavis alone put me off re-leveling.


    Hell even the Assasin and Juggernaut look fun.


    I chose the Sith Sorcerer, without any background knowledge of the game, I just noticed they had healing abilities and that was what I wanted to do.


    Give me a free respec and I would change to another class in a heartbeat. But the grind.... well I didn't enjoy spending 7 days of space-bar mashing :).

  10. 3k Damage is absurb?w


    Can I not reapply my bubble to another class, like a good healer providing them with the same apparent advantage?


    I may have been "abusing" it for months, but truth be told I still get spanked by any DPS class worth his weight. So without this "absurd abusive" feature, I would likely be a floor matt for people to wipe their feet on, as they progress to the next toon to beat on.

  11. You can kill most DPS easily, you make it sound like you have zero damage. It's not top of the line DPS, but it's good enough to kill a target 1v1 in the long run.


    I've never killed a DPS 1v1 that I can remember. Any dps which can't kill a HEAL sorcerer doesn't deserve a say.

  12. It's also important to mention, that AOE's are only effective when targetting downwards. Ever try and AE from the Pit onto the acid area or anything..... You can't.


    This is also completely ignoring the fact, that you have a class who can bubble your team. Everyone is able to be bubbled and double bubbled, but with dps/burst dps as high as it can be it clearly isn't a problem. If people focus fire, that target is going to dye regardless.


    If some one want's try try and get a quick/easy 1v1 against my Sorcerer and I managed to keep myself bubbled/healed before I can either escape or get backup, then it's his fault for being a greedy medal hunter.

  13. It's not 67%, it's all the time unless you are a buffoon playing your character. When I have a Sage with me, he buffs himself with the bubble, waits 10s, then charges in battle, lose, cast 2nd bubble, die, rinse and repeat.


    It's your situation that's abnormal. Not everyone is a healer spec staying alive for 10 minutes.


    So, the Sage dies regardless?


    He waits 10 seconds.... so he's spending 1/3 of the time in Warzones waiting.... whilst his timer runs down?

  14. If you make sprint CC invulnerable sure.


    Slow from force lighting, which does 1800 damage over the duration of the channel. You'll reach me easily and laugh of the 1800 damage.

  15. So 1/3 of the time you can double bubble yourself.


    But then, after your double bubbled your extremely weak again. If I manage to survive through it and I run into a DPS class without bubble up..ouch!

  16. The only match, where you will really have the Barrier after the debuff would be Huttball. You are almost instantly back in combat on Voidstar / Alderaan. So you apply as soon as you respawn, then start to travel. If the bubble lasts long enough that the debuff is down, then you can double bubble.


    However, if you get hit 5 seconds after you have to wait 15 seconds for the debuff to remove. Or, you double bubble, to absorb the lower dps, but within a couple of hits, both bubbles are down and you are now up ****'s creek without a paddle. As you then have the full 15~ seconds without being able to reapply. You can be sure as hell that I'll be dead within that time.

  17. Except 66.7% of the time you are in a state where you cant double bubble.


    Probably rarer than that, the likelyhood is that you will not be attacked at 19 seconds, so that you can instantly re-apply the bubble.

  18. I don't really notice double bubble, the likelyhood is that it's only from the start of the match that it's applied. 6k Damage, is still not even a good hit from solid dps classes.


    I don't really see it as that bad especially that sorc's are probably the #1 target for any true DPS.

  19. Results from 6 matches, on my Sorc who is only missing Champion Boots (has Cent ones).


    Civil War:

    17292 Damage / 5 Kills / 5 Deaths / 211083 Healed 4 Medals.


    39797 Damage / 9 Kills / 3 Deaths / 254268 Healed 4 Medals.

    85528 Damage / 22 Kills / 4 Deaths / 257630 Healed 6 Medals.

    57834 Damage / 25 Kills / 1 Death / 178562 Healed 6 Medals.

    40412 Damage / 22 Kills / 2 Deaths / 349801 Healed 6 Medals.


    35388 Damage / 17 Kills / 1 Death / 347827 Healed / 5 Medals.


    During most of these, I was left to my own devices at the back/up high free healing/dps.


    Most of the time, the DPS classes had atleast equal to, or greater than my max healing.


    But you can see how the number's don't really correlate, 50k damage netted more kills than 85k damage. It's just that sorc damage is consitent and not burst. I did an average of 2300 damage to each person I hit for 60k dps.

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