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Everything posted by Hi_Im_A_Sith

  1. You get your ship way before the end of act 1, usually around 17-18
  2. I have 2 50s on Lord Adrass, and honestly Reps have quality, while we have quantity.
  3. Doesn't say he has to be in defense mode
  4. I summon Admiral Ackbar in attack mode.....
  5. I've read walkthroughs on the invisible door plant. It has to do with exploiting a bug on someone using group stealth, and then someone else using their individual stealth in a certain way.
  6. Rethe/Ikavoo (Empire on Lord Adrass server) More than willing to help anyone of any level out
  7. It's not just the Black Hole area, most areas on most servers are pretty dead in general >_>
  8. This, someone from Jedi Covenant would never have even heard of the most well known guilds on my server (Lord Adrass).
  9. Pretty sure it's a global unlock, so it counts for all of your characters on that server.
  10. My server is pretty average when it comes to population (average for this game, at least). I've seen it take 30+ minutes to pop, other times it takes 5 minutes, and other times 20. It all depends on the time you're trying at.
  11. Kaleesh would look BA as anything really. I've always wanted a Kel Dor, but I never got one
  12. You need to go to the npc on the fleet in the crew skills section for armstech. You can buy more schematics there.
  13. Why does it seem that almost everybody rates the trooper story as one of the most boring of the 8. I'm only on Alderaan (act 1), but so far I'm loving it. Does it get really boring in the other acts, or do I just have unique taste?
  14. crit just means the attack does more damage than usual.
  15. Weekly is pretty easy for me to complete in 3-4 days
  16. I'm on Alderaan with my alt, and I'm at the point where my class quests don't give exp due to me being too far ahead of them. Never done a space mission, either. So no, don't think they have to add MORE side quests
  17. Why would ANYONE play a non-forcce user if they couldn't even come close to killing them?
  18. If you want to dps, merc is an easy class to deal out high crits with. If you want to heal, I know op healing is pretty good right now, and that merc healing just got nerfed. From what I've heard, both stories are really good (I only know the bh one from experience).
  19. The OP is asking if you get the SW companions and the BH companions to all 10,000 affection (for example), will the bonuses you get stack if one or two are the same type (presence, damage reduction, etc).
  20. There's an elevator. Otherwise, I remember just hugging the cliff and skirting down the side
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