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    London, England
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    Wordsmithing, watching, listening, F****ing and F***ing.
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  1. I propose, for the next expansion or the following one, that BW add a Third (Neutral) Faction - Hutts/Czerka/A neutral force. A third faction would help with pvp faction inbalance, especially in the open world if handled correctly. (See DAOC and plans for GW2) The classes could be set up as follows: - Knight/Warrior equivalent (There are plenty of possibilities, plenty of Vibrosword users in the SW universe. Maybe Wookies or Gamoreans.) - Consular/Inquisitor equivalent (This might be more tricky to come up with but I'm sure there are options.) - Bounty Hunter (Port the Bounty Hunter in from the Empire side but make it a neutral version, as it would save BW a great deal of production time and make sense from a RP and PvP balance standpoint.) - Smuggler (The same deal as the Bounty Hunter but taken from the Republic side.) This is only the basis for an idea but perhaps we can develope it here. If people think it's any good maybe we can catch the attention of a dev. I just wondered what people thought.
  2. *Claps* Thank you OP! It is very refreshing to see a post that isn't the usual whiney drivel of frustrated morons. A collection of well thought out and correct points. PvP is pretty damn close to balanced all things considered. A few minor adjustments here and there but on the whole, a great job BioWare. I thoroughly disagree about JK/SW's being exclusively tanks, they have double the dps trees to tank tree's after all. However that is another discussion completely and we shouldn't detracted from the OP's original point. BioWare need to focus on bringing us more warezones, fixing bugs and balancing pvp populations on both sides. The balance is fine and can wait for minor adjustments.
  3. A respec cost cap? Yes! A lot of people are still working out the in's and out's of their skill trees and the prospect of an ever increasing cost is terrifying as R&D person within my guild. A second role/multiple roles? Yes. The system within Rift was excellent and especially useful for smaller guilds, where if the same person was a raid healer but dps in every other aspect of the game they could swap roles to accomodate. If groups were missing members everyone would shuffle their roles to get the best possible team. The utility of it is to obvious to not implement and I really doubt there is one negative to the system. Switch advanced classes? No. The AC's are seperate classes within an overarching class. I could foresee many issues with loot, skills and balance (Espcially when some classes would be able to fulfill every role as opposed to others, like JK/SW with 1 Tank tree and 4 DPS?) arising from people swapping ACs. It isn't the same as swapping roles either, which is simply moving points around within your skill tree as opposed to switching the entire AC where you would be changing your gear completely, the entire skill tree and set abilities. BUT, and I emphasise the but, it should be made a lot more clear how important the decision of choosing your AC is. I don't think the game made it clear enough just how important and final the decision was.
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