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Everything posted by Hi_Im_A_Sith

  1. I was able to use champ gear before valor 50, though. Not usre why
  2. Pretty much all I do is the WZ and hard mode flashpoint dailies.
  3. I think it's a nice sentiment, a way of saying goodbye to people "lost"
  4. This, tracer missle just screams " Interrupt me NOW!!!! "
  5. Anything to give them more of a story is a good idea in my book. It took me two playthorughs to figure out why they were even renegade
  6. I'm doing the same, but I was an immortal spec'd juggy. It's not that they were UP, I just learned that I REALLY don't enjoy tank pvp as much as I do damage spec'd.
  7. I was merely stating that one of the sole, and most prominent factors in the game that makes it even remotely different from other MMOs is the fact that it actually has a story (multiple really) to it. If stating that makes me a fanboy in your book, then yes, I'm a fanboy.
  8. If you don't care about the stories you might as well be playing WoW :/
  9. Just take the companion out, then go into your inventory. Then you just need to right click the gift and it'll go through a 3 or so second channel thingy to give it to them.
  10. I hane never been "begged" for credits. I think "asked" would be the better word, as they weren't very persistent.
  11. Pretty much how i feel on the topic......
  12. If you're a warrior, you need to be a juggernaut to wear heavy armor.
  13. I got it on my first try with my merc :/
  14. From my experience in WZs, troopers have way more survivability. In general, smugs are easy kills unless they get the jump on you.
  15. I deleted my lvl 18 sentinel Twi Lek just because of the hood issue
  16. You could be the strongest lacky in the galaxy!
  17. Exactly what Painstorm said. LFGing either takes forever, or it doesn't even get you a group in the end.
  18. What kind of tracer missle hits for that much, every single time??? Myself and majority of the people I've met in game are mercs and I've never encountered that high of a damage output from tm alone
  19. Server: Lord Adrass (USA East Coast, RP) Chars: Rethe (lvl 50 merc), Ikavoo (lvl 50 Jugg), Draak (lvl 19 sorc) Guild: Aegis
  20. The person you're quoting is talking about the real life, dictionary definition, not some MMO terminology that some "forever aloner" came up with in his mom's basement -_-
  21. My third Imperial toon is level 19, and I'm really neglecting it due to the sole reason of not wanting to do all the exact same side quests over again.....
  22. Were they low level? Maybe they didn't know what an AC was?
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